Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Every Bloomin' Thing-- Mid-September

A few late-blooming hostas are brilliant right now. Lots of mums in bloom right now. Would have been more except I wasn't able to cut the blooms back in early July.

The goldenrod are in bloom with their mass of gold, plus lots and lots and lots stinging varmints. I have to be careful when I'm out there, especially during Japanese beetle sweeps. Those rotten insects are numbering fewer and fewer; about time.

The biggest blast of color comes from blue perennial flower. Plus, another miniature daisy-like perennial is coming into bloom. These 2-3 foot plants are covered with little blooms. Even some of my black-eyed susans are still yellow, but most are spent.

I was cutting the grass every two weeks, but after this rainy weekend, I cut it yesterday, after cutting it this past Thursday. It sure needed it. The grass was pretty brown from the mini-drought, but now, quite green.

Here a Flower, There a Flower. --RoadDog

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