I have not heard anything here in the US about the discovery of this ship's wreck off the west coast of Australia last week, but it is definitely big news in Australia.
The ship disappeared after a fight with the German raider Kormoran in 1941. Not one of her 600 plus crew survived.
I've been covering it on my history blog or you can search for news about it.
This is a Mighty Interesting Story. --RoadDog

Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Property Taxes, How High is High?
I am of the opinion that my property taxes are a bit high out here in Spring Grove, Illinois. For an 2200 square foot home on an acre, I'm paying $7600. As a matter of fact, when I finally paid off the mortgage, my monthly property tax was the same as the mortgage payment!!! Now, that's BAD!!!
Yesterday, my buddy Kip and I took a ride out through a subdivision in Grayslake, Illinois and saw many For Sale signs all over the place. Several homes had flyers and we stopped to get copies.
These homes are on perhaps an 8th of an acre and although striking, some are modeled on Frank Lloyd Wright's work, not very big. Two were listed in the $420-465,000 range and one at $596,000. I doubt that any had more than 2200 square feet.
Now Get This--- Taxes on the two less expensive ones were around $10,900 and $14,114 for the bigger one.
Now, how are people going to be able to pay this much??
Guess I shouldn't complain as much. But I Will!!!
If we do move from here, a big part of it will be because of taxes. --RoadDog
Yesterday, my buddy Kip and I took a ride out through a subdivision in Grayslake, Illinois and saw many For Sale signs all over the place. Several homes had flyers and we stopped to get copies.
These homes are on perhaps an 8th of an acre and although striking, some are modeled on Frank Lloyd Wright's work, not very big. Two were listed in the $420-465,000 range and one at $596,000. I doubt that any had more than 2200 square feet.
Now Get This--- Taxes on the two less expensive ones were around $10,900 and $14,114 for the bigger one.
Now, how are people going to be able to pay this much??
Guess I shouldn't complain as much. But I Will!!!
If we do move from here, a big part of it will be because of taxes. --RoadDog
OK, Now It's Snow's Cut Bridge
That's my big problem when I get into something, I keep branching out, branching out, until sometimes I don't even know where I am.
Now, I'm on that Snow's Cut Bridge which I mentioned always signaled my arrival at beloved Carolina Beach.
This is one magnificent and high bridge, and the only bridge that connects what is now called Pleasure Island which is Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Fort Fisher. At one time there was no need for a bridge as these beaches were on a peninsula, but with the cut across from the Cape Fear River to the sounds for the Intercoastal Waterway, these communities suddenly became an island.
The bridge was built in 1961 and I don't know how they got to the island before that, even though I'm sure I was in the car when we went over it. In the aftermath of the bridge collapse in Minnesota, Snow's Cut Bridge was checked and on a 1-100 scale, came out at a 62. Bridges like this one have an expectancy of 50 years, so it is past that.
No set replacement plan is in effect right now.
From the August 27, 2007 Island Gazette.
Hopefully Over and Not Down. --RoadDog
Now, I'm on that Snow's Cut Bridge which I mentioned always signaled my arrival at beloved Carolina Beach.
This is one magnificent and high bridge, and the only bridge that connects what is now called Pleasure Island which is Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Fort Fisher. At one time there was no need for a bridge as these beaches were on a peninsula, but with the cut across from the Cape Fear River to the sounds for the Intercoastal Waterway, these communities suddenly became an island.
The bridge was built in 1961 and I don't know how they got to the island before that, even though I'm sure I was in the car when we went over it. In the aftermath of the bridge collapse in Minnesota, Snow's Cut Bridge was checked and on a 1-100 scale, came out at a 62. Bridges like this one have an expectancy of 50 years, so it is past that.
No set replacement plan is in effect right now.
From the August 27, 2007 Island Gazette.
Hopefully Over and Not Down. --RoadDog
Tote-Em-In Zoo-- Wilmington, NC
I got to wondering about the Tore-Em-In Zoo at 5811 Carolina Beach Road and that old elephant tied up outside that spent every day that I saw him with one foot tied to something as he would rock back and forth.
I came across an article saying it had closed after 50 years of operation in 2003. The owner at the time was Jerry Brown who had worked at the place his whole life.
The conditions the animals had to live in weren't very good by today's zoo standards.
The door to the place was a gigantic plaster lion head.
Sorry to hear it. Like Monkey Junction, it just meant that I was that much closer to Carolina Beach.
Then there would be my first glimpse of the ocean as we crossed over Snow's Cut Bridge over the Intercoastal Waterway.
Hoping to Visit the Area this Weekend. --RoadDog
I came across an article saying it had closed after 50 years of operation in 2003. The owner at the time was Jerry Brown who had worked at the place his whole life.
The conditions the animals had to live in weren't very good by today's zoo standards.
The door to the place was a gigantic plaster lion head.
Sorry to hear it. Like Monkey Junction, it just meant that I was that much closer to Carolina Beach.
Then there would be my first glimpse of the ocean as we crossed over Snow's Cut Bridge over the Intercoastal Waterway.
Hoping to Visit the Area this Weekend. --RoadDog
Get the Monkey...ON YOUR BACK!!!
In case you were wondering, the name Monkey Junction first appeared about 70 years ago because a gas station located there in the late 30s to early 40s.
It was owned by Dina and Jack Spindle, who kept live monkeys to attract customers from a local bus. The bus would stop near the station and the driver would announce, "Monkey Junction." Soldiers from Fort Fisher also enjoyed the place.
Non-natives of Wilmington might refer to it as Myrtle Grove Junction.
There is/or was a small roadside zoo near it called the Tote-Em Zoo which had an elephant tied up out front for many years.
I always got excited when we reached Monkey Junction because it meant we were getting near Carolina Beach, the place where I spent many summer vacations in my youth.
Save the Monkey!! --RoadDog
It was owned by Dina and Jack Spindle, who kept live monkeys to attract customers from a local bus. The bus would stop near the station and the driver would announce, "Monkey Junction." Soldiers from Fort Fisher also enjoyed the place.
Non-natives of Wilmington might refer to it as Myrtle Grove Junction.
