Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Music Deaths: Bill Dana (Jose Jiminez) and Bo Wagner (Member of Starbuck)
Died June 15, 2017.
Comedian. His "Astronaut" comedy skit he performed as Jose Jiminez went to #19 in 1961. He also wrote the famous "All in the Family" episode where Sammy Davis, Jr. kissed Archie Bunker.
Died June 20, 2017.
Co-founder of the Atlanta-based band Starbuck. Played the marimba on "Moonlight feels Right" (#3-1976)
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Bruce-- Blart-- Groundhog-- Big-- Starship-- Tub
These are movies I saw on TV in 2016.
25. BRUCE ALMIGHTY-- 2-1-- Beware the Butt Monkey.
26. PAUL BLART: MALL COP-- 2-1-- Sure has a way of rising to the occasion.
27. GROUNDHOG DAY-- 2-2-- The end of a very long day.
28. THE BIG YEAR-- 2-2-- This one's for the birds.
29. STARSHIP TROOPERS-- 2-3-- Puke hoke, but a great movie anyway.
30. HOT TUB TIME MACHINE-- 2-7-- Screw-ups end up back 20 years to redo their mess-ups.
Fightin' Them Big Spiders. --RoadDog
LIFE'S LITTLE TRUTHS: I finally got my head together and my body fell apart.
Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Every Blooming THing, End of August
The Dog Days of Summer aren't so doggy this year as we have had plenty of rain. Usually, in early July, I raise the blades on the riding mower from 2 1/2 inches to three inches and start cutting every 1 1/2 weeks to two weeks.
This year, I am still cutting at 2 1/2 inches and every week, except this past one when we were in Galena, Illinois.
I still have to pressure wash the deck and stain it as well as cut most of the part of the Bradford pear tree that blew down last fall. Of course, I am still working on on the flower beds. That is a never-ending job, but I enjoy it. But bees are getting to be a bit of a problem right now as the goldenrods and sedum are blooming.
Unfortunately, my crabapple trees continue losing their leaves. The one in the northwest corner berm has lost just about all of its leaves as has the one at the southeast corner. I found out the leaf loss is caused by a fungus that gets much worse during rainy times, which is what we had in spring and July.
The black-eyed Susans and purple coneflowers are still blooming and the mums are starting to bloom. I also have a pink/purple perennial starting to bloom.
Today, a chipper (what we call the chipmunks) come up to me or a peanut. I like to go out to the deck and eat peanuts in the shell and have been tossing them a few. Guess they want more.
LIFE'S LITTLE TRUTHS: One of life's mysteries is how a two pound box of candy makes you gain five pounds.
This year, I am still cutting at 2 1/2 inches and every week, except this past one when we were in Galena, Illinois.
I still have to pressure wash the deck and stain it as well as cut most of the part of the Bradford pear tree that blew down last fall. Of course, I am still working on on the flower beds. That is a never-ending job, but I enjoy it. But bees are getting to be a bit of a problem right now as the goldenrods and sedum are blooming.
Unfortunately, my crabapple trees continue losing their leaves. The one in the northwest corner berm has lost just about all of its leaves as has the one at the southeast corner. I found out the leaf loss is caused by a fungus that gets much worse during rainy times, which is what we had in spring and July.
The black-eyed Susans and purple coneflowers are still blooming and the mums are starting to bloom. I also have a pink/purple perennial starting to bloom.
Today, a chipper (what we call the chipmunks) come up to me or a peanut. I like to go out to the deck and eat peanuts in the shell and have been tossing them a few. Guess they want more.
LIFE'S LITTLE TRUTHS: One of life's mysteries is how a two pound box of candy makes you gain five pounds.
cutting grass,
Every Blooming THing,
The Yard
Monday, August 28, 2017
WLS Top Ten for August 25, 1967: "Carrie Anne"
Fifty years ago, these were the Top Ten songs in Chicago according to the WLS Silver Dollar Survey.
1. WE'RE IN LOVE-- Cryan' Shames "It Could Be We're in Love"
2. LIGHT MY FIRE-- Doors
4. ODE TO BILLY JOE-- Bobbie Gentry
5. CARRIE ANNE-- Hollies
6. THANK THE LORD-- Neil Diamond "Thank the Lord for the Night Time"
8. REFLECTIONS-- Diana Ross & the Supremes
9. SILENCE IS GOLDEN-- Tremeloes
10. YOU NEED LOVE-- Beatles "All You Need Is Love"
Name That Tune (from above songs): "Daytime Turns Me Off and I Don't Mean Maybe." Answer below. --RoadDog
LIFE'S LITTLE TRUTHS: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diet.
"Thank the Lord for the Night Time"
Friday, August 25, 2017
Happy 44th Anniversary, Liz!!
Forty-four years ago today, Liz and I got married in DeKalb, Illinois, at the Newman Center on the campus of Northern Illinois University,where we had graduated in May. We had the reception at the Holiday Inn (now Red Roof Inn) in DeKalb.
We then drove out to Galena, Illinois, and to our room at the Palace Motel (now the Ramada Inn). Galena had not yet become the big tourist spot it is today.
We went back to Galena Wednesday and are still here today.
That Was One Busy Day. --RoadDog
Dekalb Illinois,
Galena Illinois,
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Going Back to Summer '77-- Part 9: "Smoke Of A Distant Fire"
WHAT YOU GONNA DO-- Pablo Cruise
ALLISON-- Elvis Costello
MARGARITAVILLE-- Jimmy Buffett The song that kicked it off for Parrothead Nation. Searching for that lost shaker of salt. The reason we named our basement bar Margaritaville.
LIGHTS OUT-- UFO Always guaranteed to get me out on Name That Tune.
SLEEPWALKER-- Kinks I have been listening to a lot of Kinks music between those 60s hits, "Lola" and their 80s come-back with "Come Dancing." They had some really good stuff like this one.
