Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

This Being Groundhog Day and All: Some of the 'Hogs

Well, the predictions are in.  Punxsutawney Phil says six more week s of winter out in Pennsylvania.  More locally to here in northeast Illinois, Woodstock Willie says it will be an early winter.

From the February 1, 2022, ListVerse "10 Weather-Forecasting rodents not named Punxsutawney Phil" by Jaycee Miller.  I am just listing and telling the location.  For more information, go to the site.

Here are the names of other furry weather prognosticators who are having their day today:

10.  Buckeye Chuck--  Marion, Ohio

9.  Chattanooga Chuck

8.  Concord Charlie--  West Virginia

7.  General Beauregard Lee--  Jackson, Georgia     Reckon this name will have to be changed as it might offend certain folks.

6.  Jimmy the Groundhog--  San Prairie, Wisconsin

5.  Mount Joy Millie--  Central Pennsylvania

4.  Octararo Orphie--  Quarryville, Pennsylvania

3.  Shubenacadie Sam--  Nova Scotia, Canada

2.  Unadilla Bill--  Nebraska

1.  Wiarton Willie--  Canada

What?  No Woodstock Willie?  --RoadHog

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