There is/or was a small roadside zoo near it called the Tote-Em Zoo which had an elephant tied up out front for many years.
I always got excited when we reached Monkey Junction because it meant we were getting near Carolina Beach, the place where I spent many summer vacations in my youth.
Save the Monkey!! --RoadDog
Monkey Junction to be Annexed to Wilmington, NC??
There is considerable discussion about whether or not the area known as Monkey Junction will be absorbed into the city of Wilmington.
It is located at the intersection of College Road (NC-132) and Carolina Beach Road (US-421). This is a rapidly growning area with all the accoutrements of SHS (Standard Homogenized Stuff) that you see so often along our highways these days. That would be Wal Marts, Buffalo Wild Wings and the like.
One of the leaders of the opposition has a website at http://www.monkeyjunctionnc.com/ . Very interesting site.
The good folks of MJ (no, not the basketball/underwear guy) also object to being called Myrtle Grove which is a nearby subdivision.
Hey, you can even buy a tee shirt.
Don't Shock the Monkey, Save the Monkey!! --RoadDog
It is located at the intersection of College Road (NC-132) and Carolina Beach Road (US-421). This is a rapidly growning area with all the accoutrements of SHS (Standard Homogenized Stuff) that you see so often along our highways these days. That would be Wal Marts, Buffalo Wild Wings and the like.
One of the leaders of the opposition has a website at http://www.monkeyjunctionnc.com/ . Very interesting site.
The good folks of MJ (no, not the basketball/underwear guy) also object to being called Myrtle Grove which is a nearby subdivision.
Hey, you can even buy a tee shirt.
Don't Shock the Monkey, Save the Monkey!! --RoadDog
Monday, March 24, 2008
Da Gonzo is On NIU
While checking out the Gonzo's blog to see if he had done any other Illinois architecture, I saw that he hadn't. Lately, he has been working with others on the NIU Needs Answers Blog.
They are "searching for the truth in the wake of a tragedy," referring to the horrible shootings at my alma mater, Northern Illinois University back on Feb. 14th.
They are calling it a citizens journalism project and anyone can submit stories, photos, or videos after creating an account with it.
There is discussion as what to do with Cole Hall, the site of the murders. The governor and others want it torn down. I say that it shouldn't be torn down. I'd even go so far as to say it should continue as a lecture hall. The killer will not get his way.
They are "searching for the truth in the wake of a tragedy," referring to the horrible shootings at my alma mater, Northern Illinois University back on Feb. 14th.
They are calling it a citizens journalism project and anyone can submit stories, photos, or videos after creating an account with it.
There is discussion as what to do with Cole Hall, the site of the murders. The governor and others want it torn down. I say that it shouldn't be torn down. I'd even go so far as to say it should continue as a lecture hall. The killer will not get his way.
Death Toll in Iraq Surpasses 4000
Extremely sad news yesterday.
It wouldn't be so bad if it appeared that we were making some headway. There was awhile last summer when we didn't hear about all the casualties and it looked like we might be on our way to setting up a democratic government in Iraq, but lately, we've had a lot of deaths.
Perhaps we've reached the point where we should just say we've done all that we can do and just leave. If not, I'd like to see our troops puled from patrol duty and put into heavily fortified camps,
The time has come for Iraq's government to do their own job.
It's Time to DO SOMETHING. --RoadDog
It wouldn't be so bad if it appeared that we were making some headway. There was awhile last summer when we didn't hear about all the casualties and it looked like we might be on our way to setting up a democratic government in Iraq, but lately, we've had a lot of deaths.
Perhaps we've reached the point where we should just say we've done all that we can do and just leave. If not, I'd like to see our troops puled from patrol duty and put into heavily fortified camps,
The time has come for Iraq's government to do their own job.
It's Time to DO SOMETHING. --RoadDog
Getting Ready to Cruise on Down to North Carolina
I'm leaving Wednesday for a trip to visit family in the Old North State. I understand the dogwoods and azaleas are just coming into bloom and I've always wanted to see this display.
Wilmington, NC has an azalea festival in two weeks, and that also might be on the docket.
Hopefully it will be warmer and I'm definitely getting up for some of that good old 'cue. Remember, a proper fork of bbq also has to have cole slaw.
Hope I Can AFFORD the GAS!!! --RoadDog
Wilmington, NC has an azalea festival in two weeks, and that also might be on the docket.
Hopefully it will be warmer and I'm definitely getting up for some of that good old 'cue. Remember, a proper fork of bbq also has to have cole slaw.
Hope I Can AFFORD the GAS!!! --RoadDog
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Heartsfield Nails Oil Co. Execs
The Heartsfield Howdy Newsletter had a bit on a planned run for the presidency and features several planks.
One I found of particular interest was the one on what they wanted oil execs, you know, the GRBs from Big Oil to do.
Oil execs have to submit the following:
a) how many $100,000 cars they have
b) how many homes and get-away homes they have
c) how many $1.5 million plus bashes they throw a year
d) number of solid gold fixtures in their homes
e) annual budget for $4000+ hookers used to influence business and government leaders, especially those Congressional members who influence regulations and tax breaks
f) how many times they laugh on the way to the bank at OUR expense.
Well Put Heartsfield. You've Got My Vote. --RoadDod
One I found of particular interest was the one on what they wanted oil execs, you know, the GRBs from Big Oil to do.
Oil execs have to submit the following:
a) how many $100,000 cars they have
b) how many homes and get-away homes they have
c) how many $1.5 million plus bashes they throw a year
d) number of solid gold fixtures in their homes
e) annual budget for $4000+ hookers used to influence business and government leaders, especially those Congressional members who influence regulations and tax breaks
f) how many times they laugh on the way to the bank at OUR expense.
Well Put Heartsfield. You've Got My Vote. --RoadDod
Now I Dun Seen Everthing!!!
Hard to believe that someone actually paid $1,300 for the corn flake shaped like the state of Illinois.
It was featured on e-Bay and the winning bid was submitted by Monty Kerr who owns the Trivia Mania website. He'd like to put it in a traveling museum. Probably will call it "Famous Flakes I Have Known."