ON AND ON-- Stephen Bishop
SMOKE OF A DISTANT FIRE-- Sanford Townsend Band Back when it was really popular for local bands to have two names like our Thompson-Rydburg Band
JUST A SONG BEFORE I GO-- Crosby, Stills & Nash What! No Young?
TRAFFIC JAM-- James Taylor A fun little ditty from James
ARIELLE-- Dean Friedman
DON'T STOP-- Fleetwood Mac Music from this group was everywhere.
Name That Tune (from above songs): "Nibblin' On Sponge Cake, Watchin' the Sun Bake." Answer below. --RoadDog
LAWS OF PARENTING: The gooier the food, the more likely it is to end up on the carpet.
"Margaritaville" of course.
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Rock and Roll Roots,
Summer 1977,
Summer Songs,
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
If You Want to Hear Some Really Good Music, 1967
'Fessa John Hook, the end-all and be-all of Beach Music (and, I'm not talking about Beach Boys or Jan and Dean, but the southeast music played along the coast) has a site worth visiting at beachshag,com. Go to it and scroll down to Click here to listen.
Once there, you have three great choices to hear a four hour show: Beach Music Top 40 (Beach Music today), Beach Music Class reunion (Top 40 for a specific year) and Roadhouse Blues, Boogie & Fish Fry (like the title says).
Right now he is playing Beach music for one of my favorite years, 1967. Some of the songs I know, others I don't.
Some of his songs in the Top 40 from 1967:
SHE'S THE ONE I LOVE-- Delacardos
TOUGH DON'T BOTHER ME-- Billy Scott & the Georgia Prophets
SECRET LOVE-- Billy Stewart
BROWN EYED GIRL-- Van Morrison (and he plays part of the banned version)
I'M YOUR PUPPET-- James & Bobby Purify
The #1 song for the year was "39-21-40 Shape." by the Showmen (General Johnson of the Chairman of the Board).
Give It a Listen (Or Any of the Three Choices): --RoadDog
LAWS OF PARENTING: The surest way to get something done is to tell a child not to do it.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Well, That Eclipso-Mania Sure Was a Dud Aound Here
With all that buildup and press, viewing the eclipse here in northeast Illnois sure was a washout. We had clouds and it got about as dark as it does 1-2 hours before sunset bit that was all.
It was kind of like an Al Capone's Vault If You know what I mean.
But, those people along the path of total eclipse got quite a show as I could see on TV. I especially liked those time-lapse shots. And, 50,000 showed up in Carbondale, Illinois, at the SIU Saluki Stadium for the event.
Not Overly Impressed. --RoadDog
Monday, August 21, 2017
Ten Songs For Your Solar Eclipse
Today's Ten at Ten on Chicago's WDRV, 97.1 FM, the Drive was about you-know-what. If you missed it, they will broadcast it again at 10 p.m. Central.
The month of August is listeners telling WDRV where to go for Ten at Ten. Listeners submit a topic and ten songs. Today's ten was submitted by Bob Sanks of Des Plaines.
Here they are:
AIN'T NO SUNSHINE-- Bill Withers
MOON SHADOW-- Cat Stevens
BAD MOON RISING-- Creedence Clearwater Revival
MOONDANCE-- Van Morrison
Good Job Bob!! --RoadDog
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Ten at Ten,
I'll Be Glad When All This Eclipso-Mania Is Over-- Ten at Ten "The Sun and the Moon" and Then Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"
I am about to gag on all this eclipse stuff. That's about all you hear about if it not the Confederate monument debate. (Well, at least the eclipse stuff takes my mind off the horrible thing going on now in our country involving the Confederacy.)
I understand all north-south roads from here in northern Illinois and going to southern Illinois, especially around Carbondale, are packed. We're not going there.
The most I will do is go out and sit FP (Front Porch), OD (On Deck) or in the gazebo and enjoy the dark and try not to look at that sun, which I understand wouldn't be too good on my eyesight.
Of course, weather forecasts call for clouds over the Chicago area, but we will see.
Ten at Ten on Chicago's Drive, 97.1 FM, WDRV will be doing The Sun and the Moon because of you know what. It streams at www.wdrv.com at 10 a.m., CDST and again at 10 p.m.. Just in case you can't get enough of this blackout.
Afterwards, the Drive will be playing Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album.
No, Not See, I Hope.
Now You See It, Now You Don't. --RoadDark
LAWS OF PARENTING: If the shoe fits ... it's expensive.
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Ten at Ten,
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Going Back to the Summer of '77-- Part 8: "Fooling Yourself"
Forty years ago, you'd be listening to these songs on your radio or in your record collection.
MOODY BLUE-- Elvis Presley Still had it in him. But he died August 16, 1977.
TELEPHONE LINE-- Electric Light Orchestra
ESTIMATED PROFIT-- Grateful Dead I'd never heard this one before.
GIVE A LITTLE BIT-- Supertramp
BLACK BETTY-- Ram Jam I suppose you couldn't release a song like this in these days.
TWIGS AND SEEDS-- Jesse Winchester What you think he's talking about.
PIGS-- Pink Oink Oink, Oink.
I'M IN YOU-- Peter Frampton 1976 and 1977 were two pretty good years for the guy.
Name That Tune (from above songs): "He Was a Hard-Headed Man, He Was Brutally handsome." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Life In the Fast Lane"
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Rock and Roll Roots,
Summer 1977,
WLS Top Ten for August 18, 1967: "It Could Be We're in Love"
I was planning to do this yesterday, on the actual date, but had internet connection problems for this blog and three others.
1. WE'RE IN LOVE-- Cryan' Shames (Actually, "It Could Be We're In Love.")
2. LIGHT MY FIRE-- Doors
4. CARRIE ANNE-- Hollies
5. COME ON DOWN TO MY BOAT-- Every Mother's Son
6. CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU-- Frankie Valli
7. BLUES THEME-- Arrows
8. YOU NEED LOVE-- Beatles (Actually, most of us know this as "All You Need Is Love.")
9. ODE TO BILLY JOE-- Bobbie Gentry
10. THANK THE LORD-- Neil Diamond (Actually, "I Thank the Lord for the Night Time)
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "There's Nothing You Can Do That Can't Be Done." --Answer Below. --RoadDog
CUBS-SOX CROSSTOWN RIVALRY: Sox fan to Cub fan-- "You can't even get a decent slice of pizza at your place. (And then the real zinger) I've had better pizza in New York."
