Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

State Street, That Great Street, Especially at Christmas

Flashback 1958, by Nancy Watkins in the Nov. 16th Chicago Tribune.

I always look forward to that last page of the Tribune Magazine every Sunday to see what delights Nancy has brought me in her weekly Flashback page. Not only is there an old picture, but also all sorts of interesting information related to it.

Nov. 16th she showed a picture a picture taken Nov. 13, 1958, of 250,000 standing in State Street admiring the new $250,000 street lights when they were first turned on.

I'll quote her opening statement: "We moan about the crowds and the parking and the weather. But we know deep down that shopping on State Street knows no equal for revving up the holiday spirit, ever since Marshall Field's unveiled its first Christmas window display in 1897."

SANTA LOST HIS PANTS-- Ten days later in the parade, Santa's pants fell down, but fortunately he was wearing another pair underneath, (You know how cold it can get in Chicago.)

HENRY LYTTON, 1888-- Hub Store owner Henry Lytton was seen dressed in a tuxedo sawing wood in a display window. he had lost a bet.

1938-- Year of the first State Street parade.

7 and 3/4 TONS- weight of each clock at the corner of Marshall Field's, er, Macy's.

33%-- The percent of adults who say they'll shop online because of the high cost of gasoline.

I sure enjoyed my trip to State Street earlier this month. Fly Metra, the Only Way to Go.

Thanks, Nancy. Another Great Job. --RoadDog

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