Now, I'll have to check each flake in each and every bowl of cereal I eat from now on.
Counting Flakes, but Hopefully Not a Flake. --RoadDog
It was featured on e-Bay and the winning bid was submitted by Monty Kerr who owns the Trivia Mania website. He'd like to put it in a traveling museum. Probably will call it "Famous Flakes I Have Known."
Now, I'll have to check each flake in each and every bowl of cereal I eat from now on.
Counting Flakes, but Hopefully Not a Flake. --RoadDog
Heartsfield's the Band!!! In the Final Four!!!
One of my favorite groups is Heartsfield which is based in the Chicagoland-area. They started playing their country-rock music back in the 1970s and are still going strong.
I have four of their albums and got to see them for the first time this past summer at the Round Lake Beach Fest.
Right now, they are involved in the St. Louis Classic Rock.com's 2008 March Bandness Contest. Out of the 64 bands that started, they are in the Final Four. Competition is rather tough at this level. The other three are Badfinger, the Beatles, and Who!!!
Let's go Heartsfield!!! -- RoadDog
I have four of their albums and got to see them for the first time this past summer at the Round Lake Beach Fest.
Right now, they are involved in the St. Louis Classic Rock.com's 2008 March Bandness Contest. Out of the 64 bands that started, they are in the Final Four. Competition is rather tough at this level. The other three are Badfinger, the Beatles, and Who!!!
Let's go Heartsfield!!! -- RoadDog
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Nasty Good Friday Storm
That's how the Lake County News-Sun described that affront we got yesterday. Very good name.
That six inches we were supposed to get turned into 12, giving us about 90 inches for the year. I figured we were overdue to get nailed, but, hey, give us a break.
And...that was some miserable snow to move. It was heavy and very sticky. It soon became apparent that my little old snow blower was no match for it. I was beginning to figure on four hours to clear it off, when a neighbor came over with a tractor mounted snow thrower and made fairly short work of it. Man, do I owe that guy. A big old thank you to him.
After it was all up, the lovely village plow came through and put another 18 inches at the base of the highway. Thanks a lot to youse guys.
Temps are forecast in the 50s next week so hopefully we'll be clear of it by then. And, hopefully this is the last of the winter as well.
I'd Like to Point Out that NO snowmobiler Ever Came Over to Clear Off my Driveway this whole Winter!! It seems to Me to Be the Least You Could Do Before Heading Out to Have Your Fun. --RoadDog
That six inches we were supposed to get turned into 12, giving us about 90 inches for the year. I figured we were overdue to get nailed, but, hey, give us a break.
And...that was some miserable snow to move. It was heavy and very sticky. It soon became apparent that my little old snow blower was no match for it. I was beginning to figure on four hours to clear it off, when a neighbor came over with a tractor mounted snow thrower and made fairly short work of it. Man, do I owe that guy. A big old thank you to him.
After it was all up, the lovely village plow came through and put another 18 inches at the base of the highway. Thanks a lot to youse guys.
Temps are forecast in the 50s next week so hopefully we'll be clear of it by then. And, hopefully this is the last of the winter as well.
I'd Like to Point Out that NO snowmobiler Ever Came Over to Clear Off my Driveway this whole Winter!! It seems to Me to Be the Least You Could Do Before Heading Out to Have Your Fun. --RoadDog
Need a Loan to See an NBA Game
I am not a big NBA game, only really watching if the Chicago Bulls are fortunate enough to make it to the playoffs, which has been quite rare lately, but not in the 90s.
With all this sorry play, you'd think the team would even perhaps drop ticket prices, but not so in Chicago.
I've only seen perhaps two games and haven't been since the 70s and I was shocked at the prices printed in the Chicago Tribune this week.
Courtside seats are rising from $850 to $950!!! Wow!!!
Main floor went from $225 to $250 and sideline from $120 to $135.
Second level is a bit more reasonable, but not much at $75-85.
300 Level, or the nose-bleed seats are $35 t0 $55.
And, in an act of great compassion, the Bulls have 500 seats at every game that they let go for $10.
I imagine only the commodity and stock traders can afford to go anymore. Definitely not this poor soul.
Then there is the drive and, even better, the PARKING!!
Yet Another Good Reason Not to Waste Time Seeing the NBA. --RoadDog
With all this sorry play, you'd think the team would even perhaps drop ticket prices, but not so in Chicago.
I've only seen perhaps two games and haven't been since the 70s and I was shocked at the prices printed in the Chicago Tribune this week.
Courtside seats are rising from $850 to $950!!! Wow!!!
Main floor went from $225 to $250 and sideline from $120 to $135.
Second level is a bit more reasonable, but not much at $75-85.
300 Level, or the nose-bleed seats are $35 t0 $55.
And, in an act of great compassion, the Bulls have 500 seats at every game that they let go for $10.
I imagine only the commodity and stock traders can afford to go anymore. Definitely not this poor soul.
Then there is the drive and, even better, the PARKING!!
Yet Another Good Reason Not to Waste Time Seeing the NBA. --RoadDog
Out on a Local Cruise-- New Places-- Part 2
Yesterday, I talked about some old places Frank, Liz, and I visited. Today, it will be new places in the area. We'd been to these places before, but all are under new ownership so we'd thought we'd stop in and see what changes there were.
1. Choppers on Il-171-- This used to be Neuraters and then Neuty's in the last several years. The new owners are extensivelyremodeling and have built a deck along the creek and back. They have some great pizza and a pretty good Thursday deal: two pieces of pizza and a draft for $3. These are big pieces of pizza as well.
2. California Coal House on Il-173-- This used to be TNT's for a lot of years and then most recently Bacchus. The new owners haven't done much with the place as far as changing it. Not much in the form of drink of food deals that we could see, but at home I found they had a buy one lunch or dinner and get the second for free.
3. Kokomo's on Grasslake Road-- I used to deejay here when it was Fringe Benefits, quite a long time ago. Two years ago, an old friend of mine, Mike Nolan opened it as Kokomo's with a Caribbean motiff. I used to deejay for him when he owned Nolan's ob Bluff Lake. Unfortunately, he died quite suddenly about a year ago. of drink specials and on Thursdays, they have a Free buffet.