"All You need Is Love" or, as WLS listed "You Need Love." I have to wonder who they had making this Silver Dollar Survey.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Going Back to the Summer of 1977-- Part 7: "Peace of Mind"
This past Sunday, we had Bob Stroud do the third part of his annual salute to summer 40 years ago. He played the songs on the radio and in our record collections on August 13, 1977.
Back in that summer, we were living at 1013 Morningside in Round Lake Beach, Illinois, and enjoying our summer vacation from teaching. Both of us taught in the Round Lake school system. Liz taught first grade at Beach School and I taught 7-8th grade at Magee Middle School.
We sure had a great time with our neighbors back then.
Here are the songs Bob played:
LONELY BOY-- Andrew Gold Born in '51 just like me.
WE JUST DISAGREE-- Dave Mason One of the best songs ever.
I ROBOT-- Alan Parsons Group
JET AIRLINER-- Steve Miller Band Sure enjoyed seeing him play this song at the Indy 500 Carb Day.
DARK STAR-- Crosby, Stills & Nash All those great harmonies.
YOU AND ME-- Alice Cooper
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Leaving Home Out On the Road I've Been Down Before." Answer below. --RoadDog
SOX-CUBS CROSSTOWN RIVALRY: Sox fan to Cub fan-- "Wrigleyville isn't even real Chicago. Once you get north of Division Street you might as well be in Wisconsin."
"Jet Airliner"
Bob Stroud,
Rock and Roll Roots,
Summer 1977,
Summer Songs,
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Glen Campbell's "William Tell Overture"-- Part 3: Ride 'Em Cowboy at the OldPuppet bar in Fox Lake, Illinois
And then, there was Glen Campbell's "William Tell Overture," the theme of "The Lone Ranger" as he rode the horse which gave us the idea for Riding the Horse. You should really, at this point if not familiar with Campbell's version of it, go to You Tube and watch it. How anyone could play a guitar that fast is beyond me.
Anyway, we'd explain to the people that if someone rides up to you on the stick horse and handed it to you, it was now your job to take it, ride it over to someone else and hand it off.
Now, we really had a great time doing this and some people REALLY got into riding that horse. We'd go through a stick horse every couple months.
And, if a girl thought she'd avoid riding it by running into the bathroom, she'd be followed in to the consternation of people already in there.
(There was a cut out of an Indian brave in the women's room with a cloth loincloth. Should a patron lift it up to see what was under, a buzzer would go off and lights would start flashing in the bar. Some mighty embarrassed ladies would come out of the bathroom.)
Anyway, Like I Said, Ya Couldn't Beat Fun at the Old Puppet Bar. Wish It Was Still There.--RoadDog
Glen Campbell's "William Tell Overture"-- Part 2: "Bobbing For Beer" and the Funnel Club at the Puppet Bar
Continued from August 10.
Now, being the deejay, I was the one who did all these things when i was there, which was very often.
Yep, we sure had a good old time at the Old Puppet Bar. Not only did we have the "God Bless America" flag/sparkler thing and the puppets doing their thing, but also guys doing their best cheerleader routines to "YMCA." Big ol' drunk guys showing what they got. Oh well!!
There was also "Bobbing for Beer" which we had Thursdays during the summer. Import bottles of beer were placed in an old bathtub filled with ice and ice water and for a buck, you could see if you could bob for them. It was a buck savings and worth it if you didn't chip a tooth. They got me to do it once and putting my face in the water made me think that hell isn't all that hot because I sure was in it.
Then there was the Funnel Club where you had to get a quarter placed on your forehead into a funnel which was placed spout down on the inside of your pants. People who succeeded would get a red funnel with their name placed on the wall behind the bar. Of course, as you tried to flip that quarter, someone would come up and pour water down the funnel.
One thing that didn't work out too well was Musical Chairs for adults. Sounded like a good idea, but in reality, getting a bunch of drunk adults to do this is not a good idea.
Like I said, this was one really fun place. And, I promise I will tell you about "The William Tell Overture" by Glen Campbell.
Some Folks Also Did Not Like Their Initiation Into the Funnel Club For Some Reason. --RoadDog
CUBS-SOX CROSSTOWN RIVALRY: Cubs Fan to Sox Fan-- "Cubs are the sound foundation from which grows a mighty bear."
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Some More On Glen Campbell-- Part 2: Country Crossover
He was among a wave of country crossover stars into the pop market including Johnny Cash, Roy Clark and Kenny Rogers and like many of his contemporaries, enjoyed success on television where he had a weekly audience of fifty million for his "Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour" on CBS from 1969-1972.
Campbell had more than 70 albums. There was a documentary "Glen Campbell I'll Be Me" about his 2011-2012 farewell tour and his decline from Alzheimer's.
The song "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" won a Grammy for best country song in 2015.
A sharecropper's son and one of 12 children, he was born outside of Delight, Arkansas. He learned to play the guitar at age 4.
Dead Page,
Glen Campbell,
Music Deaths 2017,
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Some More On Glen Campbell-- Part 1: 45 Million Records
From the August 9, 2017, Chicago Tribune obituary by Kristin M. Hall, AP.
"In the late 1960s and into the 1970s, the Arkansas native seemed to be everywhere, known for his boyish face, wavy hair and friendly tenor. He won five Grammys, sold more than 45 million records and had 12 Gold Albums and 75 chart hits, including #1 songs with "Rhinestone Cowboy" and "Southern Nights."
