Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Every Bloomin' Thing: Mid-November 2010

This should be my last update on the outside of the house for this year.

I overdid it this year and bought too many plants in to overwinter, way more than usual. The sunroom is standing plant room only. Bur, some of them are the caladiums, New Guinea impatiens and sweet potato vines, all of which are expensive. If they make it, that will save me some dough next season (and with Big Oil and the Hedgie-Wedgie GRBs manipulating the price of oil and keeping it close to $3 this time of year, I'm sure gas will be back to $4 a gallon next spring and summer).

That means less money for plants and more expensive plants because of increased transportation and growing costs.

The yard is in its final big burst of color. All of the deciduous trees have lost their leaves except the three Bradford pears which are now just getting into their autumn crimson (always the last ones to do so).

The twenty-or-so burning bushes are also at peak crimson. Quite a few spirea are also sporting colors.

Then, there are the hundreds of mums on all sides of the house (primarily yellow) that are still in bloom, but starting to fade a bit.

I went around taking pictures yesterday.

2010, a Very Good Yard Season. --RoadDog

SENIOR BUMPER SNICKERS: I've been diagnosed with C.R.S.. That means I Can't Remember S___.!! Actually, I've had that so long I can't remember when I got it.

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