Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wish Me Luck As I Attempt to Set Up the New Computer Today

Last Friday, I bought a new personal computer at Wal-Mart, an HP all-in-one Windows 10 for $399 and today I am going to attempt to install it.

I do not expect to succeed, given my continuing record dealing with all this new technology/  I am, as they say, technologically challenged.  Our current pcs are XPs and no longer supported by Windows as I see every time I turn mine on.

I would gave gotten a new pc earlier, but again, I have to learn how to set it  up and use it, something I am not good at in any fashion.

I still use a 2003 flip phone and still hardly know how  to use it.

Well, Wish Me Luck.  --RoadHuh?

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