"His performance of the title song from "True Grit," a 1969 film in which he played a Texas Ranger, alongside John Wayne received an Academy Award nomination. He twice won album of the year awards from the Academy of Country Music and was voted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2005. Seven years later, he received a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement."
Dead Page,
Glen Campbell,
Music Deaths 2017
Monday, August 14, 2017
Movie Scratches: Guardians-- Circle-- Guardians- Woman
Movie Scratches, Movies I've seen at the Theater in 2017.
33. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOL. 2-- 5-2 Woodstock, $5-- Meeting Dad and Lil' Groot.
34. THE CIRCLE-- 5-16-- Round Lake Beach, $6-- So wonderful. So scary. Do we really want everyone knowing what we are doing.
35. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, VOL. 2-- 6-7-- Fox Lake, $6-- One of those movies you just have to see twice. Drax thinks it's funny and Lil' Groot steals the show.
36. WONDER WOMAN-- 6-13-- Woodstock, $5-- I'd follow this gal across anybody's "No Man's Land."
The Mysterious Seat Stain? --RoadDog
2017 Movie Scratches,
Movie Scratches,
JSS: "Bad Moon Rising"-- Brave Combo-- Polka and Zydeco
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. "BAD MOON RISING"-- Sitting here a-typin' away with my two little fingers and WXRT, 93.1 FM in Chicago is playing "Bad Moon Rising" at 8:04 a.m.. I reached for my flip-phone, thinking perhaps I had a call as it is my ringtone. But, the phone was upstairs. I usually don't have it with me.
Of course, Creedence Clearwater Revival is my favorite group from the late 60s early 70s.
2. BRAVE COMBO-- I was reading an article about FitzGerald's in Berwyn, Illinois, being for sale after being open for almost 40 years. It is the home of Americana Music and, sad to say, since it is so far away, I've never been there.
But, they mentioned one band that plays there regularly, Brave Combo, and described them as a polka-rock band. With that description, I just had to give that description I just had to give them a listen.
As soon as I got downstairs to the ole 'pute, I went to Good Ol' You Tube and am listening to them right now. Great band!! Reminds me a lot of The Happy Schnapps Combo and the DeKalb Footstompers. Happy Schnapps Combo had a big hit called "No, I Don't Wanna DoDat" on Dr. Demento. Their music is described as "Polka On Acid." Check 'em out on You Tube.
3. POLKA AND ZYDECO -- Let's face it, Polka is real fun music. You ever watch people when a polka song comes on? Lots of smiling faces and then there is the movement, whether their dancing or not. Same with zydeco music. When we used to go to Summerfest in Milwaukee, you could always tell where the zydeco bands were as that is where you'd see everyone smiling and moving.
Serbian Heat As Brave Combo Calls Their Music. --RoadCombo
Saturday, August 12, 2017
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 7: "Pleasant Valley Sunday"
The number after the performer is how high it got on Billboard's Top 100 chart.
10. WHITE RABBIT-- Jefferson Airplane #8
9. CARRIE ANNE-- Hollies #9
8. YOU NEED LOVE-- Beatles #1 "All You Need Is Love"
7. I WAS MADE TO LOVE HER-- Stevie Wonder #2
6. CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU-- Frankie Valli #2
4. BLUES THEME-- Arrows #3
3. LIGHT MY FIRE-- Doors #1
2. COME ON DOWN TO MY BOAT-- Every Mother's Son #6
1. WE'RE IN LOVE-- Cryan' Shames #14 "It Could be We're in Love"
Name That Tune (from above songs): "Mothers Complain About How Hard Life Is And the Kids Just Don't Understand." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Pleasant Valley Sunday"
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 6: "Silence Is Golden"
15. SILENCE IS GOLDEN-- Tremeloes #11 Their biggest hit.
14. TAKE ME BACK-- Flock Did not rank. Again, WLS backing the local boys. You like horns? Give it a listen.
13. THE LORD FOR THE NIGHTTIME-- Neil Diamond #13 His "Solitary Man" (#55-1966) is still my favorite Neil Diamond song.
12. MERCY, MERCY, MERCY-- Buckinghams #5 WLS backing yet another Chicago band. Wikipedia calls them "an American sunshine pop band from Chicago." One of the top-selling music acts of 1967 when they had all five of their Top 40s.
11. WHITER SHADE OF PALE-- Procul Harum #5 A classic Classic Rock song. Anybody know what "Procul Harum" means?
Name That Tune (from above songs): "We Skipped the Light Fandango, Turned Cartwheels Across the Floor." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Whiter Shade of Pale"
Good Times Here In the Chain O' Lakes This Weekend
Well, things are back in action again on the Chain of Lakes here in Northeast Illinois by the Wisconsin border after the flooding in July. The bars are open, bands are playing and boats out on the water.
This will be a particularly busy one for Liz and myself.
Today, we have an in-water "Woody" boat show at Famous Freddie's on Pistakee Lake. A "Woody" is, of course, a wooden boat and they are old. Today boats are almost always fiberglass.
Then we give a final salute to friend Amy, the "Soup Nazi" as her hearse goes by Sunnyside Tap in Johnsburg.
This afternoon we will have two bands and lots of food and fun at the Legion picnic on Nippersink Lake and then I hope to have a bonfire out on the Grand Strand patio in the evening.
Tomorrow, Bob Stroud will be going back to Summer 40 years ago, August 12, 1977, on his Rock and Roll Roots Show on WDRV, the Drive at 97.1 FM from 7-10 a.m. CDST. I will be going to the Rally By the Lake motorcycle and classic car show at Fox Lake's Lakefront Park on Nippersink Lake and then we will go to the St. John's Parish Fest in Johnsburg and see the great band New Odyssey.
After that I will drive to McHenry where they will be having the annual "Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive" salute to the Greatest Generation with lots of ceremony and a Big band playing in the gazebo at Veterans Park.
