Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Ten Weird Jobs You Never Knew Existed

From  the May 28, 2019, ListVerse by Himanshu Sharma.  I am just listing them.  Go to the site to find out more.

10.  Professional sleeper
9.  Parabolic expert
8.  Professional mourner

7.  White Hat hacker
6.  Iceberg mover
5.  Futurist
4.  Foodstylist  (Are these the guys who get the burgers on TV commercials looking so big?)

3.  Lego Master Bulder  (Nah, I just step on 'em.  I guess I qualify for Lego Stepper Oner.)
2.  Shark tank cleaner
1.  Odor judge.

I'd like to add one.  How about Fast Commercial Talker. You know, those guys at the end of a commercial who give you five minutes worth of information in a few seconds.

There You Go.  --RoadBerg

RANDOM ANIMAL THOUGHTS:  PARROT:  "Tease, tease, tease!  But to those greedy clowns ever give me a cracker"  HECK, NO!!!!"

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