Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!! Feb. 28: National Tooth Fairy Day
NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY-- And, she blinded me.
NATIONAL TOOTH FAIRY DAY-- As long as they are not like the ones in "Hellboy." I only got 25 cents a tooth.
Will This Winter Ever Get Over?-- Part 2: Books, CDs, Sliders, Band and Da Hawks
After the meeting, I drove over to the nearby Illinois emission testing station and the Malibu passed. Then drove south to Randall Road, one of the busiest and most congested roads in the Northwest Suburbs. Always hate driving it, but have to to get to my favorite store still remaining, Half-Price Books.
I mean, they have vinyl records, CDs and books, three of my most favorite things. And, they are all fairly cheap, even better. Bought a Civil War book and two CDs, one the Beatles "Hard Day's Night" and the other a compilation of Cajun music.
Then, a stop at White Castle for sliders and they now have those great crab cake sliders.
Later, we went to the Fox Lake American Legion and enjoyed listening to Mitch Edwards playing his great selection of songs.
There was a real hard wind blowing today. We wanted to watch the Chicago Blackhawks game since they were playing a rare afternoon game at 2 pm. But, the first three places we went to were too crowded (and most were watching the NASCAR race). We ended up back at Half-Times for the game, which, unfortunately, we lost.
COME SAIL AWAY: In the Bible, who hoped to flee from the presence of the Lord by sailing to Tarshish?
Chicago Blackhawks,
Fox Lake American Legion,
Good Times in the Area,
White Castle
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Will This Winter EVER Get Over? Well, Still Having Fun, Regardless
I think we've had exactly four days since Woodstock Willie predicted a warm remaining winter and early spring on February 2. I'm for locking him up till next Groundhog Day.
But, life goes on in these cold and snowy times/
Went to Half-Times and Sunnyside.
Funny that the ultra-left trashed the statue of the wrong Lee in North Carolina. Idiots. Went to the Legion for Half and Half. Friend Kelly won.
Went to Crystal Lake for the McHenry County Civil War Round Table discussion group on Sherman's 1865 Carolinas Campaign. We had a young kid there who played several Civil war songs on his violin and is interested in the war. Always good as we Civil War buffs are aging quickly these days. Maybe there is hope.
COME SAIL AWAY: Poopdeck Pappy was the father of which fictional sailor?
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Past Movie Scratches: Green-- Star-- Z-- Martian-- Awakens-- Curse
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2018
25. GREEN MILE-- 4-12 Oh, that Mr. Jingles!! Oh, that Percy and Wild Bill.
26. STAR WARS: INTO DARKNESS-- 4-14-- Beware the Khan. He's mostly got it figured out.
27. WORLD WAR Z-- 4-14-- These Zombies are really, really fast. I'll take those slow ambling ones on The Walking Dead anytime. I mean, if you gotta have zombies, these are the ones I want.
28. THE MARTIAN-- 4-14-- Call him Colonizer. Call him Captain. And, Don't Count Him Out.
29. STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS-- 4-14-- Got a bad feeling about this. Han Solo and Chewbacca make an appearance. Does the Dark Force skip a generation?
30. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL-- 4-14-- "But you have heard of me?" How they got the curse.
COME SAIL AWAY: Which fictional sailor was introduced in the 1937 novel "The Happy Return" and his final appearance in the 1967 novel "The Last Encounter"?
Horatio Hornblower
Past Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches 2018
Music Deaths: Reggie Young, Session Musician On 120 Hits
Died January 17, 2019
Lead guitarist with American Sound Studio's house band The Memphis Boys. A leading session musician.
Touring/session guitarist, played on Elvis Presley's "Suspicious Minds."
Played with Elvis Presley, Dusty Springfield, Dionne Warwick, Willie, Waylon, Box Tops and Johnny Cash among others. Originally a member of Bill Black's Combo. Opened for the Beatles in 1964.
The Memphis Boys played on 120 pop, country, rock and soul songs between 1967 and 1971.
Some of these: "Kentucky Rain," "Don't Cry daddy" and "In the Ghetto." In the early 1970s backed Jimmy Buffett on three albums.
Some of My All-time favorite music.
Country Music,
Dead Page,
Elvis Presley,
Jimmy Buffett,
Music Deaths 2019
Music Deaths: Carol Channing "Hello, Dolly!"
Died January 19, 2019
American actress, singer, dancer and comedienne, with that instantly identifiable voice, though I didn't care for it.
Famous for "Hello, Dolly!"
On many soundtracks and albums.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Music Deaths: Bonnie Guitar: Singer, Musician, Businesswoman and Producer "Dark Moon"
Died January 13, 2019
Born Bonnie Buckingham. Best-known for her 1957 crossover hit "Dark Moon." First female country singer to have hit cross from that chart to the pop chart. Co-founded Dolton records which helped launch careers of the Fleetwoods and Ventures.
Check out "Dark Moon," "Mister Fire Eyes" and I'm Living In Two Worlds."
Music Deaths: Clydie King: Backing Vocals on "Sweet Home Alabama" and Many Others
Died January 7, 2019
Best-known for her backing vocals vocal work. Sang with Steely Dan, Rolling Stones, Barbra Steisand, Bob Dylan, Linda Ronstadt, Joe Cocker and Joe Walsh. She was a member of Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs and Englishmen."
Along with Merry Clayton, she sang Backing vocals on Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama."
Also sang solo. Check out her "Our Romance" from 1957 and "A Casual Look" from 1956. Great doo-wop.
I'd Celebrate That!! Feb. 25-27: Chocolate-Covered Peanuts, Pistachios and Strawberries
** I'd Celebrate That!!
LET'S ALL EAT RIGHT DAY--** If I like it and it's health, alright. Otherwise, NO!! Ant and everything you eat is bad for you.
NATIONAL CHOCOLATE-COVERED PEANUT DAY-- ** Seems to be at cross-purposes with the first thing.