Why Go Anywhere Else? --RoadDog
CUBS-SOX CROSSTOWN RIVALRY: Cubs fan to Sox fan-- "
Friday, August 11, 2017
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 5: "Silence Is Golden"
20. COME BACK WHEN YOU GROW UP-- Bobby Vee #3 His last Top Ten. From 1960-1961 had four Top Tens. Got his big break when he filled in for Buddy Holly after he died in that famous plane crash.
19. MY MAMMY-- Happenings #13 Follow up to their #3 "I Got Rhythm." We heard "I Got Rhythm" on MeTVFM today while driving out to Woodstock, Illinois. We hadn't heard this song in many, many, many years. Those vocals! Wow!
I imagine you couldn't sing this song these days as someone might get offended.
18. C-MON MARIANNE-- Four Seasons #9 Their last Top Ten until 1975.
17. A GIRL LIKE YOU-- Young Rascals #10 Blue-eyed soul group.
16. ROMEO & JULIET-- Michael & the Messengers No rank. WLS supporting another local band. Well, actually Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Even if they were Cheeseheads.
Name That Tune (from above songs): "You're Still Livin' In a Paper Doll World." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Come Back When You Grow Up"
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 4: "Baby I Love You"
25. ZIP CODE-- Five Americans #36 Dallas-based band. Remember when we got Zip Code? 2:30 of pure pop. I especially like the beginning of the song.
24. BABY, I LOVE YOU-- Aretha Franklin #4 Follow up to her #1 hit "Respect." From 1967-1968, she had 9 Top Tens.
23. LONELY DRIFTER-- Pieces of Eight #59 Classic Beach Music.
22. HEROES & VILLAINS-- Beach Boys #12 Follow up to"good Vibrations" which went to #1. And, Glen Campbell, who died earlier this week took the place of Brian Wilson on tours.
21. ODE TO BILLY JOE-- Bobbie Gentry #1 Her only Top 40 in pop. But what a Top 40. Her biggest hit by far. Born Roberta Streeter in Mississippi. She had three songs make the Billboard Top 40 Pop with Glen Campbell.
Name That Tune (from above songs). "It Was the Third of June, Another Sleepy, Dusty delta Day." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Ode to Billy Joe"
Beach Boys,
Chicago Radio,
Glen Campbell,
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 3: "Reflections"
The number after the performer is the highest ranking the song got on Billboard's Top 100.
30. FAKIN' IT-- Simon & Garfunkel #23 Originally called themselves Tom and Jerry in 1957.
29. DON'T LET THE RAIN FALL ON ME-- Critters #39 Their biggest hit was "Mr. Dieingly Sad" which went to #17 in 1966. I don't remember ever hearing this one and I didn't like it the first time I heard it. But, it grows on you.
28. RUN, RUN, RUN-- Third Rail #53 Their only hit. Kind of a strange one. An interesting business report. This one also grows on you with many listenings.
27. REFLECTIONS-- Diana Ross & the Supremes #2 Their first hit as Diana Ross & the Supremes.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "When She Goes, She's Gone." Answer below. --RoadDog
Sox-Cubs Crosstown Rivalry: Sox fan to Cub fan-- "Do you realize that your great great great grandfather wasn't born the last time the Cubs won a World Series? Well, this was before 2016.
"Fakin' It"
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Glen Campbell's "William Tell Overture"-- Part 1: A Big Part of the Fun At the Old Puppet Bar in Fox Lake
Back in the 1980s I was deejaying on a regular basis at the old Puppet Bar (Eagle Point Park) in Fox Lake, Illinois, on the Chain of Lakes' Pistakee Lake. We sure had a great time there and I played all sorts of music, the more different the better.
Of course, the place got its name from the 100+ puppets we had that would be activated whenever one particular polka song was played. That was a lot of fun, but not for the people working there. You could only hear that song "Mr. Polka" so many times and then it would be ad nauseum.
We had all sorts of little things we'd do during the course of an afternoon or night including playing Connie Francis singing "God Bless America" where sparklers would be passed out and a big U.S. flag would be pulled down from the ceiling and everyone singing as loudly as they could and cheering "Blackhawks-style" at the end of it.
I am sitting here right now listening to her sing "God Bless America" on You Tube and it is bringing back memories.
I'll write about Glen Campbell's "William Tell Overture" the next post about him, after I finish the WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967. I promise.
The Puppet Bar, a Real Good Time!! --RoadDog
Music Deaths: Glen Campbell-- Part 3: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
I just took it for granted that Glen Campbell must be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But, NO!!! He isn't.
Just for his playing with the "Wrecking Crew" alone should earn him a place, not to mention his playing with the Beach Boys.
Then, how about a primarily country artist having 36 songs in the Pop Top 100, including two #1s, three other Top Tens and twenty-one Top 40s. These all came between 1961 and 1981.
I checked Google to see if he was in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and there were sure a lot of people saying that he should be there. Maybe those who pick who is going to be in it wake up and do the right thing.
Music Deaths: Glen Campbell-- Part 2: A Remarkable Solo Career
He then toured with the Beach Boys as Brian Wilson's replacement.
And then, as a solo artist he had twenty Top 40 hits on the Pop Charts (considering that he was primarily a country performer this is amazing. Among them were two #1s:
Rhinestone Cowboy 1975
Southern Nights 1977
Other big hits:
Wichita Lineman #3-1969
Galveston #4- 1969
It's Only Make Believe #10-1970
He hosted the Glen Miller Good Time Hour on CBS from 1968-1972. Appeared in the movies "True Grit" and "Norwood."
Won six Grammy Awards and was nominated for 11 more. Lifetime Achievement Grammy in 2012, Country Music Hall of Fame 2005.
Dead Page,
Glen Campbell,
Music Deaths 2017
Music Deaths: Glen Campbell-- Part 1: Member of the "Wrecking Crew"
Died August 8, 2017
We knew it was coming, but it is still hard to take. This was one really talented fellow.
