Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Past Movie Scratches: Minions-- Revenge-- Hope-- Strikes-- Return-- Trek

Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I Saw in 2019.

109.  MINIONS--  12-14--   How the Minions got to where they are now.  No laughing in the dungeon.  Bob, Kevin and Stuart save the Queen from Scarlett Overkill.

110.  STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH III--  12-16--  Aniken goes to the Dark Side and becomes Darth You-Know-Who.  Jedi wiped out except for Yoda and Obiwon Kenobe.

111.  STAR WARS:  A NEW HOPE IV--  12-17--  The original first episode.  "Help me, Obewon Kenobi, you're my only what?"  That really cool bar scene with all those derelicts and great music.  "I've got a what about this?"

112.  STAR WARS:  THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK V--  12-18--  "A long time ago in a galaxy what?"  The battle in the snow.  We meet Yoda.  "Your worship."   Han and Leia sitting in a tree.  "I am your father."

113.  STAR WARS:  RETURN OF THE JEDI VI--  12-19--  Jabba the big slug that laughs way too much.  It's all about your destiny.  Luke finds the good in his father after much effort.

114.   STAR TREK:  BEYOND--  12-20--  The crew's all together now.  Versus the Bee Swarm  "Let's make some noise!"


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