NATIONAL CLAM CHOWDER DAY-- ** I love this soup.
QUIET DAY-- ** Well, yes and no. Never when my tunes are going.
NATIONAL PISTACHIO DAY-- ** I must have three bags of them stocked up. But, I love any kind of nut.
NATIONAL RETRO DAY-- ** I'm all about retro. Ask anybody.
NATIONAL STRAWBERRY DAY-- ** I just finished eating some strawberries. Few things finer.
MMMMmmmm. Strawberries. --RoadDog
COME SAIL AWAY. "Come Sail Away" was a 1977 hit song for what group?
Sunday, February 24, 2019
WLS Top Ten for February 24, 1969: "I Got A Line On You" Happy Birthday George Harrison
Today or tomorrow, depending upon which date you think is correct, George Harrison was born in 1043. Bob Stroud is doing a Root Salute on his Rock and Roll Roots show on Chicago's WDRV, 97.1 FM (www.wrdv.com) and Terri Hemmert is doing nothing but George Harrison music on her Breakfast With the Beatles show on Chicago's WXRT, 93.1 FM. (www.wxrt.com) Both are on right now, so get your George Fix there. They'll be on until 10 am, CST.
Fifty years ago in Chicago on WLS, 890 AM.
2. YOU SHOWED ME-- Turtles
3. RAMBLIN' GAMBLIN' MAN-- Bob Seeger (Seger)
4. I'VE GOTTA BE ME-- Sammy Davis Jr.
5. PROUD MARY-- Creedence Clearwater Revival
6. THIS MAGIC MOMENT-- Jay & the Americans
7. I GOT A LINE ON YOU-- Spirit
9. BABY, BABY DON'T CRY-- Smokey Robinson / Miracles
10. BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP-- Foundations
34. THE WEIGHT-- Aretha Franklin
35. MR. SUN, MR MOON-- Paul Revere / Raiders
38. THE LETTER-- Arbors
39. BACK DOOR MAN-- Derek
Name That Tune (from the above songs): " 'Cause I Was Born Lonely Down By the Riverside," Answer below. --RoadDog
COME SAIL AWAY: In which Italian City was Christopher Columbus born?
"Ramblin' Ganblin' Man"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
Creedence Clearwater Revival,
WLS Surveys 1969
Saturday, February 23, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 23-24: National Toast Day and World Bartender Day
CURLING IS COOL DAY-- A strange sport, but interesting. Might be an ice problem with me if that is what they play on.
NATIONAL BANANA BREAD DAY--** Thinking about a piece of one of those right out of the oven right now.
NATIONAL TOAST DAY (UK)--** Few things better than a warm piece of toast with jelly and dripping butter and washing it down with tomato juice.
PLAY TENNIS DAY-- No big fan.
WORLD BARTENDER DAY-- ** I really like my bartenders Barb, Heather, Wendy, Rocky, Don, Karen, Trudy and Kelly. Extra tips today, folks.
NATIONAL TORTILLA CHIP DAY-- ** A favorite healthy food choice.
NATIONAL TRADING CARD DAY-- ** I still have a lot of may baseball cards.
Warm Banana Bread Day. Just Think of It. --RoadDog
COME SAIL AWAY: According to myth, a siren known as Lorelei lured sailors to their deaths on what river?
I'd Celebrate That!,
Friday, February 22, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!!! February 22: National Chili and Margarita Days Today
** I'd celebrate that.
BE HUMBLE DAY--** And I have a lot to be humble for. Like the old song says, "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in ev'ry way."
NATIONAL CHILI DAY--** And here I sit with no chili. Not even a chili cookoff!!! Must correct that.
NATIONAL COOK A SWEET POTATO DAY--** Love my sweet taters.
NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY--** Eatin' my chili and washing i down with 'ritas.
WALKING THE DOG DAY--** Dogs absolutely hate more than anything when you take them for a walk. Don't do it. Actually, few things more dear to a dog than going for a walk.
Chili and Margaritas. Now, That's What I'm Talking About. --RoadDog
COME SAIL AWAY: Who wrote about the young sailor Billy Budd?
Herman Melville
Thursday, February 21, 2019
No More Pleasure Riding on Sundays During World War I
These last two entries should actually have been in my Cooter's History Thing, but I didn't know how to move them nor did I care to retype them. So, here they are.
From the September 26, 2018, MidWeek "Looking Back."
1918, 100 Years Ago.
"Much interest has been taken locally, as well as all-over the country, in the new gasoline rules which go into effect Sunday, by which owners of automobiles are requested not to use their machines for pleasure riding on Sunday."
Lookin' Back,
This Blog,
World War I
Work or Fight Order in World War I
From the October 26, 2018, MidWeek (DeKalb County, Illinois) "Looking Back."
1918, 100 Years Ago.
"One of the first industries to be affected to any serious extent by the work or fight order, and is also included as a nonessential industry, is that of the Tir-O-Fox company, which started operations here a year ago and since that time has been kept busy continually in filling orders for the tire remedy."
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
JSIS: Two NIU People Killed in Aurora-- Alabama Omits Lincoln-- Super Snow Moon
JSIS-- Just Some Interesting Stuff.
1. TWO NIU PEOPLE KILLED IN AURORA-- As if Valentine's Day isn't bad enough fot Northern Illinois University, because of the five murders 11 years ago, but the day after it this year, two people with NIU connections were murdered by another gunman, Trevor Wehner was starting his internship in preparation for his May graduation and alumnus Clayton Parker were both killed.
2. ALABAMA OMITS LINCOLN-- Monday was Presidents' Day and Alabama did not include Abraham Lincoln. Some called it racism, but it was actually a Yankee thing. By the way, I didn't know Presidents' Day was a day to honor all presidents, not just Washington and Lincoln.
3. SUPER SNOW MOON-- The last two nights were almost as bright as daylight because of it. No sneaking through the blockade these last two nights.
Thinking About Millard Fillmore. --RoadDog
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 20-21: Love Your Pet Day Today
From Checkiday.
