Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Chipmunks Running Amok 'Round Here (and in New England) and Other Yard Varmints Like Squirrels and Wascally Wabbits

I read in yesterday's Chicago Tribune that New England has so many of the lil' Alvins that they have become a nuisance.  We have a bumper crop here in northeast Illinois this year again.  I always have lots of them.  I have the Front Porch Chippers as I call them, and the Deck Chippers.

They can be a pain.  Just try slipping any flower with bulbs or tubers by them.  There is also flower pot mining to see if there is anything edible.  Fortunately, I don't think they've discovered the tulips and jonquils.

And, when they're running or chasing, watch out.  I've several scars from Chipmunk encounters of the fast kind.  I've even had ones this year and in the past who approach me demanding food.

They are lucky I like them so much or we would have serious problems.

We also have  lots of squirrels, though I haven't seen much of them this last month for some reason.  My biggest problem with them has been attacks on the roof and the Battle of the Bird Seed.  Last year, three squirrels ganged up on me and wiped out my three bird seed feeders, especially the one with their favorite, sunflower seed.  Boy they love sunflower seed.

However, that day, I vowed payback and the next day went to Menard's and got one of those feeders where the squirrel's weight closes the portals.  So far that has worked, but I have seen some of the varmints staring up at the feeder, just thinking and thinking.

And, this year I all of a sudden have three wascally wabbits running around the yard a whole lot.

We're Being Over Run!! --RoadMonk

FOX HUNTING:  Fox Mulder was an FBI agent on which TV series?

"The X-Files"

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