Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14, 2008: Murder At NIU

This Valentine's Day also marks the anniversary nine years ago when a fiend entered a classroom at Northern Illinois University and opened fire, killing five innocent students and wounding another 17.  He was at least good enough to then turn the gun on himself.

I'll never forget it.  Liz and I were having a Valentine's dinner at K.C.'s Cabin in Spring Grove, Illinois, when we saw video on the TV.  The sound was off and soon we remarked that the video looked like it was at NIU in DeKalb.

Then we saw writing at the bottom of the TV which said it was NIU and that shootings had occurred.  We were shocked as were everyone else in the place, especially one couple who had a child going to Northern.  they were even more worried when they couldn't get through to her at first, but then got a call from her.

They were very much relieved to say the least.

A Sad Time.

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