Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pat Dailey at Skeeter's-- Part 3: Resident Rapper of a Summer Resort

Continued from October 7th.  These were the songs Pat Dailey played at Skeeter's Saloon in Carpentersville, Illinois, on October 3rd.

The Great Dog Convention--  (The real reason dogs always sniff each other's behinds.)

Rich Dumb Young Nymphomaniac  (Is there such a thing a the perfect woman?)

Slap My Ass  (And send me down the road.)

I Might Be Your Daddy  (Only you and your mom know for sure.)

Ugly Face  (You can jazzercize, exercise, but you can't do anything about that ugly face.)

How Big Is It?  (And the problems that accompany it.)

Resident Rapper  (Who says Pat can't rap?)

A Good Time Being Had By All.  More to Come.  --RoadDog

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