Born in Arkansas and became a studio musician with the world-famous "Wrecking Crew." As studio musician played on a lot of big hits, some are included here:
Viva Las Vegas-- Elvis Presley
Mr. Tambourine Man-- Byrds
Strangers in the Night-- Frank Sinatra
You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling-- Righteous Brothers
Fun, Fun, Fun-- Beach Boys
Just these would make him a huge player in the music I loved growing up. But there is more.
Dead Page,
Glen Campbell,
Music Deaths 2017
About Last Weekend-- Part 2: Yardwork, Hornets, Bars, bands, and Enjying the House
Crummy weather all day. Did not sit out on the front porch because it was so chilly. But, cooler weather is a good time to work in the yard. A whole lot less sweating, so did a lot of yard work today.
Went to Sunnyside Tap in Johnsburg and then the American Legion in Fox Lake where we met up with the "Usual Suspects."
It would seem that someone or somebody has declared war on Confederate monuments. I am not a happy camper about this.
Did some yardwork until I came across a ground nest of hornets or wasps and beat a hasty retreat.
We went to the Legion in the afternoon and saw Mark Heller perform. Where else are you going to get entertainment from 3 to 6 in the afternoon?
Enjoyed the FP (Front Porch), OD (OD) and gazebo over the course of the day. I had a big bonfire and got rid of a lot of branches from the downed part of the Bradford pear tree.
Enjoyed the street party at the PLAV (Polish Legion of American Veterans) in McHenry from 1 to 6. It was all-you-can-eat and drink for $10 a person. Plus a deejay/karaoke. Now that is a real hard deal to beat.
Why Go Away for Vacation When You Have It Right Here? --RoadDog
CUBS-SOX CROSSTOWN RIVALRY, PUT-DOWNS: Cub fan to Sox fan-- "I've heard that for the White Sox, 'DH' stands for 'Don't Have Talent.'" Sox fan comeback-- "'Have Talent' is one word? Cub fan-- "Yes It is."
Good Times in the Area,
Polish Legion,
The House,
The Yard
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 2: "San Francisco Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair"
35. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL-- Bunny Sigler (Full name "And Feels So Good." #22 His biggest hit. R&B Born Philadelphia. Great rendition of a soul classic.
34, I TAKE IT BACK-- Sandy Posey #12. She had a total of three #12s.
33. SAN FRANCISCO, WEAR FLOWERS IN YOUR HAIR-- Scott McKenzie #4. From Jacksonville, Florida. Real name is Philip Bondheim. Biggest hit of two songs making the Top 100.
32. COLD SWEAT PT. 2-- James Brown-- #7 Actually is Part 1 of the 45 rendition.
TO LOVE SOMEBODY-- Bee Gees #17. Their second hit.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "There's a Light, a Certain Kind of Light." (Answer Below) --RoadDog
"To Love Somebody"
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
WLS Top 40 for August 11, 1967-- Part 1: "You Know What I Mean"
Fifty years ago.
(D) is debut. The number after the performer is for the highest the song got on the Billboard Pop 100 list.
40. YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING-- Temptations (D) #6 Does Soul get any better than this?
39. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-- Turtles (D) A whopping 2:03 long. Pop-folk-rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1961.
38. A LITTLE BIT NOW-- Dave Clark Five (D) #67. Near the end of their remarkable string of hits.
37. JILL-- Gary Lewis (D) #52 Not one of Jerry's son's better efforts.
36. I'M JUST WAITING-- New Colony Six No rank Rest of title "Anticipating for Her to Show Up." Great horns. From their "Colonization" album.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "You Surely Must Know Magic, Girl, 'Cause You Changed My Life." Answer Below. --RoadDog
"You're My Everything"
About Last Weekend-- Part 1: Chain's Open, We're Not On It, Though
Saw the movie "War for the Planet of the Apes" and was pulling for Caesar and his apes. A great movie and so realistic.
The Chain of Lakes opened for no wake yesterday, but we're staying off for awhile due to the semi collapse of Rick's pier and all the floating debris from the flooding (even worse, the submerged stuff). Checked the boat which is alright.
Went to the Route 12 Bar on US-12 (Rand Road) for their excellent $2 black angus burger special. Add $1 for bleu cheese and double slices of pineapple for one of the great eating experiences anywhere.
Drove to Veterans Park in McHenry for their Thursday night concert, but it was raining off and on so didn't stop. A band was playing Frank Sinatra era songs. Went to After the Fox on the Fox River and got a stamp for the Chain Crawl and then checked out a new place called My Place on Il-120.
Last stop was Sunnyside. The Sox and Cubs both lost.
SOX-CUBS CROSSTOWN RIVALRY: Sox fan to Cubs fan: "The last time your leadoff hitter got to second base was at his high school prom.
Monday, August 7, 2017
My Vietnam War Experience-- Part 3: Much Anti-War Feelin at NIU
OK, so now I am out of Palatine High School and a freshman at Northern Illinois University. This is fall 1969 and the war in Vietnam is escalating. It was a subject of discussion at high school, but now, on campus, this was a really big deal.
We had those opposed to the war and those for it. Of course, the draft loomed high and wide over every boy's future. Flunk out of college and go to Vietnam. That is a horrible punishment for failing at school.
We had anti-war marches and one time the marchers went past Lincoln Hall, my dormitory and someone was carrying a North Vietnamese flag. This was too much for some of my floormates, protest the war, but never ever fly the enemy flag. Several members of our floor, Lincoln Hall 3A at NIU, we called ourselves the Keggers, charged outside, grabbed the flag and ran back to the dorm floor. Some of the protesters followed until they saw a lot of us standing in their way.
They beat a hasty retreat.
I will continue this next month.
Not the Best of Times. --RoadDog
Saturday, August 5, 2017
My Vietnam War Experience-- Part 2: It's Draft Time
That war goes on forever. Most boys were going to get drafted coming out of high school, unless you went to college (or had a high draft lottery number). A whole lot of boys who hadn't planned on going to college all of a sudden decided to go to college and get that beautiful student deferment.