It is good to see these places opening up and with owners willing and able to put money into them.
Out on the Chain and Feeling No Pain. --RoadDog
1. Choppers on Il-171-- This used to be Neuraters and then Neuty's in the last several years. The new owners are extensivelyremodeling and have built a deck along the creek and back. They have some great pizza and a pretty good Thursday deal: two pieces of pizza and a draft for $3. These are big pieces of pizza as well.
2. California Coal House on Il-173-- This used to be TNT's for a lot of years and then most recently Bacchus. The new owners haven't done much with the place as far as changing it. Not much in the form of drink of food deals that we could see, but at home I found they had a buy one lunch or dinner and get the second for free.
3. Kokomo's on Grasslake Road-- I used to deejay here when it was Fringe Benefits, quite a long time ago. Two years ago, an old friend of mine, Mike Nolan opened it as Kokomo's with a Caribbean motiff. I used to deejay for him when he owned Nolan's ob Bluff Lake. Unfortunately, he died quite suddenly about a year ago. of drink specials and on Thursdays, they have a Free buffet.
It is good to see these places opening up and with owners willing and able to put money into them.
Out on the Chain and Feeling No Pain. --RoadDog
Friday, March 21, 2008
Out for a Local Cruise-- Old and New Places Part 1
My good buddy Frank came by yesterday and we, including Liz, took a trip to Cheesehead Land.
First we saw gas was $3.35 at the Rock Corner Marathon station. OUCH!!!
Continued northward on Wilmot Road into Wisconsin and by the original home of Gander Mountain and past Wilmot Ski Resort, which really has to be celebrating with all this new snow.
First stop was at Mars Trading Post Inn in Wilmot. Part of the building dates back to the 1840s and at one time it was actually a trading post for the Indians in the area. It is right across the street from the Fox River which Marquette and Joliet traversed way back when.
Thursdays they have $1 quarter pound burgers, 50 cents more with cheese. Also $1 domestic bottles. Needless to say, the place is quite crowded Thursdays.
Then on to Donovan's Reef in Twin Lakes. This bar and motel place dates back to the 1920s and is a real taste of Florida in Cheesehead Land. It got its name from the movie of the same name starring John Wayne and Lee Marvin. They have a $3.50 Italian beef and fries special on Thursdays as well as a Happy Hour M-F. Domestic pints are $1.50 and bottles $2 from 4 to 7.
This place also has NTN, National Trivia Network, where you play other people in the bar and people across the whole US and Canada. Usually, there are about 3,000 places and 10,000 people playing at any given time. We had two top twenties.
Talked with a guy who had been a Round Lake student when we were teaching, although neither Liz or myself had ever had him in class.
One big problem with places just over the Illinois border is that the smokers go there these days since smoking has been banned in Illinois bars. The smoke can get quite intense.
New Places Tomorrow.
These were the Old Places That We've Visited Before. -- RoadDog
First we saw gas was $3.35 at the Rock Corner Marathon station. OUCH!!!
Continued northward on Wilmot Road into Wisconsin and by the original home of Gander Mountain and past Wilmot Ski Resort, which really has to be celebrating with all this new snow.
First stop was at Mars Trading Post Inn in Wilmot. Part of the building dates back to the 1840s and at one time it was actually a trading post for the Indians in the area. It is right across the street from the Fox River which Marquette and Joliet traversed way back when.
Thursdays they have $1 quarter pound burgers, 50 cents more with cheese. Also $1 domestic bottles. Needless to say, the place is quite crowded Thursdays.
Then on to Donovan's Reef in Twin Lakes. This bar and motel place dates back to the 1920s and is a real taste of Florida in Cheesehead Land. It got its name from the movie of the same name starring John Wayne and Lee Marvin. They have a $3.50 Italian beef and fries special on Thursdays as well as a Happy Hour M-F. Domestic pints are $1.50 and bottles $2 from 4 to 7.
This place also has NTN, National Trivia Network, where you play other people in the bar and people across the whole US and Canada. Usually, there are about 3,000 places and 10,000 people playing at any given time. We had two top twenties.
Talked with a guy who had been a Round Lake student when we were teaching, although neither Liz or myself had ever had him in class.
One big problem with places just over the Illinois border is that the smokers go there these days since smoking has been banned in Illinois bars. The smoke can get quite intense.
New Places Tomorrow.
These were the Old Places That We've Visited Before. -- RoadDog
Just Some Stuff-- Another SNOWSTORM-- The Dove-- Back to Magee-- NCAA Tournament
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. Second Day of Spring-- 6 inch snowfall-- They've been calling it, and unfortunately, they were right. We're getting nailed with quite a late season snowstorm. Thinking there's about six inches of snow on the ground, but hard to say with all the wind.
Glad I didn't put the snow blower up. Looks like I'll be out in the elements shortly to get the white stuff off the driveway and sidewalk.
2. Dove even wants to come in-- While downstairs at Margaritaville watching the first round of today's NCAA tournament, a dove flew up to the barberry bush by the window and perched. It kept looking around, and finally made an attempt to come into the house via the closed window. Quite a bit of fluttering and banging before it gave up.
I guess it saw the plants inside the room and thought it was some secluded jungle and tried to get in out of the storm.
3. Back to Magee-- Just got an e-mail from one of the teachers on my former team saying the team is being transferred back to my old place of business, Magee Middle School, in Round Lake when it reopens this fall.
I taught there for 31 years before they closed it and moved us over to the new building. I must admit that I am still a Magee person at heart. E-mailed her back asking if I could come back!!!
Well... not really. I will go back for a visit when it reopens. I'll especially like to see what my old room, 227, looks like. I spent 26 years in that room.
4. NCAA Tournament-- The best sporting event of the year started yesterday, the NCAA Tournament. There have already been some great games, but that one last night between #2 Duke and #15 Belmont and today's #2 Tennessee and #15 American were something else. I'd never heard of either school before, but was pulling for them even though I normally would back Duke and Tennessee. I always pull for the Little Guys against the Big Guys in the tournament, regardless of who I have picked.
