Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Fightin' Japanese Beetles, Mos-Quitoes, Grass, and The Chain

Took a walk around the yard this morning before A & E showed "24" and caught up with some old "friends" of mine, the ever-eating Japanese beetles. They had a feast over the last four days as I was not around to kill 'em. Used the bucket of soapy water where I knock them off the leaves. It is a very effective but time-consuming way to eliminate them. I would estimate that I got about 400.

While doing it, I had to fight off the mosquitoes which are in worse numbers than I've ever seen. They rise in mass whenever you get near bushes. You don't even have to bump a bush. They just sense your presence. Quite a few of them met their maker, but, unfortunately, a few got through so I'm doing some scratching. I guess I'll have to slather up with Off whenever I work in the yard for awhile. I don't much like doing that, but it's hard to work and slap those little biters away.

Fortunately, I was able to cut the grass last Tuesday when we had a rare day without rain. However, it rained Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday so it is high again. I hope to cut it today (probably at the highest setting) and again by Wednesday. Lots of dew on the grass this morning, and, unfortunately the sun isn't shining to dry it out.

The Chain is open for no wake, but warnings are out for the increased bacteria level and that people should not come in contact with the water- no swimming. Let's hope the water drops by this weekend. Labor Day usually marks the official end of the season although you can still do boating until the end of October, which I usually do.

Still Hatin' Those Lousy Beetles!!! And NOT Too Crazy 'Bout Them Skeeters Either. --RoadDog

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