Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Every Bloomin' Thing-- Early June

As usual, the yard is in all its glory this time of the year.

Right now, it is a sea of white from the hundreds of daisies and purple from all the wild phlox. In addition, the moss phlox are still in bloom, but starting to fade. In addition, my two iris varieties, a yellow and purple are doing their thing at various places around the yard. One clematis has a bloom and several others are budding.

Plus, I have planted Russian sage, hopewell, and three Asiatic red lillies that are in bloom. The candytufts have lost their white, but pink and red plants similar to them are in bloom. I sure wish I could remember the names.

The Japanese lilac trees are ready to burst into white bloom, plus the three Miss Kim lilacs are just starting to bloom with that great smell. The two starburst honeylocusts in the front are a magnificent gold.

Been transplanting lots of mums, moss phlox, phlox, peonies, purple coneflowers, and black-eyed susans. Doing a serious trimming of the bushes in Frances' Back 40 and the yews scattered around the yard. Wouldn't it be nice if you could decree that a bush or tree remain a same-size once it gets to it?

I continue to bring in laundry baskets of mulch from Rick's. Can't beat the price...FREE!!!

The mama mallard is still on the nest by the air conditioner and I try not to bother her. Brer Rabbit acts like he "owns" the yard.

Green Thumb and Achin' Back. --RoadDog

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