Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

North Carolina-Duke Basketball Game Saturday: The Battle of the One-And-Doners

A couple weeks ago I watched the much ballyhooed North Carolina-Duke basketball game.  And even Dick Vitale was not calling it because of the two very mundane basketball programs that were facing each other.  He called the next game. 

The announcers kept referring to the numerous mistakes the two teams were making on the floor and saying that in the past they wouldn't have been making those mistakes.  And the REASON for all the mistakes was that both teams are made of of mostly all freshman in their starting lineups.  In the past, there might have been one of what Dick Vitale called Diaper Dans (for dandies), but now in this era of one-and-doners, not so much.

Unfortunately, high school grads have to sit out a year before going to the NBA and the big name schools get their services for a year before they vault to the big bucks.

It was an exciting game, nonetheless featuring two of what used to be my favorite big-time college hoops teams.  But, not anymore.  I actually find myself pulling against both teams.  I do not like one-and-doners.

I also do not like what their respective colleges have done in regards to their Confederate heritage, particularly what UNC did to Silent Sam.  Imagine destroying college property with no repercussions. 

There is another one-and-doner school as well that I know of and it is Kentucky,  I've never been a Kentucky fan.

And how about their records right now:

Duke  8-8

UNC  12-7

Kentucky 6-13

Very mundane records for storied teams.  I don't care how talented freshman are, when they play a team of upper classmen who are talented and have been playing together for several years, they are going to beat that freshman team.

The NBA Needs to Do Something About One-and-Doners and Colleges As Well.  --RoadFedUp

STUDENT TEST ANSWERS:  England is located on the coast of Great britain not far from the sea, which makes for good fishing.

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