CLEAN OUT YOUR BOOKCASE DAY-- Dust it, wipe it down, arrange it, donate what you don't need. I need to seriously dust my bookcases. I should, but won't donate any books. Sorry. I like 'em, even if I haven't read them.
LOVE YOUR PET DAY-- Well over half of Americans have one or more. My sister has lots of cats. I mean, lots. But I still have more books. We've only had one pet, a dog named Brandy.
NATIONAL CHERRY PIE DAY-- What would Homer do?
CARD READING DAY-- If you've kept any that were sent over the years, time to pull it out and read it. Brings back the memories, I reckon.
SINGLE TASKING DAY-- Multi-tasking causes mistakes and takes too much time. I'm not listening to Chris Stapleton's "Traveller" right now. Not much, anyway.
NATIONAL STICKY BUN DAY-- Loves my sticky buns. Don't sit on them though. Real messy. Better to eat.
Don't Touch MY BOOKS!!! --RoadDog
Family Pets,
I'd Celebrate That!,
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Woodstock Willie "The Groundhog" Arrested for Making A False Forecast
From 13 WREX Rockford, Illinois, NBC " 'Woodstock Willie' questioned by police after predicting early Spring"
Make sure you view the video for pictures of the arrest and booking.
They said it better than I could so this is the text of the message:
"Woodstock (where the famous movie was filmed), Illinois. After three days of searching, Woodstock police finally have a suspect in custody, but released him without charges.
"Woodstock Willie was taken in for questioning on Thursday. He is suspected in a false forecast.
"Willie predicted an early Spring on Groundhog Day on February 2. (I saw him wandering around the Woodstock Square on several occasions that day, but didn't suspect anything.)
Police said a sergeant spotted him today, he was cooperative but was released until police see what the weather will be like on the first day of Spring."
Temperature here in Spring Grove is at a high of 17 degrees right now with a strong wind. It is COLD!!
This morning the temperature was 4 degrees. Right now at 1 pm, it is a "balmy 26 degrees. We forget what it is like to be above freezing.
Was He Just Being Mean? Not Funny, Oversized Rodent!!! --RoadDog
Cold Weather,
Groundhog Day,
Woodstock Illinois,
Woodstock Square
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 18-19: Iwo Jima Day Today
CRAB-STUFFED FLOUNDER DAY--** Two of my favorite things together? You kidding me?
NATIONAL DRINK WINE DAY--** Drinkin' wine spo-de-doh. I remember those college days with Ripple and Annie Green Springs. Actually, Liz was given a bottle of Kenny Reid's home-made wine last month and we'll be drinking to his memory. Miss you Kenny.
PRESIDENTS DAY--** I was of the opinion this was to honor Washington and Lincoln, but now learn it is to honor all presidents. Since I just mentioned Millard Fillmore being buried in Buffalo, New York's Forest Lawn Cemetery in my War of 1812 blog, I will honor him.
THUMB APPRECIATION DAY--** Imagine life without 'em. Much more difficult. I came close to losing my right one back in 2008.
NATIONAL LASH DAY-- Eye lashes that is. What's with the gals with those two-inch-long lashes? Weird if you ask me. But, when they bat their lashes, at least you can get a nice breeze on a hot day.
INTERNATIONAL TUG-OF-WAR DAY--** Few things more fun than this, especially if there is a big ol' mud puddle between the teams, but only if you're on the winning team.
IWO JIMA DAY--** Today marks the beginning of it back 74 years ago. I'll put up my flags.
NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MINT DAY--** Candy!! Good!! Frango Mints and Andy's Nibts and those Girl Scout chocolate mint cookies. Order me a box.
SAILOR QUESTIONS (From the Wassup Magazine): Which sailor appears in the "Arabian Nights" stories?
Answer: Sinbad
I'd Celebrate That!,
Iwo Jima Flag raising,
Presidents Day,
Monday, February 18, 2019
Past Movie Scratches: Godfather-- Pirates-- Jaws-- Departed-- Smith-- Insidious
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2018.
19. GODFATHER 3-- 3-12-- Going to an opera can be hazardous to your health.
20. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL-- "It wouldn't have worked out anyhow." Jack gets his ship back. Will gets the girl.
21. JAWS 2-- 3-27-- Old Toothy's in for a shocking development. Moral: Don't chew with your mouth open.
22. THE DEPARTED-- 3-29-- Everyone gets killed when you deceive.
23. MR. AND MRS. SMITH-- 3-30-- Gives new meaning to "Till death do us part."
24. INSIDIOUS: LAST KEY-- 4-11-- Who says you can't go back home? Or, do you really want to go back home?
I Wish They Would Tell What Movie Is Playing In Those Little Popups At the Bottom of the Screen. --RoadDog
Past Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches 2018
Past Movie Scratches: Money-- Tammy-- Guardians-- Buck-- Airplane-- Jaws
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2018.
13. RUN FOR THE MONEY-- 2-18-- Learning the bounty hunter trade as you go. Hilarious.
14. TAMMY-- 2-18-- Grandma and granddaughter go for a road trip. One wild and crazy grandma.
15. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY-- 2-18-- "I am Groot." Quite an interesting group of misfits.
16. UNCLE BUCK-- 2-19-- Uncle Buck deals with his nieces and nephew. Heart of gold beneath a very gruff exterior. John Candy was one of the best.
17. AIRPLANE-- 2-19-- Has to be one of the funniest movies ever made. Listen to the jet sound. "Take some pictures."
18. JAWS 3-- 3-10-- Learn to not mess with sharks, especially really big Great Whites. Isn't that a bit racist?
Commercial Breaks Seem To be Getting Longer. --RoadDog
GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 15-17: National Cabbage Day Today
Need a reason to toast or roast on any given day? Here are some ideas. (From Checkiday.)
NATIONAL GUMDROP DAY They taste ok, but really get stick in the teeth.
