Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

JSS: Snow!!!-- Sox Cancelled-- Tarheels!!!

Just Some Stuff.

1. SNOW!!!!-- Started snowing heavily yesterday when we got home from Coz's and Mar's. Forecast calls for up to 4-5 inches. Sorry you snowmobilers. Hope we don't. It's SPRING for crying out loud!!! Hey, it's also almost boating season, zebras and all.

2. SOX CANCELLED-- Tomorrow's season opener of the Sox has been called off due to the weather. Come on, April 6th and snow and 30s!!! Well, at least the Cubs will get to play tomorrow night.

3. TARHEELS-- However, I will be paying the most attention to the NCAA Championship game and pulling for Carolina, my favorite of the Big-Time schools. I'm also originally from North Carolina, but have lived so long in the Midwest, I've become a Big Ten fan, so won't be too upset if Michigan State wins. However, go HEELS!!!

A Sporting and Freezing I Go. --RoadDog

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