Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Every Blooming THing-- Early June: The Cicadas Are Here

I was beginning to wonder where they were, but now I know.  They have arrived.  I found a whole lot of them in one of my crabapple trees and they were dropping down and molting.  I had earlier found one every so often while working in flower gardens.

I kind of enjoy nabbing them and their fluttering (now I know they don't bite).

My daisies (about 50 of them) are still blooming white and I have a couple perennials in yellow and gold blooming, but don't know what they are.  Also, my Missouri primrose.

I have been to my local Jewel grocery stores since they are now selling flowers for 50% off.  Now they're hitting my price.

Annuals are pretty expensive these days.  At Wal Mart they sell for $3.47 a four-pack.  I can remember buying six pack cells for 50 cents full price many years ago.

Lots of weeding and trimming to do.


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