Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Forty Good Years-- A Trip Down Memory Lane

This past Saturday, December 15th, marked the 40th anniversary of when I gave my wife Liz my ID bracelet on December 15, 1967, marking the beginning of a long relationship, that now has 34 years of marriage to boot.

Despite forecasts of, and snow coming down, we drove back to where it all started in Palatine, Illinois.

Liz had just transferred to Palatine from Madonna High School in Chicago. She took the Chicago & Northwestern train to Palatine every day until her parents got a rental house on Boynton Street while their home was being built by Winston-Muss Corporation on Patricia Lane.

We were both juniors and had first met at a party back in November when I mistook her for a girl I kind of liked and, along with another guy, picked her up and put her into a trashcan filled with ice. How's that for an ice-breaker? It's a wonder she ever had anything to do with me after that. But, that did not come to pass.

More on the Trip Later. --RoadDog

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