Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Good Thing We Got Out of Boating Last Year

From the April 22, 2020, Chicago Tribune "Uncertainty for Lake County boating season" by Karie Angell Luc.

Looks like we times getting out of boating very well, having sold our third and last boat just this past June.  We were boating fanatics for many years, buying our first boat in 1985 because I was deejaying at Neptune's Cove and the Puppet Bar on the Chain of Lakes every weekend and those folks coming in off those boats were having just too much fun.  Thirty-three years of boating fun.

But, in the last eight years,it seemed like we were getting the boat our later and later each year and we weren't having as much fun as before.  Between fewer bars on the Chain of Lakes, bigger and faster boats and the water cop presence, the good times were waning.  And, of course we were getting older, so getting in and out of the boat and covering it up was becoming more of a problem.

And, then, the weather has been horrible the last several seasons.  The Chain was closed for much of 2017 and in 2018, we were late getting the boat out in July and then had one mechanical issue after another, so much in fact that we didn't get out at all.  That's when we decided the time for boating had passed us by.

Plus, it was funny to all watching me trying to back the boat up to launch it since I only did that once a year.  Once in the water, it stayed in the water.

So, we sold it.

Now this year, the weather has been absolutely horrible all spring with the exception of maybe there days.  Plus, now we have the "V" thing going on.  The few bars and restaurants left on the Chain can't open until the end of May, so the big Memorial Day weekend party is gone.  And, of course, boating is a social thing and this be the age of social you-know-whating.

So, Looking Like a less Than Fun Boating Season Coming.  --RoadDog

LAUGHTER HELPS WITH THE "V":  If you're having trouble with locating toilet paper, here's a life hack.  When you return a book to the library, they almost never count the pages.  (But, wait!!  libraries are all closed now, so where does that get you?)

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