Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Past Movie Scratches: Carrie-- House-- Jurassic-- Witchhunters-- Trick-- Pumpkinhead

Past Movie Scratches--  Movies I saw on TV in 2020.

127.  CARRIE--  10-6--  New Carrie, old Carrie.  Same results.

128.  LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT--  10-6--  Everybody dies hard (Hey, that's another movie), including, and especially, the last one in the microwave.

129.  JURASSIC PARK:  FALLEN KINGDOM--  10-7--  Good ol' Blue saves the day again.  Good Velociraptor.  

130.  HANSEL & GRETA:  WITCHHUNTERS--  10-12--  How many different ways can a witch or human die.  Here are some suggestions.

131.  TRICK OR TREAT--  10-14--  Make sure you keep your Halloween traditions going or Sam will get 'ya.

132.  PUMPKINHEAD--  10-14--   Be careful when seeking revenge or you might get a pumpkin with an attitude.

I wonder why we're having all these spooky movies this tome of year?


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