Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Them, Not Me: Dear Old AIG-- Dear Old NCAA Tournament

Things That Really Burn My Butt.

1. DEAR OLD AIG-- These $165 million in bonuses to AIG execs for doing an incredibly bad job has got my ire, and evidently the Senate. The complete arrogance of these people is unfathomable.

There is, however, the one Senator who allowed wordage in the bailout that would allow them to do it. BUT, someone should have caught on to that proviso. Is an investigation in order?

Let's hope the bill passes to levy the up to 90% tax on these BONUS BABIES.

Like I said, the arrogance and greed of these guys knows no limit. And to think they think they should be rewarded for mismanagement. It just doesn't matter that there is a contract in effect before hand. It's time to do the RIGHT thing.

2. DEAR OLD NCAA TOURNAMENT-- Once again, I get to see how LITTLE I know about college b-ball. I have to be the worst CHOOSER anywhere, and that, even though I watch a lot of college basketball. This is what gets me through the winter doldrums.

Now, we have what I consider the best sporting event of all. THE TOURNAMENT.

I see President Obama picked Louisville, UNC, Memphis, and Pittsburgh in the Final Four. The Old Dog picked UConn, UNC, Villanova, and Kansas. I have UNC vs. UConn in the Final, with the Huskies winning.

Hopefully, my picking won't result in the mess I had during the college bowl games, when nearly everyone I wanted to win, LOST.

Regardless, I look forward to the upsets and great games.

Don't Look Back, They May Be Gaining. --RoadDog

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