Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2020.
163. SCROOGED-- 12-7-- Those ghosts will hurt you. Especially the gal. "Go back to Jersey, you moron!" The fun taxi ride. That's why he is called Lumpy. Bill Murray makes an excellent Scrooge.
164. GREMLINS-- 12-7-- So cute, but with ownership comes great responsibility That hilarious bar scene.
165. TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT-- 12-8-- Every Bit and Con have their own personality. Loved John Goodman's "Sarge." Lots of one-liners.
166. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE-- 12-11-- Meet Clarence Odbody, AS2 (Angel Second Class). Aiming to finally get his wings. That bridge tender could sure pop his eyes.
167. CRAZY RICH ASIANS-- 12-14-- Every family has its secrets, oddballs and outright nuts. Folks with more money than they know what to do with.
168. THE GOONIES-- 12-15-- Good old One-Eyed Willie the pirate. "Hey, you guys!!" "Chunk" The only thing we serve is tongue. All the pirates, bats and treasure you could want.
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