Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Top Ten Iconic Places Pictured from Behind

From the May 6, 2020, ListVerse "Top 10 Iconic Places Pictured from Behind" by Jamie Frater.

You've often seen them from the front, but what do they look like from behind.  Here's your chance to see them.  Photos and information at the site, I'm just listing them:

10.  Taj Mahal  (You won't believe what the back looks like.)

9.  Pyramids of Giza

8.  Petra

7.  Hollywood Sign

6.  The Colosseum

5.  Mt. Rushmore

4.  Easter Island Moai

3.  Venice

2.  Buckingham palace

1.  The Moon

Veeerrryyy  Interesting.  --RoadDog

LAUGHTER HELPS WITH THE "V":  A capitalist is just a socialist who hasn't been through a pandemic yet.

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