NATIONAL I WANT BUTTERSCOTCH DAY--** I really loves my butterscotch.
REMEMBER THE MAINE DAY-- Sunk in Havana Harbor this date in 1898. Led to the Spanish-American War.
DO A GROUCH A FAVOR DAY-- ** Make him or her a nicer person.
NATIONAL ALMOND DAY-- ** One of my favorite nuts. "Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut, Sometimes You Don't."
WORLD WHALE DAY-- ** Wonderful and impressive creatures.
NATIONAL CABBAGE DAY-- ** Hey, one of my favorite cabbage times is coming up, St. Patrick's Day. Corned Beef and Cabbage. YEAH BABY!!
NATIONAL PTA FOUNDERS' DAY-- ** The Parent Teacher Association was formed on this date in 1897. Anytime parents and teachers work together, that's good for the kids.
And, A Little Green Beer. --RoadDog
WLS Top Ten for February 17, 1969: "Games People Play"
Fifty years ago in Chicago.
1. EVERYDAY PEOPLE-- Sly / Family Stone
2. YOU SHOWED ME-- Turtles
3. BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP-- Foundations
5. TOUCH ME-- Doors
6. THIS MAGIC MOMENT-- Jay &the Americans
7. CRIMSON & CLOVER-- Tommy James / Shondells
9. I GOT A LINE ON YOU-- Spirit
10. I'VE GOTTA BE ME-- Sammy Davis Jr.
34. MY WHOLE WORLD ENDED-- David Ruffin
36. THERE'LL COME A TIME-- Betty Everett
37. MENDOCINO-- Sir Douglas Quintet
38. HOT SMOKE & SASAFRASS-- Bubble Puppy
39. TRACES-- Classics IV
40. ROCK ME-- Steppenwolf
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "So Different And New Was Like Any Other Until I Kissed You." Answer below. --RoadDog
GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
"This Magic Moment"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Friday, February 15, 2019
JSS-- Valentine's Day-- Better Uniform Choice-- NIU Basketball Homecoming Saturday
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. VALENTINE'S DAY-- Liz and I really don't "celebrate" this contrived holiday. But, we did go to CorkScrew Pointe in McHenry, Illinois, with intentions of having a muffuletta sandwich, but, unfortunately, the kitchen didn't open until 3 and we had to be at a Kenny Reid's funeral by 3:30.
We ended up eating at Burger King, which is alright as I worked at the Burger King in Palatine, Illinois, when I met Liz and we ate there often. Liz was an especially "cheap" date yesterday as she got the chicken nuggets, 10 for $1, and value soda for $1.19. Thanks Liz.
2. BETTER UNIFORM CHOICES-- I sure hope NIU's new football coach will be able to better pick uniforms for our team than the last guy. His solid white uniforms with white helmets with just player number on them was extremely blah. And, for crying out loud, we have a good-looking logo finally and let's return it to the helmets.
3. NIU BASKETBALL HOMECOMING SATURDAY-- Planning on going out to DeKalb tomorrow for the basketball homecoming. For $5, you get to see both the men's and women's basketball teams at home.
Go Huskies!! --RoadHuskie
NIU Valentine's Day Killings: 11th Anniversary
Yesterday marked the 11th anniversary of a very sad day in Northern Illinois University history when a lone gunman murdered five students and wounded seventeen more. At least he did the decent thing and killed himself.
We were at K.C.'s Cabin in Spring grove, Illinois, and had just gotten their burger special when we saw on the TV screen video of what appeared to be the NIU campus. There was no sound on at the time, but eventually the words NIU shootings came across the screen.
We were shocked. It was one of those, well, it happens elsewhere, but not here moments.
February 14, 2018.
NIU Shootings,
Northern Illinois University
Two Funerals In Four Days: Jim Terryberry and Ken Reid
This has been a rough week for Liz and myself.
On Monday, we went to the funeral of a good friend, Jim Terryberry, 72, in Antioch, Illinois, at Strang Funeral Home. He is a friend from back in Round Lake and he and his wife would come out to see me deejay at Tom's Cafe in Johnsburg, Illinois, pretty much every St. Patrick's Day.
Plus, we would run into them at various festivals in the area during the summer.
Thursday, we went to the funeral of Kenny Reid, 68, at Justin Funeral Home in McHenry, Illinois. Wherever you would find Kenny, you'd find fun. That was just the way he was. A graduate of McHenry High School, Class of '68, he was instrumental in their yearly reunions which were real blowouts.
He also played NTN with us a lot at Donovan's Reef in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin.
Hard To Take.
Antioch Illinois,
Donovan's Reef,
McHenry Illinois,
Ten Love Songs for Valentine's Day: "Fooled Around and Fell In Love"
Yesterday, Bob Stroud did his Ten at Ten on Love Songs for some reason on his show on WDRV, 97.1 FM in Chicago. Every Mon-Fri, he does ten songs at 10 am and a repeat at 10 pm, hence Ten at Ten.
Here are some Love! songs:
I LOVE YOU-- Climax Blues Brothers
LET YOUR LOVE FLOW-- Bellamy Brothers
WHEN IT'S LOVE-- Van Halen
CHUCK E.'S IN LOVE-- Rikki Lee Jones
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "You Think You Lost Your Love, Well, I saw Her Yesterday." Answer below. --RoadDog
GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: Never ask your three-year-old brother to hold a tomato.
"She Loves You"
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Ten at Ten,
Valentine's Day,
Thursday, February 14, 2019
JSIS: Chicago's Mayoral Election-- Grammys-- Tax Commercials--
JSIS-- Just Some Interesting Stuff
1. CHICAGO'S MAYORAL ELECTION-- Many, many folks running for it after the Rahm "decided" not to run after the McDonald affair. But, one thing I am enjoying about the commercials is that they are not attacking each other, but saying what they want to do. I get so tired of all the mud-slinging in the other elections.
Listening to the other commercials, it would appear that all of the candidates should be in jail or in one of the lower realms of hell.
