Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Past Movie Scratches: Homecoming-- Bee-- Hell-- Jungle-- Tombstone-- Bohemian

Past Movie Scratches--  Movies I saw on TV in 2021

37.  SPIDER MAN:  HOMECOMING--  6-14--  Wait till you meet your girlfriend's dad.

38.  BUMBLE BEE--  6-15--  "There's a door in my way."  Are all Decepticons that bad?  Bumble Bee holding the fort and taking a beating for the Autobats.

39.  HELL BOY--  6-15--  The Blood Queen.  Reuniting her with the rest of her body.  Fighting giants.  Hell Boy takes a licking, but keeps on ticking.  Moral:  Quit when your're a head.

40.  JUMANJI:  WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE--  6-16--  It all started in detention.  "I think we're in the game."  Teamwork wins the day.  Beware the drums.  Don't lose your stripes.

41.  TOMBSTONE--  6-17--  Cool, cool Doc.  The Earp Boys and Doc take care of of businessatthe O.K. Corral and elsewhere.  "We did our good deed for today."

42.  BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY--  6-21--  What does that particular style of mustache say about a person..  The struggles of a band and Freddie.  Great, great music.


POINTS TO PONDER:  Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned for?

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