Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Still Wondering About the Russia "V" Stats

As of yesterday, March 29, these are the total number of cases and deaths in select countries.The worst hit so far:

United States:  124,697 cases and 2,227 deaths
Italy:  92,472 cases and 10,023 deaths
China:  81,439 cases and 3,300 deaths
Spain:  78,797 cases and 6,528 deaths

Then, there are these countries:

India:  979 cases and 25 deaths
Russia:  1,534 cases and 8 deaths
Mexico:  993 cases and 20 deaths

Looking at the rest of the countries, it appears that the smaller a country is and the poorer a country is, the fewer the cases.  Or, perhaps they just aren't or can't report the cases and deaths.  We know that Russia is extremely secretive.

I sure would like to know the story with Russia and why Mexico and India are so low.

Very Suspicious.

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