2. GRAMMYS-- Watched parts of the Grammy Awards on Sunday. I was amazed at how many musicians I'd never heard of before. Guess I am now officially out of the music loop.
3. TAX COMMERCIALS-- I don't know about you, but I sure am tired of the near-constant barrage of do-your-tax commercials we are getting bombarded with until April 15. Need a break. And they will be happy to get you your refund immediately for a NOMINAL FEE.
Music? What Music? --RoadDog
GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED (From the Wassup Magazine): 2. No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The Groundhog Was Wrong
Our local groundhog, Woodstock Willie, an offspring of the groundhog in the famous movie about Groundhog Day, did not see his shadow, nor did Punxsutaney Phil in Pennsylvania, This is supposed to mean that we were to have a warm winter and an early end. Well, this is beginning to be one of our worst.
We have been chased home by sleet, snow and ice the last four days running. But, we still manage to enjoy the frigid, icy northeast Illinois.
Saw two movies, "Cold Pursuit" and "A Dog's Way Home" at the Fox Lake Theatre. Looks like those bad guys would eventually learn to leave Liam Neeson's family alone. Then, we met up with Kevin and Kelly at the Legion for 50-50.
The 18-piece Lakes Area swing band played all that great Big Band and Swing music at the Fox Lake American Legion for the annual Valentine's Dance. I imagine that is what it was like in the 1930s and 1940s.
Bob Stroud Root saluted Carole King and Gerry Goffin on his Rock and Roll Roots show on WDRV, the Drive as Saturday was Carole's birthday and Monday was his birthday. What an output of music.
We went to Johnsburg for the annual Boy Scouts Pig Roast and then to Stucky's and then Sunnyside where we watched the Chicago Blackhawks win their seventh game in a row.
GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: 1. When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 7: "Build Me Up Buttercup"
10. HOOKED ON A FEELING-- B.J. Thomas #5
9. I STARTED A JOKE-- Bee Gees #6
8. THIS MAGIC MOMENT-- Jay & the Americans #6
6. BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP-- Foundations #3
5. CRIMSON & CLOVER-- Tommy James & Shondells #1
4. THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN-- Brooklyn Bridge #3
3. YOU SHOWED ME-- Turtles #6
2. TOUCH ME-- Doors #3
1. EVERYDAY PEOPLE-- Sly / Family Stone #1
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Girl You Don't Realize What You Do To Me." Answer below. --RoadDog
FUNNY ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGES: I can't come to the phone right now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don't remember. I'd appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks.
"Hooked On A Feeling"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Monday, February 11, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 11 to Feb. 14: Mardi Gras Season Begins Wesnesday
** I'd Celebrate That.
CLEAN OUT YOUR COMPUTER DAY** -- You're supposed to clean the outside and inside of your computer. I can do the outside, but not going inside. Too complicated.
NATIONAL DON'T CRY OVER SPILLED MILK DAY**-- If it's gone ot lost, get on with your life.
LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY** The 16th President.
NATIONAL LOST PENNY DAY** -- What's the saying? A penny saved is a penny _____.
PAUL BUNYAN DAY** -- Always enjoyed that story when I was growing up. That and Pecos Bill.
BEGINNING OF MARDI GRAS SEASON** -- Well, I do love my Mardi Gras for so many reasons. Though it looks like we won't be having it down at Panama City and Panama City Beach this year.
INTERNATIONAL PANCAKE DAY** --What's a Mardi Gras without pancakes?
WORLD RADIO DAY** -- I don't know anyone who likes radio better than me. I'm listening to WBRF, 98.1 FM Classic Country out of Galax, Virginia, right now, one of my favorite stations.
PACZKI DAY** -- What's a Mardi Gras without those good ol' Polish paczkis.
LIBRARY LOVERS DAY** -- Few places I enjoy more than a library.
NATIONAL CREAM FILLED CHOCOLATE DAY** Like a box of chocolates, right Forrest?
VALENTINE'S DAY-- One of the biggest worthless events anywhere. You do this everyday. But it does make the greeting car, candy and flower folks mighty rich.
Mr. Radio Guy--RoadRadio
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 6: "I Got A Line On You"
15. BABY, BABY DON'T CRY-- Smokey Robinson / Miracles #8 Does a slow-dancing song get any better than this?
14. I'VE GOTTA BE ME-- Sammy Davis Jr. #11 From the Broadway musical "The Golden Rainbow." His third highest chart song. Quite a message.
13. IF I CAN DREAM-- Elvis Presley #12 Originally the "B" side. Kind of a rewrite of #14.
12. I GOT A LINE ON YOU-- Spirit #25 Los Angeles group with Jay Ferguson as lead singer. he had a big hit in 1977 "Thunder Island."
11. I'M LIVING IN SHAME-- Diana Ross / Supremes #10 Very much reminds me of "Love Child." Makes a good point about loving your mom before she's gone.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Whether I'm Right Or Whether I'm Wrong." Answer below. --RoadDog
LINES FOR WOMEN: Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Woman: Do not enter.
"I've Gotta Be Me"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Sunday, February 10, 2019
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 5: "Games People Play"
Fifty years ago on Chicago's WLS 890 AM. By the way, the "LS" in the station's call letters stood for "Largest Store" in reference to Sears. So sad to see Sears being destroyed like it is by its present owner.
20. BUT YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU-- First Edition #19 Kenny Rogers' old group. As folk music goes rock. Kenny form,ed and fronted the First Edition in 1967. Their next sing, "Ruby, Din't Take Your Love To Town" it was Kenny Rogers and the First Edition.
19. I'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME-- #2 Supremes / Temptations Imagine having a hit with these two groups singing together?
18. CAN I CHANGE MY MIND-- Tyrone Davis #5 Try to not start moving at the start of this song. His first hit. Born 1938 on Greenville, Mississippi.
