Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Every Bloomin' Thing

There is an old gas station in Waynesville, Missouri, which has been converted into a flower shop with the very appropriate name of my Every Bloomin' Thing.  I am using the name (with a capital H in Thing) for when I write about my yard every so often.

I had to cut the grass today as it had grown quite a bit since we left on the trip. A couple of my trees have lost most of their leaves without turning. The honeylocusts are turning yellow.

The mums are absolutely brilliant in their yellows, purples, reds, and orange color, and I have quite a several hundred of them. The sedum have several shades of red. A lot of the goldenrod are still bright yellow, plus there is some sort of a plant with huge clusters of white flowers that are ablaze from one end of the yard to the other.

Sure going to miss all the color at the end of this month which effectively ends my growing season until next April.

Love 'Dem Flowers. --RoadDog

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