Right now, there's the Drake and Western Kentucky game. Both are Little Guys, but I go with Drake because it's closer. It's in overtime.
Postscript-- Drake made two free throws with 5.6 seconds left to take a 99-98 lead. Western Kentucky came down to hit a three as time expired to win, 101-99. How do you get better than that?
I picked UCLA to go all the way, playing my favorite team, UNC in the final.
1. Second Day of Spring-- 6 inch snowfall-- They've been calling it, and unfortunately, they were right. We're getting nailed with quite a late season snowstorm. Thinking there's about six inches of snow on the ground, but hard to say with all the wind.
Glad I didn't put the snow blower up. Looks like I'll be out in the elements shortly to get the white stuff off the driveway and sidewalk.
2. Dove even wants to come in-- While downstairs at Margaritaville watching the first round of today's NCAA tournament, a dove flew up to the barberry bush by the window and perched. It kept looking around, and finally made an attempt to come into the house via the closed window. Quite a bit of fluttering and banging before it gave up.
I guess it saw the plants inside the room and thought it was some secluded jungle and tried to get in out of the storm.
3. Back to Magee-- Just got an e-mail from one of the teachers on my former team saying the team is being transferred back to my old place of business, Magee Middle School, in Round Lake when it reopens this fall.
I taught there for 31 years before they closed it and moved us over to the new building. I must admit that I am still a Magee person at heart. E-mailed her back asking if I could come back!!!
Well... not really. I will go back for a visit when it reopens. I'll especially like to see what my old room, 227, looks like. I spent 26 years in that room.
4. NCAA Tournament-- The best sporting event of the year started yesterday, the NCAA Tournament. There have already been some great games, but that one last night between #2 Duke and #15 Belmont and today's #2 Tennessee and #15 American were something else. I'd never heard of either school before, but was pulling for them even though I normally would back Duke and Tennessee. I always pull for the Little Guys against the Big Guys in the tournament, regardless of who I have picked.
Right now, there's the Drake and Western Kentucky game. Both are Little Guys, but I go with Drake because it's closer. It's in overtime.
Postscript-- Drake made two free throws with 5.6 seconds left to take a 99-98 lead. Western Kentucky came down to hit a three as time expired to win, 101-99. How do you get better than that?
I picked UCLA to go all the way, playing my favorite team, UNC in the final.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
How About a $2 Lobster Dinner
Sounds like a great deal, BUT you have to catch them yourself.
I know you've all seen those quarter catching stuffed animal games where you drop a claw down on the animal and hopefully come away with an expensive stuffed toy. I call them expensive as many people put way more than 50 cents into them to get their prey.
While we were in Alabama, we saw places where you could catch your own lobster using the same way. There was a tank similar to what you'd see in a grocery store with seven or eight lobsters patiently waiting for you to drop the claw on their claws.
I didn't try it nor did I see anyone else try it. I imagine the lobsters are wise to it and perhaps make their own moves to avoid capture and death.
The places all agree to cook it for you if you catch it.
One More Way to Get Your Dough. --RoadDog
I know you've all seen those quarter catching stuffed animal games where you drop a claw down on the animal and hopefully come away with an expensive stuffed toy. I call them expensive as many people put way more than 50 cents into them to get their prey.
While we were in Alabama, we saw places where you could catch your own lobster using the same way. There was a tank similar to what you'd see in a grocery store with seven or eight lobsters patiently waiting for you to drop the claw on their claws.
I didn't try it nor did I see anyone else try it. I imagine the lobsters are wise to it and perhaps make their own moves to avoid capture and death.
The places all agree to cook it for you if you catch it.
One More Way to Get Your Dough. --RoadDog
Well, It Was Warm
The first two days we were back from the Quest for Warmth, last Wednesday and Thursday, the Midwest had spring-like weather with temps in the mid-50s. I could tell because all the kids and a few older ones were walking around in shorts and tee-shirts as per MTV request.
Since then, it's been COLD. Unseasonably so. I like to froze watching the St. Patrick's parade in Lake Villa on Saturday and had to feel sorry for the drum and bagpipe band wearing those kilts.
Now, today, the first day of Spring we have a winter storm watch in effect starting tonight with the possibility of five inches of snow.
Makes me look forward to heading out to visit family in North Carolina next week. Hopefully, it will be warmer there.
Enough of This LOUSY Cold-- RoadDog
Since then, it's been COLD. Unseasonably so. I like to froze watching the St. Patrick's parade in Lake Villa on Saturday and had to feel sorry for the drum and bagpipe band wearing those kilts.
Now, today, the first day of Spring we have a winter storm watch in effect starting tonight with the possibility of five inches of snow.
Makes me look forward to heading out to visit family in North Carolina next week. Hopefully, it will be warmer there.
Enough of This LOUSY Cold-- RoadDog
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The $3 Plus Ripoff
Around here, in the northwest Chicago suburban area near the Wisconsin line, we are paying $3.30 for regular and I've seen places as high as $3.40!!!
I realize that we are generally higher than most of the US, but I got to wondering what gas prices were in the rest of the world. Of course, I always knew that gas was really high in Europe.
I checked CNN Money and found the Netherlands at the highest at $6.48, followed by Norway at $6.27. Then, idiot boy has Venezuela at 12 cents a gallon!!
Other prices:
UK- $5.79
Japan $4.24
Cuba- $3.03
Puerto Rico- $1.74-- Hey, isn't this a part of the US?
Saudi Arabia- 91 cents
Egypt- 65 cents
Nigeria- 38 cents
I really wanted to see what gas costs in Iraq. Shouldn't we be getting some oil from them to help pay for all the money we are paying to protect their democracy.
Just Wondering. --RoadDog
I realize that we are generally higher than most of the US, but I got to wondering what gas prices were in the rest of the world. Of course, I always knew that gas was really high in Europe.
I checked CNN Money and found the Netherlands at the highest at $6.48, followed by Norway at $6.27. Then, idiot boy has Venezuela at 12 cents a gallon!!