17. BABY LET'S WAIT-- Royal Guardsmen #35 What!! No SNOOPY!!!!! What! A guy pleading with his high school girlfriend to WAIT!!! Novelty-pop sextet from Ocala, Florida. Their last hit.
16. GAMES PEOPLE PLAY-- Joe South #12 Let's all do the "La -Da-Da-Dee." Born Joe Souter in 1940 in Atlanta.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "I'll Sacrifice For You, I'll Even Do Wrong For You." Answer below, --RoadDog
LINES FOR WOMEN: Man: What do you do for a living? Woman: I'm a female impersonator.
"I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Saturday, February 9, 2019
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 4: "Soulful Strut"
25. SOULFUL STRUT-- Young Holt Unltd. #3 Chicago instrumental group. Their biggest hit of three Top 100s.
24. INDIAN GIVER-- 1910 Fruitgum Company #5 From New Jersey. A case of broken love, indeed. I loves my Bubblegum Music and I don't care what anybody says.
23. SOULSHAKE-- Peggy Scott and Jo Jo Benson #37 Soul duo. I don't remember this one at all, but it's real good.
22. PROUD MARY-- Creedence Clearwater #2 The song that put 'em on the charts. Their biggest hit. One of the all-time best-ever songs by my all-time, best-ever group.
21. GOODNIGHT MY LOVE-- Paul Anka #27 Born in Ottawa, Canada. Could be a Frank Sinatra song with that whole orchestra and chorus thing going like that.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Left A God Job In the City, Workin' For the Man Ev'ry Night and Day." Answer below.
"Proud Mary"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 8-10: Pizza Pie Day Today
BOY SCOUT DAY** A great organization. As a matter of fact, Sunday, we are going over to Johnsburg for a Boy Scout Pig Roast to support them (and I really like pig roasts!!)
NATIONAL KITE FLYING DAY--** More meaning to "Go Fly A Kite."
OPERA DAY Well. I don't know. But if the guy from "The Upside" can learn to like it, I guess there is hope for me.
CHOCOLATE DAY** Chocolate? Chocolate? What is that?
PIZZA PIE DAY** As Homer would say, "MMMMmmmmmm. Pizza."
READ IN THE BATHTUB DAY All I ever get from that is a wet book. And we're not even going to talk about the newspaper. Near impossible in the shower, though.
NATIONAL FLANNEL DAY** "Oh, I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK."
NATIONAL MAN DAY** If the ladies can have their Valentine's Day, we can have out day too.
TEDDY DAY Not really into Teddy Bears. Lego My Teddy.
UMBRELLA DAY** They come in real handy on certain kinds of days, but not real windy days.
Boy Scouts,
I'd Celebrate That!,
Johnsburg Illinois,
pig roasts,
Music Deaths: Eric Haydock of the Hollies
Died January 5, 2019
Original bass guitarist of the Hollies 1962-1966.
Played on :
Just One Look (#98-1964)
Look Through Any Window (#32- 1966)
I Can't Let Go (#42-1966)
Bus Stop (#5-1966)
Stop Stop Stop (#7-1966)
Past Movie Scratches: Voyage-- Million-- Mine-- Cocoon-- Dredd-- Velvet
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2018.
7. THE LONG VOYAGE HOME-- 2-6-- Dodging U-boats with John Wayne in the early days of World War II.
8. ONE MILLION B.C.-- 2-7-- Cave Man love and all the things that will kill you back then.
9. THIS LAND IS MINE-- 2-8-- Life in a German-occupied town during World War II.
10. COCOON-- 2-8-- The Senior Set find the Fountain of Youth in a pool beside their Old Folks Home and live it up, until....
11. JUDGE DREDD-- 2-11-- Judge, Jury and Executioner. That's Sylvester Stallone.
12. NATIONAL VELVET-- 2-11-- Unlikely winner of the Grand National race. Velvet Brown was Elizabeth Taylor's name in the movie.
Popcorn With Seasoning!! --RoadDog
LINES FOR WOMEN: Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to your place and I'll go to mine.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Surviving the Cold Last Weekend: Teachers, Legion, Groundhog Day in Woodstock, Legion, Super Bowl
Last week was somewhat chilly here in the Chicagoland area as some of you might know. But we sure had a nice warmup in the weekend and it sure felt like spring had arrived, despite temps in the 40s.
FRIDAY, FEB. 1 Met the retired Magee teachers at the Bristol 45 Diner in Bristol, Wisconsin. Good to get together with old friends. Went to the 50-50 at the Legion at night.
SATURDAY, FEB. 2 Went to Woodstock for their Groundhog Day festival. This is where the famous movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed. Enjoyed it despite the bigger crowds. Then Liz and I went to the American Legion in Fox Lake in the afternoon and enjoyed the duo Twice As Nice.
SUNDAY, FEB. 3 Bob Stroud Root Saluted Buddy Holly on his Rock and Roll Roots show on WDRV 97.1 FM on the 60th anniversary of his death in Iowa. Watched the first three quarters of the Super Bowl game at Stucky's in Johnsburg. Too bad you know who won.
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 3: "Good Loving Ain't Easy"
Fifty years ago. The number behind the artist is the highest the song got on the Billboard Hot 1-- on the national; charts.
30. HANG 'EM HIGH-- Booker T. & MGs #8 Some great Western-style music for the Clint Eastwood film of the same name. The Stax session guys for all those great songs.
29. GOOD LOVING AIN'T EASY-- Marvin Gaye / Tammi Terrell #30 Not one of their better-known songs, but a great one, nonetheless. A dynamic duo.
28. CROSSROADS-- Cream #28 How can three guys play this so well. Thanks Robert Johnson. British rock supergroup.
27. THERE'S GONNA BE A SHOWDOWN-- Archie Bell / Drells #21 Another great Beach Music song on the chart. Actual Title "(There's Gonna Be A) Showdown." Whose the Top cat of Dancing?
