Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, May 3, 2013

It's a College Thing: 2010-- Teaching About Education

Catching up on some old items.

Back in 2010, a report came out that many Illinois colleges don't prepare teachers for the classroom.  My old alma mater, Northern Illinois, and Illinois State are the state's two biggest producers of teachers.  I don't know, I taught for 33 years and thought I did a good job.

Back when I was taking my education classes in the 1972-1973 year, there were many things the professors told me to do, that I didn't as I didn't think it would work.  They hadn't been in the classroom in a long time.

I would like to see college education professors have a rotating basis:  Five years teaching at college and five years at a regular public school.  And that teaching definitely should not be in a college lab school or honors/magnet school or one in a rich area.

Then they would have a better grasp of what is going on "out there."

Well, That's What I'd Do.  --RoadDog

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