Other prices:
UK- $5.79
Japan $4.24
Cuba- $3.03
Puerto Rico- $1.74-- Hey, isn't this a part of the US?
Saudi Arabia- 91 cents
Egypt- 65 cents
Nigeria- 38 cents
I really wanted to see what gas costs in Iraq. Shouldn't we be getting some oil from them to help pay for all the money we are paying to protect their democracy.
Just Wondering. --RoadDog
Commodity Traders and Investors-- the New Dirty Words
As the United States sinks further and further into this economic funk, I've really developed a great distaste for that group of sorry folks who do the buying and selling of oil.
As Bill Murray said in "Groundhog Day," "Somebody's got to stop them."
These people, who I will henceforth refer to as GRBs do not seem to care who they are hurting in America or what they're doing to the country in their quest for the almighty dollar.
A few days ago, oil was at $112 a barrel thanks to their greed. The US dollar is fast becoming almost worthless. Inflation is everywhere. Everything's going up except my paycheck, well, retirement check.
I have to think that Big Oil is right up to their GRB's in this whole mess. Those earnings are nothing less than obscene considering that it comes on the backs of the people.
If the GRBs are not careful, this whole country will come down, and then where will all their money be?
My recommendation would be to just close down the commodity market. If they can't play well with the other children, then they shouldn't be allowed to play. Perhaps, even a timeout is needed. Close the market on a temporary basis.
This Whole Mess is Really Starting to Bother Me. --RoadDog
As Bill Murray said in "Groundhog Day," "Somebody's got to stop them."
These people, who I will henceforth refer to as GRBs do not seem to care who they are hurting in America or what they're doing to the country in their quest for the almighty dollar.
A few days ago, oil was at $112 a barrel thanks to their greed. The US dollar is fast becoming almost worthless. Inflation is everywhere. Everything's going up except my paycheck, well, retirement check.
I have to think that Big Oil is right up to their GRB's in this whole mess. Those earnings are nothing less than obscene considering that it comes on the backs of the people.
If the GRBs are not careful, this whole country will come down, and then where will all their money be?
My recommendation would be to just close down the commodity market. If they can't play well with the other children, then they shouldn't be allowed to play. Perhaps, even a timeout is needed. Close the market on a temporary basis.
This Whole Mess is Really Starting to Bother Me. --RoadDog
St. Patrick's Day Again
I deejayed at Tom's Cafe in nearby Johnsburg on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. Like with George's Cedar Inn, this was my 14th time to be there for the celebration. Tom always has his party on the actual day.
We weren't sure how big of a crowd would be there since it was on a Monday, so I started at 5 pm, with the though of wrapping up by 9. Wrong!! I ended up staying until 11. Sure glad I don't have to work the next day any more.
The place was packed with folks chowing down on cb&c, green beer, and Jamison's. They sure enjoyed my Irish songs and, even if I do say so, I have a great collection of them. Plus, I played a lot of medleys I've put together like Tommy James & the Shondells, Beach Boys, Elvis O' Presley, Herman's Hermits, and Gene Pitney.
Finished My Irish Thang. --RoadDog
We weren't sure how big of a crowd would be there since it was on a Monday, so I started at 5 pm, with the though of wrapping up by 9. Wrong!! I ended up staying until 11. Sure glad I don't have to work the next day any more.
The place was packed with folks chowing down on cb&c, green beer, and Jamison's. They sure enjoyed my Irish songs and, even if I do say so, I have a great collection of them. Plus, I played a lot of medleys I've put together like Tommy James & the Shondells, Beach Boys, Elvis O' Presley, Herman's Hermits, and Gene Pitney.
Finished My Irish Thang. --RoadDog
Here a Mullet, There a Mullet, Ate a Mullet
This is not to be confused with Billy Ray Cyrus' old haircut.
I kept hearing about mullets being eaten while I was at Gulf Shores, Alabama, right along the Gulf of Mexico. I kind of regarded it as a joke, ranking right up there with carp or sheep head as far as an eating experience.
Mullets are found in coastal areas all around the world. They are called striped or black mullet in the south and considered a delicacy along the coasts of the Florida Panhandle and Alabama. Most often they are eaten fried.
They do not keep well after they are caught. If kept on ice, they might keep for up to 72 hours. After that, they become inedible.
But I kept hearing people talk about them and seeing advertisements for places serving them. I had to give it a try.
Our last day there, Suds & Sea, had a $7.99 all-you-can eat special on fried mullet, so we, or I should say, I, gave it a taste. Liz would have nothing to do with it. Suds & Sea is located just a few buildings down from the Best Western where we stayed. It is built right on the beach and perched high up on pier poles.
They had just been caught today and came with cole slaw and a heaping side of fries. They were excellent. I highly recommend them to fish lovers. Judging by the large crowd chowing down on them, I'd have to say this is quite a popular item.
Be very hungry if you plan on ordering more. I asked for just a little more and got another plate of fillets.
A place down the coast from Gulf Shores is called Flor-abama because it is right on the Florida and Alabama border. They have Intra-State mullet tosses. I didn't get to see this but heard it is quite hilarious. Probably something like tossing eggs.
So There You Mullet. --RoadDog
I kept hearing about mullets being eaten while I was at Gulf Shores, Alabama, right along the Gulf of Mexico. I kind of regarded it as a joke, ranking right up there with carp or sheep head as far as an eating experience.
Mullets are found in coastal areas all around the world. They are called striped or black mullet in the south and considered a delicacy along the coasts of the Florida Panhandle and Alabama. Most often they are eaten fried.
They do not keep well after they are caught. If kept on ice, they might keep for up to 72 hours. After that, they become inedible.
But I kept hearing people talk about them and seeing advertisements for places serving them. I had to give it a try.
Our last day there, Suds & Sea, had a $7.99 all-you-can eat special on fried mullet, so we, or I should say, I, gave it a taste. Liz would have nothing to do with it. Suds & Sea is located just a few buildings down from the Best Western where we stayed. It is built right on the beach and perched high up on pier poles.
