Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pretty Good Day Yesterday-- Part 2-- NTN Road Trip

Well, Actually last Thursday, Veterans Day.

We decided to go for an NTN Road Trip up to Cheesehead Land and visit two new-to-us sites.

We first drove to Union Grove, Wisconsin. Coal Miners is located right downtown on main street which is US-45 which runs from Michigan's Upper Peninsula all the way south to Mobile, Alabama. We have drive most of the road at different times, including the whole way between Mobile and part way through Illinois.

They just got it recently and have the boards sitting out on the bar as well as TVs tuned to it. Always a good sign.

The place was originally called Coal Miners Daughter after the owners mother who was from Kentucky and was a Coal Miner's Daughter. I was wondering why the name since there are no coal mines around the area.

There was one ranking glitch and we figure we were at least Top Ten both bar and individual. We did get one game to rank and the bar was #3 and DBLK #9.

The local site rankings were pretty low though so hope they get some players.

Next Stop, Players Park. -- RoadDog

SENIOR BUMPER SNICKERS: Support bingo. Keep Grandma off the streets.

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