I had planned on being a teacher since I was seven years old and that meant going to college, so I was ok there.
Maybe the war would be over by the time I got out of college. Foolish boy.
Then, the draft became the draft lottery. Birthdays were taken and put in a big drum and dates pulled. We high school boys watched that intently, hoping that we would not get pulled early. The earlier you were pulled, the more likely you had a one-way ticket to Vietnam.
The first time they had it, I was not eligible because of age. May 24th came up #31. I would have to go to Vietnam had I been eligible. But, if I got the low number this time, perhaps next time I would have a nice high number.
The year that I was eligible, my birthday was pulled #22.
So Much for the Odds. --RoadDog
draft lottery,
My Family,
My Vietnam War Experience,
Vietnam War
Friday, August 4, 2017
My Vietnam War Experience-- Part 1: The War That Wouldn't End
This past May and June I wrote about different Vietnam War veterans giving their reminiscences of that war.
Well, for me, it wasn't an experience in South Vietnam. The war ended before I graduated from college. But, I was fairly sure the war would be going on even now with the way we were fighting it. Had it continued past 1973, I was going to be there.
I really wasn't so much against the war in junior high and part of high school. The war started when I was in junior high at Winston Park in Palatine, Illinois, and went all the way through those two years. Then it continued all the way through high school at Fremd and Palatine. Surely it has to end at some point. No war goes on forever, or so I thought. But no, it didn't and was only showing signs of escalating instead of coming to an end.
I always felt that the war might have ended in the 1964 election had Barry Goldwater been elected. I know the North Vietnamese must have been afraid of him when he said he would begin bombing Hanoi. President Johnson in the election didn't say what he was going to do as far as bombing. Johnson won in a landslide and soon began bombing Hanoi.
WLS Top Ten for August 4, 1967: "Light My Fire"
There were six songs by Chicago area bands in the Top 40 this week.
1. WE'RE IN LOVE-- Cryan' Shames Actual Title "It Could Be We're In Love" From Chicago
2. COME ON DOWN TO MY BOAT-- Every Mother's Son
3. CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU-- Frankie Valli
5. BLUES FIRE-- Arrows Actual title "Blues Theme"
6. LIGHT MY FIRE-- Doors
7. MERCY, MERCY, MERCY-- Buckinghams From Chicago
8. WHITE RABBIT-- Jefferson Airplane
9. YOU NEED LOVE-- Beatles Actual title "All You Need Is Love"
10. I WAS MADE TO LOVE HER-- Stevie Wonder
12. ROMEO & JULIET-- Michael & the Messengers From Milwaukee
18. TAKE ME BACK-- Flock From Chicago
24. I'M JUST WAITING-- New Colony Six From Chicago
38. HOLD ON-- Mauds. From Chicago
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "The Local Rock Group Down the Street Is Trying Hard to Learn Their Song." Answer below. RoadDog
Sox-Cubs Crosstown Putdowns: Cub fan to Sox fan: Even our handsomely quaffed ex-governor (Blagojavich) wouldn't try to sell a Sox seat.
"Pleasant Valley Sunday"
Chicago 60s Bands,
Chicago Radio,
Music Deaths: Stephen Furst "Animal House's" Flounder
Died June 16, 2017
OK, he wasn't a singer, but he was on that great movie and soundtrack "National Lampoon's Animal House." I regard that as the best movie ever made as it reminds me so much of my old fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi at Northern Illinois University. Until the end, this was my fraternity. We even had our own Bluto we called Czyck (pronounced Shike, long i)
Delta House was Delta Sig House. Alright, we didn't cause a horse to have a hear attack in the dean's office. Nor did we ever hve a Toga Party, but I'm sure we would have if we'd known about them. And like Boone and the others, we really loved R&B music. We were kind of the misfit frat at Northern, not as bad as the Delta Taus though.
Actor, film and television director. His big break came in 1978 when he played Kent "Flounder" Dorfman on"National Lampoon's Animal House." Then, the next year, he played the same character on the TV series "Delta House."
He played other roles on TV's "St. Elsewhere" and "Babylon 5."
Don't Shoot the Horse, Flounder!! --RoadDog
Music Deaths: Carlo Driggs of Paul Revere & the Raiders
Died May 31, 2017
Lead singer of Paul Revere & the Raiders after they were chart toppers from 1983 to 2004.
Sang and played percussion on Foxy's "Get Off" (#9 Pop, #1 R&B-1978. He also co-wrote it.
Music Deaths: Howard Curtis Womack, "Looking For a Love"
Died May 21, 2017.
Brother of Bobby Womack. he and his four siblings formed the group Curtis and the Womack Brothers.
They were discovered by Sam Cooke and had the original version of "Lookin' for a Love" (#72-1962) that was later recorded by Bobby Womack as a solo artist and the J. Geils Band.
Music Deaths: Eddie Lewis, Member of the Olympics
These deaths are from Oldies Music News.
Died May 31, 2017.
Tenor singer and last original member of the Olympics. "Western Movies" (#8-1958). They had 14 hits on the pop charts, but none charted above #40.
The melody to their "(Baby) Hully Gully" was used on the Marathons "Peanut Butter" and "Big Boy Pete" was used by the Kingsmen on their "Jolly Green Giant."
Thursday, August 3, 2017
JSS: Bartman's Ring- Little Cub Fans-- Sox, What Sox?
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. BARTMAN RING-- I was glad to see the Chicago Cubs give Steve Bartman a 2016 World Series Ring. He only did what everyone else in his section at Wrigley Field was doing, and that was grab for the foul baseball.
After he suffered in silence for 14-years and was the scapegoat of the Cub's phenomenal collapse in the 2003 NLCS. The Cubs were ahead in the sixth game and a win would have sent them to the World Series for the first time since 1945. After he (and the rest of the fans sitting around him) may have interfered with the Cubs player catching the ball, the Cubs player went insane, as did the while team and they lost that game and then the next one to end the World Series run. I always blame Cubs manager Dusty Baker for not doing his job and calming his team down.