They had just been caught today and came with cole slaw and a heaping side of fries. They were excellent. I highly recommend them to fish lovers. Judging by the large crowd chowing down on them, I'd have to say this is quite a popular item.
Be very hungry if you plan on ordering more. I asked for just a little more and got another plate of fillets.
A place down the coast from Gulf Shores is called Flor-abama because it is right on the Florida and Alabama border. They have Intra-State mullet tosses. I didn't get to see this but heard it is quite hilarious. Probably something like tossing eggs.
So There You Mullet. --RoadDog
Sunday, March 16, 2008
St. Patrick's Day Weekend
Friday, I deejayed for a big crowd at the Fox Lake American Legion. Played Nothing but Irish music for two hours, then switched to mostly 70s and 80s country music. Had a lot of dancing and partying, not to mention a great heaping plate of corned beef and cabbage as prepared by those two great cooks, John and Bob. I keep trying to get them to open a restaurant. That'd sure be some good eating. Cost of the plate was $8, up from $6 last year, but what hasn't gone up? Because of it being Lent, you could also purchase cod or catfish.
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon in Lake Villa, deejaying for the 15th annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and celebration. This is my 14th year at George's Cedar Inn located right on Main Street. This is a real bar, not one of your TGIFs or Applebees. There is nothing elegant about it, just a place dating back to the early 1900s.
To give you an idea of its age, I had a problem plugging in as all the outlets are two-pronged. I usually have a converter, but not today. Finally found a place I could plug in.
They have the best corned beef and cabbage I've ever had, And, it's all-you-can eat!!!! for $7. As usual, the place was packed and hopping after the parade with lots of green beer, Jamisons, and food consumed.
The owner, George Pederson, was one of the two people who started the parade 15 years ago. Most of the post-parade celebrating has moved over to the much-bigger VFW, but, we still do our part.
Again, I played Irish music for the first two hours, then switched over to a mix of country and oldies. A few jigs were danced.
I'm getting a bit tired of Irish music, but, hey, it's only once a year.
Turnin' Green a Bit at a Time. --RoadDog
Getting My Irish On.
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon in Lake Villa, deejaying for the 15th annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and celebration. This is my 14th year at George's Cedar Inn located right on Main Street. This is a real bar, not one of your TGIFs or Applebees. There is nothing elegant about it, just a place dating back to the early 1900s.
To give you an idea of its age, I had a problem plugging in as all the outlets are two-pronged. I usually have a converter, but not today. Finally found a place I could plug in.
They have the best corned beef and cabbage I've ever had, And, it's all-you-can eat!!!! for $7. As usual, the place was packed and hopping after the parade with lots of green beer, Jamisons, and food consumed.
The owner, George Pederson, was one of the two people who started the parade 15 years ago. Most of the post-parade celebrating has moved over to the much-bigger VFW, but, we still do our part.
Again, I played Irish music for the first two hours, then switched over to a mix of country and oldies. A few jigs were danced.
I'm getting a bit tired of Irish music, but, hey, it's only once a year.
Turnin' Green a Bit at a Time. --RoadDog
Getting My Irish On.
Snow's About Gone...Finally!!!!
We seem to have brought back some of the warmer temps from the Gulf Coast as it's been in the mid 50s here until yesterday, when it was only in the upper 30s.
When we got back, most of the yard was still snow-covered, but today, snow is only left in a few places, mostly where it was piled or in northern exposures. Hopefully the foul stuff will be gone this week. Sorry to say this snowmobilers, But Not Once did you Guys Come Over to Shovel my Driveway. It'd been the least you could have done since you were getting what you wanted.
Friday, I actually saw tulips pushing up along the south side of the house.
This has been one crummy winter, but we've been overdue. It really hasn't been too bad since 1979. Maybe this will get the warming alarmists to shut up a bit. Hey, weather goes in CYCLES. It is warmer sometimes and colder sometimes.
No Snow, No More Snow. --RoadDog
When we got back, most of the yard was still snow-covered, but today, snow is only left in a few places, mostly where it was piled or in northern exposures. Hopefully the foul stuff will be gone this week. Sorry to say this snowmobilers, But Not Once did you Guys Come Over to Shovel my Driveway. It'd been the least you could have done since you were getting what you wanted.
Friday, I actually saw tulips pushing up along the south side of the house.
This has been one crummy winter, but we've been overdue. It really hasn't been too bad since 1979. Maybe this will get the warming alarmists to shut up a bit. Hey, weather goes in CYCLES. It is warmer sometimes and colder sometimes.
No Snow, No More Snow. --RoadDog
Friday, March 14, 2008
Busy Weekend--Getting My Irish On
I always get busy deejaying around St. Patrick's Day. Tonight, I'm at the American Legion in Fox Lake. Tomorrow, I'll be at the Cedar Inn in downtown Lake Villa and play right after the annual parade until about six.
Monday, I'll be at Tom's Cafe in Johnsburg.
Reckon I'll be more than a bit tired of Irish music by Monday night.
As usual, the Round Lake teachers have scheduled their bowling bash for today. They always have it when I can't go to it. Too much partying, you know.
Irish for a Few Days. --RoadDog
Monday, I'll be at Tom's Cafe in Johnsburg.
Reckon I'll be more than a bit tired of Irish music by Monday night.
As usual, the Round Lake teachers have scheduled their bowling bash for today. They always have it when I can't go to it. Too much partying, you know.
Irish for a Few Days. --RoadDog
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Quest for Warmth--2008-- Part 1
Sunday, Feb. 24th, I did some serious watering as the houseplants would have to go several weeks without watering.
Loaded the 2003 Malibu, set the trip mileage to zero and inserted Jimmy Buffett CD to start. Drove to Woodstock, Illinois, and took Il-47 to Dwight, where we ate a a favorite Route 66 place, Smaterjax. It used to be Fedderson's named after the old Buick dealership at the site. It has lots of old gas station stuff and we really like the complete run of same-number Illinois license plates from 1920 to 1980.
Excellent buffet for under $7. Found out the name was from the owner's dog Jax. Whenever they'd come home they'd say, "What's the matter, Jax?" hence the name Smaterjax.
