Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

About This Last Weekend-- Part 3: Too Many Sliders, Bars, $1 Beers, Bands and Adequate Bloody Marys


We went to Stucky's in Johnsburg, but didn't have anything to eat because of too many White Castle Sliders earlier in the day, but did enjoy their $1 draft pints.


I ended up recording much of Bob Stroud's Rock and Roll Roots on a 90-minute cassette (that's right, CASSETTES) because he was Root Saluting Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Cosmo's Factory" album, which was released 51 years ago this week in 1970.  And, of course, CCR is my favorite band, the only one I would buy their new albums the day they came out.  Thanks, for making my day, Bob.

Then, Liz and I went to Stucky's where they were having a solo performer playing outside on their deck.  He was good, though took way too long of a break.  But, when he played "The Rodeo Song" and "The I-95 Song" the place went crazy.

Then, we went to the McHenry American Legion for those great "Adequate" $2.50 Bloody Marys and they had a duo playing.

Like I Said, Good Times.  --RoadDog

LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE:  LAW OF RANDOM NUMBERS:  If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone ALWAYs answers.  (And, I'd like to add this:  If you redial that number to make sure you didn't misdial it, you will get the same number and a somewhat madder person on the other end.)

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