26. TIME OF THE SEASON-- Zombies #3 Kind of spooky/strange music to go with a name like this. Their last hit song.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "When Love Runs High." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Time Of the Season"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Past Movie Scratches: Transylvania-- Grown-- Cheaper-- Zookeeper-- Groundhog-- Woodstock
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2018.
1. HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2-- 1-3-- Fangs-A-Lot.
2. GROWN UPS 2-- 1-6-- The gang is back and battling their own demons and that pretty-boy fraternity.
3. CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN-- 1-13-- It's a family affair. Hey, didn't Sly have something to do with it?
4. ZOOKEEPER-- 1-13-- Ask the animals. They know.
5. GROUNDHOG DAY-- 1-17-- Be good or stay there.
6. WOODSTOCK: DIRECTOR'S CUT-- 2-5-- And it seems to be a long time. "New York's Thruway's closed, man."
LINES FOR WOMEN: Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
Past Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches 2018
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 2: "Daddy Sang Bass"
35. THIS GIRL'S IN LOVE WITH YOU-- Dionne Warwick-- (D) #7 A reply to Herb Alpert. A New Jersey girl.
34. DIZZY-- Tommy Roe (D) #1 Tell the truth. Do you smile with the first notes? Born in Atlanta in 1942. His biggest-ever hit.
33. I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE-- Marvin Gaye #1 Another one of those I came name that song in three notes ones. His biggest-ever hit.
32. DADDY SANG BASS-- Johnny Cash #42 With June Carter and the Statler Brothers. Written by Carl Perkins. Country goes Pop.
31. NO, NOT MUCH-- Vogues #34 A great wedding song.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Like A Whirlpool It Never Ends, And It's You Girl." --Answer below.
COMEBACK LINES FOR WOMEN: Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before. Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
Johnny Cash,
WLS Surveys 1969
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
WLS Top 40 for February 10, 1969-- Part 1: "Loving Things"
The Top 40 Songs in Chicago fifty years ago according to WLS 890 AM.
The number after the artist is how high the song got on the Billboard Hot 100 national charts. (D) means debut.
40. MAY I-- Bill Deal / Rhondells-- (D) #39 Great Beach Music song. Ranks #45 on the all-time top Beach Songs. All those horns.
39. ONLY YOU-- Bobby Hatfield (D) #95 One half of the Righteous Brothers doing a solo thang with an old Platters song. The real McCoy. His only solo Top 100.
38. LONG GREEN-- Fireballs (D) #73 Jimmy Gilmer's group. Why don't we "Louie, Louie" again. Their biggest-ever hit was "Sugar Shack" (#1-1963). Their last Top 100.
37.. LOVING THINGS-- Grassroots #49 Has that great Grassroots sound all over it and would have thought it would have done better on the charts.
36. HEAVEN-- Rascals #39 Good song but never heard it before. You can almost feel the church. Is that the choir singing?
Name That Tune (From the above songs): "Can Thrill Me Like You Do." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Only You"
AM Radio,
Chain Flooding,
Chicago Radio,
WLS Surveys 1969
Movie Scratches: Holmes-- Sex-- Green-- Vice
Movie Scratches-- A Dog's-Eye view of today's movies (Seen at the theater). After title, date seen, where, cost.
1. HOLMES & WATSON-- 1-8-- Fox Lake, $5-- "No s**t Sherlock." How Holmes got his hat. This film owes a big thanks to Monty Python.
2. ON THE BASIS OF SEX-- 1-24-- Fox Lake, $6-- The life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Should have gotten Academy nominations. Quite a woman. Before this I just thought of her as the strange-looking Supreme Court Justice.
3. GREEN BOOK-- 1-27-- Fox Lake, $6-- One of the best movies I've ever seen. Sure glad it's not that way so much anymore. A movie on many levels. I'd be surprised if this one doesn't get Best Picture.
4. VICE-- 1-29-- Fox Lake, free-- The life and times of Dick Cheney Going for ultimate power by a very scary guy.
Sure Glad Some Theaters Are Now Showing Nominated Movies.-- RoadDog
IN 50 YEARS OF LIVING YOU LEARN: Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
1. HOLMES & WATSON-- 1-8-- Fox Lake, $5-- "No s**t Sherlock." How Holmes got his hat. This film owes a big thanks to Monty Python.
2. ON THE BASIS OF SEX-- 1-24-- Fox Lake, $6-- The life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Should have gotten Academy nominations. Quite a woman. Before this I just thought of her as the strange-looking Supreme Court Justice.
3. GREEN BOOK-- 1-27-- Fox Lake, $6-- One of the best movies I've ever seen. Sure glad it's not that way so much anymore. A movie on many levels. I'd be surprised if this one doesn't get Best Picture.
4. VICE-- 1-29-- Fox Lake, free-- The life and times of Dick Cheney Going for ultimate power by a very scary guy.
Sure Glad Some Theaters Are Now Showing Nominated Movies.-- RoadDog
IN 50 YEARS OF LIVING YOU LEARN: Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
2019 Movie Scratches,
Academy Awards,
Movie Scratches,
Monday, February 4, 2019
I'd Celebrate That!!! Feb. 4 to Feb. 7: Thank A Mailman Day Today
** I'd celebrate that.
National Thank A Mailman Day** Especially this last week.
Rosa Parks Day** It took real courage to do what she did. White folks in the South back then weren't particularly understanding.
National Homemade Soup Day** Nothing like it on a cold day. Shoot, I'll even take it out of a can. National Stuffed Mushroom Day** Just let me see them on a buffet line!!!
Chinese New Year** They've sure been around a long time.
National Weather Persons' Day** Used to be Weatherman's Day. I hear what they say and then look outside, though.
Western Monarch Day*8 One really beautiful butterfly. Always makes my day to see one. And Mom always said that Dad came back a a butterfly.
National Frozen Yogurt Day** Mmmm, yogurt, or is it ice cream?
Lame Duck Day For those politicians running out the rest if their term after either losing an election ir retiring.
Pay a Compliment Day** Everyone can use a compliment every now and then.