Then drove Route 66 to Springfield where we picked up I-55 and took it all the way to Sikeston, Missouri, past St. Louis. A friend of mine, Cajun, had mentioned a place where they threw rolls at their customers and I had seen something about this place on a TV special.
Ate one of the better meals ever at Lambert's. And they do throw hot rolls across the huge room. I caught one for Liz and another one for me. But, not everyone catches the rolls. There were a few on the floor. They also come along with what they call pass-arounds, and they will just put it on your plate. That includes such items as fried okra, fried potatoes, sorghum, butter beans, black-eyed peas, macaroni and tomatoes. I highly recommend a stop at this, the original site, or the ones in Foley, Alabama, or just north of Branson, Missouri.
Lambert's site: www.throwedrolls.com
Duck, If You Don't Want Roll on Your Face. --RoadDog
Loaded the 2003 Malibu, set the trip mileage to zero and inserted Jimmy Buffett CD to start. Drove to Woodstock, Illinois, and took Il-47 to Dwight, where we ate a a favorite Route 66 place, Smaterjax. It used to be Fedderson's named after the old Buick dealership at the site. It has lots of old gas station stuff and we really like the complete run of same-number Illinois license plates from 1920 to 1980.
Excellent buffet for under $7. Found out the name was from the owner's dog Jax. Whenever they'd come home they'd say, "What's the matter, Jax?" hence the name Smaterjax.
Then drove Route 66 to Springfield where we picked up I-55 and took it all the way to Sikeston, Missouri, past St. Louis. A friend of mine, Cajun, had mentioned a place where they threw rolls at their customers and I had seen something about this place on a TV special.
Ate one of the better meals ever at Lambert's. And they do throw hot rolls across the huge room. I caught one for Liz and another one for me. But, not everyone catches the rolls. There were a few on the floor. They also come along with what they call pass-arounds, and they will just put it on your plate. That includes such items as fried okra, fried potatoes, sorghum, butter beans, black-eyed peas, macaroni and tomatoes. I highly recommend a stop at this, the original site, or the ones in Foley, Alabama, or just north of Branson, Missouri.
Lambert's site: www.throwedrolls.com
Duck, If You Don't Want Roll on Your Face. --RoadDog
So, What's the WORST Song Ever Recorded?
Blender Magazine released its top ten worst-ever list of tunes.
And, they are:
10. Ebony and Ivory---- Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney-- I agree this should be on the list. Definitely a GAG!!!
9. American Life--Madonna-- Don't know this one
8. Party All the Time-- Eddie Murphy
7. Don't Worry, Be Happy-- Bobby McFerrin--Try to get this out of your head now.
6. Heart of Rock and Roll-- Huey Lewis & the News
5. Ice Ice Baby-- Vanilla Ice
4. Rollin'-- Limpbizkit-- Never heard of this one.
3. Everybody Have Fun Tonight-- Wang Chung
2. Achy Breaky Heart-- Billy Ray Cyrus, the ultimate mullet
1. We Built This City-- Starship
Hey, I liked numbers 8,7,6,5,3,2,1. Guess I don't have much taste when it comes to music.
You can see the site at: www.blender.com/guide/articles.aspx?id=786
VH1 also has a top fifty bad songs at this site:
No Class, No Class at All. --RoadDog
And, they are:
10. Ebony and Ivory---- Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney-- I agree this should be on the list. Definitely a GAG!!!
9. American Life--Madonna-- Don't know this one
8. Party All the Time-- Eddie Murphy
7. Don't Worry, Be Happy-- Bobby McFerrin--Try to get this out of your head now.
6. Heart of Rock and Roll-- Huey Lewis & the News
5. Ice Ice Baby-- Vanilla Ice
4. Rollin'-- Limpbizkit-- Never heard of this one.
3. Everybody Have Fun Tonight-- Wang Chung
2. Achy Breaky Heart-- Billy Ray Cyrus, the ultimate mullet
1. We Built This City-- Starship
Hey, I liked numbers 8,7,6,5,3,2,1. Guess I don't have much taste when it comes to music.
You can see the site at: www.blender.com/guide/articles.aspx?id=786
VH1 also has a top fifty bad songs at this site:
No Class, No Class at All. --RoadDog
Twenty Biggest Music Business Blunders
I'm sure Dick Rowe can breathe a sigh of relief. He is the music agent who didn't sign the Beatles.
Blender Magazine has dropped him from Number one biggest blunder to #2, being replaced by music business' battle against the web.
Another one on the top 20 was Berry Gordy selling Motown for $60 million and the following year A & M Records turned around and sold it for $500 million.
Oh, Well, Win Some, Lose a Lot. --RoadDog
Blender Magazine has dropped him from Number one biggest blunder to #2, being replaced by music business' battle against the web.
Another one on the top 20 was Berry Gordy selling Motown for $60 million and the following year A & M Records turned around and sold it for $500 million.
Oh, Well, Win Some, Lose a Lot. --RoadDog
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Just Got Back-- 17 Days on the Road
Liz and I just arrived back home after driving to Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida in an attempt to escape this lousy winter we've been having here in the Midwest.
Some of the things that happened:
*** Got rolls "throwed" at us twice
*** Spent six days on the Gulf of Mexico. Lots of beach time.
*** Problems with cold fronts pushing through
*** Visited three Civil War forts
*** Naval Air Museum--Pensacola, Fl.
*** Lots of NTN
*** Hurricane Katrina damage
*** Lots of beaches-- Gulfport, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Navarre, Pensacola, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores
*** Dew Drop Inn, Wintzell's-- Mobile
Some of the things that happened:
*** Got rolls "throwed" at us twice
*** Spent six days on the Gulf of Mexico. Lots of beach time.
*** Problems with cold fronts pushing through
*** Visited three Civil War forts
*** Naval Air Museum--Pensacola, Fl.
*** Lots of NTN
*** Hurricane Katrina damage
*** Lots of beaches-- Gulfport, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Navarre, Pensacola, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores
*** Dew Drop Inn, Wintzell's-- Mobile
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