The pain and agony that all the Cubs fans put him through afterwards and the way he dealt with it was amazing. Always a guy with a lot of class. The Cubs said they hope the ring provides closure on an unfortunate chapter. Steve Bartman, ever the class-guy (sure wish that lawyer behind him who scooped up the baseball could have been half the man), replied to the Cubs, "Although I do not consider myself worthy of such an honor, I am deeply moved and sincerely grateful." Well deserved.
2. LITTLE CUB FANS-- Doctors and nurses in and around the Chicagoland area have noticed a spike in births of babies of recent. That would make conception somewhere around November 2, 2016, when the Cubs clinched Game Seven of the World Series. Obviously some folks were not out in the streets around
3. SOX, WHAT SOX?-- Now I realize the Chicago White Sox are having a horrible year, but just try to go into a local bar and find the Sox game on TV. I often have to ask the bartender to put it on. I tell you, we can't get NO respect. Right, Rodney?
Way to Celebrate Cubs Fans. --RoadDog
Cubs-Sox Crosstown Rivalry: Sox Fan to Cubs Fan-- The last Cub to throw a no-hitter was your pitching machine.
Chicago Cubs,
Cubs Win World Series 2016,
Just Some Stuff
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Closing Out July-- Part 4: A '67 Firebird Convertible, An Oasis and a Legion
I went to the Spring Grove Charity Car Show at the old Intermatic Timer factory on US-12. I was hoping tp see some '67 cars. I saw a '67 Camaro, and then, I saw that holy grail of mine, a '67 Firebird convertible and in perfect shape. I once had a '67 Firebird so these are VERY special cars to me. I talked with the owners and found out they live in Spring Grove as well. That sure made my day. Hope to see them driving around some day.
Went to Subway and got one of their sweet onion chicken sandwiches and ate it on the deck (OD).
We went to a new bar/restaurant that opened on the Chain of Lakes, the Oasis. It is in the old Harbor Lounge and Nauti-Knots on Bluff Lake. We always enjoyed going there before and weren't happy when it was closed for a year. But now it is open again and the new owners are big fans of Terry and Gregg Spizziri who were on the deck playing their songs. We sat at the tiki bar and sure enjoyed ourselves. Let's see, music, cold beer and sitting outside to enjoy them. Life is good. Strange though not to see any boats out other than an occasional police boat as the Chain is still closed.
We later went to the American Legion in Fox Lake where they were having a party for the patrons of the Drop Zone Bar, one of our main bars that we enjoy. The band was just finishing when we came in but we did enjoy the free pig roast.
I'd Say We Closed the Flooding Month In Proper Fashion. --RoadDog
'67 Firebird,
American Legion,
car shows,
Chain of Lakes
Closing Out July-- Part 3: The Civil War, No Cassette Tapes, Da Blues and Baseball
Enjoyed listening to Saturday Morning Flashback to 1971, a good college year for me.
I drove to Crystal lake where the McHenry County Civil War Round Table discussion group 's topic was 20 significant points of the Civil War. I then went to Target and Barnes & Noble, two stores which are not close to us in Spring Grove. Also checked out the garden nurseries at Meijer, Home Depot and Wal-Mart, but didn't buy anything.
I'd say the end of an era has taken place as Meijer did not have the 5-pack bricks of Maxell cassette tapes that I have been buying all these many years. This is the last place I know of that sold cassette tapes. Oh Well.
We went to The grove in Spring Grove and watched the blues band in the biergarten for awhile and then went to Sunnyside in Johnsburg and watched the movie "Major League" The Cubs won and Sox Lost.
What's New With That? --RoadDog
CUBS-SOX CROSSTOWN PUTDOWNS: Cubs fan to Sox Fan-- "Your infield has more holes than a Swiss cheese donut.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Closing Out July-- Part 2: A Movie, The Grove and the Legion
FP (Front Porch) and yard work.
Enjoyed Bob Stroud's Canadian Rockers Ten at Ten in honor of Rush's Geddy lee's 64th birthday: Band, Triumph, BTO, Lover Boy, Gordon Lightfoot, Bryan Adams, Neil Young and Steppenwolf (which started in Canada).
I went to see the movie "Dunkirk" and will definitely have to see it again. A great, great movie. I wrote about it in my World War II Blog, Tattooed On Your Soul. Checked the boat and the water had receded enough that i was able to walk out on the pier and tie off one of the lines.
We went to The Grove in Spring Grove and sat out in the biergarten and had a beer and listened to their performer and then went to the Legion in Fox Lake for 50-50. Came home and enjoyed Margaritaville.
Closing Out July-- Part 1: New Odyssey at McHenry's Veterans Park
As usual, FP and yardwork.
We went to McHenry and had the $1 mini burgers at the PLAV (Polish Legion of American Veterans) and then walked over to Veterans Park to watch the band New Odyssey (Three Guys, Thirty instruments) put on a show at the gazebo. As usual, we had the famous "Drumcoat" and "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" Blue Man Group impression. They sure had the crowd going. We'll be seeing them again on August 13 at Parish Fest in Johnsburg.
Sad, but the Cubs took three of the four games against my White Sox in Chicago's Crosstown Classic. But, with all the players the Sox have traded for future prospects, if we win any games that's pretty amazing.
Will the Real Sgt. Pepper Please Stand Up?
With this being the 50th anniversary of the release of the famous album by that famous group.
From the May 13, 2017, Yahoo! News "Who's the Real Sgt. Pepper? New Beatles Book Unveils Identity of Soldier Seen on Album Cover."
You know, that guy on the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover with that grand handlebar mustache.
He is James Melvin Babington of the 16th Queen's Lancers in the Second Boar War. They were in the First Calvary Brigade in South Africa.
Crosstown Put-Downs: Sox Fan: Or are those weeds on your outfield walls actually a Bush, as in Bush League?
British Army,
Sgt. Pepper's
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