Rose Day** Love roses. Hate the thorns.
National Girls and Women In Sports Day** They deserve credit.
Soup!! --RoadDog
IN 50 YEARS OF LIVING YOU LEARN: Your friends love you anyway.
Civil Rights,
I'd Celebrate That!,
Music Deaths: Daryl Dragon of Captain and Tennille
Died January 2, 2019
He was the "Captain" of the husband-and-wife duo with wife Toni Tennille.
They had seven Top Tens from 1975 to 1979.
Love Will Keep Us Together (#1-1975)
The Way I Want To Touch You (#4-1975)
Lonely Night (Angel Face) (#3-1976)
Shop Around (#4-1976)
Muskrat Love (#4-1976)
You Never Done It Like That (10-1978)
Do That To Me One More Time (#1-1979)
Music Deaths: Pegi Young and Steve Ripley
Died January 1, 2019
Married Neil Young in 1978. American singer, songwriter, environmentalist.
Died January 3, 2019
Guitarist, producers and leader of the Tractors. Inventor of Ripley guitars. The Tractors are one of my all-time favorite groups.
I Sure Miss the Oldies Music News Website
Sad to see an old friend and stand-by go, but evidently Oldies Music News is no longer on the internet.
This site is where I got my oldies music news, especially deaths. What made it even better was that they gave information on the person who died.
I am now using Rock and Roll Birthdays and Deaths "I Hope I Die Before I Get Old." Unfortunately, they don't give much information on the person.
More Work For Me, I Reckon. --RoadDog
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2018,
Music Deaths 2019,
This Blog
Sunday, February 3, 2019
WLS Top Ten for February 3, 1969: "The Worst That Could Happen"
That's right, fifty years ago in Chicago.
1. TOUCH ME-- Doors
2. EVERYDAY-- Slay / Family Stone "Everyday People"
4. CRIMSON & CLOVER-- Tommy James / Shondells
5. YOU SHOWED ME-- Turtles
6. I STARTED A JOKE-- Bee Gees
7. IF I CAN DREAM-- Elvis Presley
9. THIS MAGIC MOMENT-- Jay & the Americans
10. CAN I CHANGE MY MIND-- Tyrone Davis
33. CROSSROADS-- The Cream
37. GOOD LOVIN' AIN'T EASY-- Marvin Gaye / Tammi Terrell
38. LEVIN' THINGS-- Grassroots "Lovin' Things"
39. HEAVEN-- Rascals
40. NO, NOT MUCH-- Vogues
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Can't You See That I Am Not Afraid." Answer below. --RoadDog
IN 50 YEARS OF LIVING YOU LEARN: When trouble arises there is always someone who sees it and takes command. Very often, that person is crazy.
"Touch Me"
AM Radio,
Chicago Radio,
Elvis Presley,
WLS Surveys 1969
I'd Celebrate That!!! February 1-3: Groundhog Day Saturday
FEBRUARY 1-- Bubble Gum Day As I teacher I fought a losing war against it. Change Your Password Day** If I remember. G.I. Joe Day Never got into him that much. I was too old. Hula In the Coola Day** Never heard of it, but the idea of putting on a hula skirt and coconut bra might be just thing.
FEBRUARY 2-- Crepe Day** I like a good crepe every now and then. Groundhog Day** Of course, Must watch the movie and get over to Woodstock, Illinois, where it was filmed. Sorry Punx.. Heavenly Hash Day** Will warm your insides. Hedgehog Day** Well, why not. Kind of a distant cousin. Tater Tot Day** What would Homer say? MMMMMMnnn, Tater Tots.
FEBRUARY 3-- American Painters Day** Especially Rockwell and Kinkaide. National Carrot Cake Day** Few things I like better than carrot cake. Super Chicken Wing Day*8 Always on Super Bowl Sunday. Always my favorite part of the chicken, even before they got popular.
chicken wings,
Groundhog Day,
I'd Celebrate That!,
Friday, February 1, 2019
JSS: BBBBrrrrr!!!!-- Cold Or Hurricanes and Floods?--- Groundhog Day Festival
JSS-- Just Some Stuff.
1. BBBBBRRRRR!!! Yep, mighty cold here in Spring Grove, Illinois, of late. Never got over -10 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday at 9 a.m., it was -23 degrees. But, today, predicted high of 22 degrees. Then Saturday our first day over freezing in weeks at 41 degrees and possibly 50 degrees by Monday.
When it hits 41 degrees on Saturday, folks will regard that as almost shorts and tee shirt weather. We didn't go out at all Wednesday, but I'm imagining that even the dumb high school and college boys weren't out in their winter tee shirts and shorts.
2. COLD OR HURRICANES & FLOODS-- Listening to the Surf in North Myrtle Beach, SC, on Thursday and it was 27 degrees going to the mid 40s. DJ Jim Morgan was talking about how much better it was living there than in Chicago. But I just have to think of their hurricanes and floods.
Even when they don't get hit by these, they have to worry about pretty much any tropical storm out in the Atlantic. If I have a choice between hurricanes and cold, I'll go with the cold.
3. GROUNDHOG DAY FESTIVAL-- In Woodstock, Illinois, where the famous movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed. It started Thursday and goes to this Sunday. For the events, go to my RoadDog's RoadLog blog. And, this year, Steve Tobolowski, who played Ned the insurance salesman will be there.
And, Lake Geneva, Illinois, has their annual winter festival with snow sculpturing and all sorts of other stiff this weekend.
Biggest Party Schools In Illinois
Using student reviews and nightlife stats.
10. Univ. of Illinois
79. DePaul
85. Southern Illinois
88. Western Illinois
100. Columbia College
108. Eastern Illinois
128. Illinois State
195. Northern Illinois
As a graduate of NIU, I demand a recount.
I Had Plenty of Fun at Northern and Still Do. --RoadDog
IN 50 YEARS OF LIVING YOU LEARN: No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
Northern Illinois University,
Party Schools,
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