Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

JSS: Missing Bob Rohrman-- Recreational Marijuana-- Firefighters' Steak Fry

JSS--  Just Some Stuff


Bob Rohrman died Tuesday, September 1, 2020.  And, I miss his wacky TV commercials for his family-owned auto group were standard TV fodder and who put the ROAR in ROHRman.

2,  RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA COMMERCIALS--  And, on the subject of commercials, now I hear commercials telling people to save money on their recreational marijuana by getting a doctor's excuse.  I really never thought I'd be hearing these on the radio.

Of course, we have had legal marijuana sales here in Illinois for a year now and every month they set new sales records.  And a whole lot of the cost you pay for it is taxes.  Hey, our state is broke so nice to have the revenue.  As for us, we have yet to go buy any.  Personally I have enough problems with drinking and don't need another problem.

We also have never played any of the gambling slot machines that seem to be everywhere in the state these days.  I'm waiting for them to start putting them in bathrooms.

3.  FIREFIGHTERS' STEAK FRY--  Today, the Spring Grove Firefighters are having the annual Steak Fry, so we will be going over to that.


LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE, THE BEHIND YOU LAW:  When you finally give up looking for that item in a store and ask an employee where something is, you know very well that it will be right behind you.

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