Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, May 15, 2020

JSS About That Virus Thing: Commercials, Piano Dirges, Trying Times, Whole Milk

Just Some Stuff About These Days.

1.  COMMERCIALS--  Listening to the radio and watching TV, there seems to be a whole lot of commercials about how to get out of your time shares.  Sure glad we didn't buy one back in the days when we went to Myrtle Beach and were accosted often by these wonderful deals that were too good to pass up.

If it's not that, then it is lawsuits against nursing homes for elderly abuse.  You'd think these days the biggest worry about nursing homes would be the CV getting in.

2.  PIANO DIRGES--  I am getting to the point that I can't stand those slow, dirge pianos on commercials anymore.  Hope they don't destroy my love of piano.

3.  TRYING TIMES--  However, I have a new drinking game since I can't go into bars anymore right now.  Every time I hear a commercial with the words "Trying" Times or some variation of it, it is time to take a drink.  After awhile you forget about it all.

4.  WHOLE MILK--  Liz has been the one going to the store to buy stuff and she only gets whole milk (the Walgreens selection is limited), whereas I like 2% milk.  I remember the old days when my parents had milk delivered in those metal boxes which were handy places to store crickets, grass hoppers, frogs, toads and lizards we'd collect.

Now On Day 59 of Essentially Staying Home.


LAUGHTER HELPS WITH THE "V":  Well, at least the fear of missing out (FOMO) isn't a thing anymore.

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