Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Past Movie Scratches: Night-- Raiders-- Crusade-- Story-- Wonder-- Half

See if you can guess the movies by the one-word in this entry's title.

Past Movie Scratches--  Movies I saw on TV in 2020 and a RoadDog's comments.

175.  NIGHT SCHOOL--  12-21--  The past keeps coming back to haunt him.  Dig Mac, what can I say?  "I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it."  Not a black voice.

176.  RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK--  12-23--  Indy & the Nazis and snakes.  "It's beautiful."

177.  INDIANA JONES:  THE LAST CRUSADE--  12-23--  Gets his whip, gets his hat.  Nazis again.  "I hate those guys."  "Don't call me Junior."  Look for the Grail, find the Grail, get the Grail.  "Choose wisely."  Planes, boats, motorcycles, dirigibles, airplane, automobile and a tank.  Wasn't there a movie about that with Steve Martin and John Candy?

178.  A CHRISTMAS STORY--  12-24--  A seasonal favorite.  "You'll shoot your eye out."  Ol' Blue, Black Bart & his gang.  "It's a clinker" and the Chinese "Deck the Halls."

179.  WONDER--  12-25--  Auggie has a hard road to hoe, but did it with a lot of help.

180.  HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE--  12-26--  Romance everywhere as we find future couples.  Draco's task. Snape's promise.  Severus Snape, the man of few, slow words.


THINGS YOU'D LIKE TO SAY:  I'm not being rude.  You're just insignoficant.

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