Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.
Friday, December 29, 2017
JSS: It Is COLD!-- The Drive's A to Z-- Bowls
JSS-- Just Some Stuff.
1. IT IS COLD!-- To say it has been a bit cold around here is an understatement. Doggone Canadians and their weather. Wish they would be nice enough to KEEP IT!!
Looking at the weather forecast from yesterday's paper, highs and lows:
THURS: 14 // 6, FRI. 16 // -1, SAT. 7 // 1, SUN. 13 // -5, MON. 11 // 1, TUES. 10 // 5, WED. 19 // 8. A real heat wave Wednesday. Time to start working on the old tan.
2. THE DRIVE'S A TO Z-- I've been enjoying listening to the Drive's A to Z going on right now. (WDRV, 97.1 FM and streaming.) They are in the letter "L" right now. Last songs played:
LIGHTS-- Journey
LIFE IS A ROCK-- Reunion
LIFE IS A HIGHWAY-- Tom Cochrane
3. BOWLS: NIU's Bowl woes continue after Tuesday's 36-14 drubbing by Duke in the Quick Lube Bowl in Detroit. In the last ten bowls Northern has appeared in our record is 2-10 and we haven't won the last five and have been blown out in the last three.
Please, No More Bowl Games for NIU. It Is Too Embarrassing to Watch. --RoadSorry
A to Z,
Bowl games,
Chicago Radio,
Cold Weather,
Just Some Stuff,
WLS Top Ten for December 29, 1967: "Woman, Woman"
Closing out another year, 2017, that went way too fast. Also closing out a year round look at the top songs on Chicago's WLS AM 890 radio station for the year 1967.
2. BEND ME, SHAPE ME-- American Breed
3. WOMAN, WOMAN-- Union Gap
5. SNOOPY'S CHRISTMAS-- Royal Guardsmen
6. CHAIN OF FOOLS-- Aretha Franklin
7. BOOGALOO DOWN BROADWAY-- Fantastic Johnny C
8. GREEN TAMBOURINE-- Lemon Pipers
10. HELLO GOODBYE-- Beatles
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "For Five Long Years I Thought You Were My man." Answer below. --RoadDog
ACCIDENT REPORTS: "I was taking my canary to the hospital. It got loose in the car and flew out the window. The next thing I saw was his rear end, and there was a crash."
"Chain of Fools"
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Shrek-- Scrooged-- Pirates-- Potter-- Lord
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
91. SHREK EVER AFTER-- 12-26-- Shrek has his George Bailey experience.
92. SCROOGED-- 12-25-- Eddie Murray gets "beat up" by a ghost
93. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL-- 12-29-- Something about the moonlight and the pirates. "Very interesting."
94. HARRY POTTER: GOBLET OF FIRE-- The contest with the Russians and the girls.
95. LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING-- Age of Man begins in Middle Earth. The Giant Eye, Orks and Gollum get theirs.
Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Music Deaths: Wayne Cochran "White Knight" and Mitch Margo "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
Died November 21, 2017
"The White Knight of Soul Music" Wrote "Last Kiss" a big hit for J. Frank Wilson and Pearl Jam. He never ha an American pop hit but had a huge influence on black and white artists.
Died November 24. 2017
High tenor voice with the Tokens. he sang the high falsetto in "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (#1-1961). He cowrote "Tonight I Fell in Love" (#15-1961).
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Past Movie Scratches:: Back-- Frozen-- Midnight-- Christmas-- Story-- Story
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
85. BACK TO THE FUTURE 3-- 12-13-- Clint Eastwood would be so proud.
86. FROZEN-- 12-17-- Good old Kristoff and Sven the Reindeer.
87. MIDNIGHT SPECIAL-- 12-18-- The others are watching.
88. A CHRISTMAS STORY-- 12-24-- Scut Farkus' laugh and he sure got his.
89. A CHRISTMAS STORY-- 12-25-- "Daddy's going to kill Ralphie."
90. A CHRISTMAS STORY-- 12-25-- "It's a major award." "Fragile, must be from Italy."
Friday, December 22, 2017
WLS Top Ten for December 22, 1967: "Snoopy's Christmas"
3. BEND ME, SHAPE ME-- American Breed
4. WOMAN, WOMAN-- Union Gap
5. SNOOPY'S CHRISTMAS-- Royal Guardsmen
6. GREEN TAMBOURINE-- Lemon Pipers
8. I SECOND THAT EMOTION-- Smokey Robinson & the Miracles
9. HELLO GOODBYE-- Beatles
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "A Lemonade Pies, With a Brand New Car." Answer below. --RoadDog
ACCIDENT REPORTS: I saw the slow-moving, sad-faced old gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car.
"Judy in Disguise"
Thursday, December 21, 2017
"Those Little Dogs Had Their Biggest Day": Wofford College Beats UNC!!
There has to be a lot of smiles on the campus of Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina, today, as their team, the Terriers played National Champs University of North Carolina and BEAT them!!!
I went to the Spartanburg Herald Journal which, of course, had the story on the front page.
"Those little dogs had their biggest day.
"Wofford stunned the college basketball world Wednesday by knocking off fifth-ranked defending national champion North Carolina 79-75 at the Dean Smith Center."
Last night I had seen on the TV listings that UNC was playing Wofford, but chose not to watch it, figuring it would be a Tarheel blowout. I sure wish I had, though. When it comes to the Big Boys in college basketball, I am a big Tarheel fan. But, I always pull for any of the Little Dogs when they play one of the Big Dogs. And I sure would have been pulling for the Wofford Terriers.
In case you're wondering about Wofford College, it was established in 1854 and in the fall of 2016, had 1,692 undergraduate students. Their teams are called the Terriers.
I imagine they have quite the thing to remember about their college years now.
I Am So Proud of These Guys!! --RoadDog
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Star-- Star-- Star-- Frozen-- Back-- Back
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
79. STAR WARS 3-- How Darth Vader came to be.
80. STAR WARS 4-- The first one A new Jedi named Luke. Still love the cantina scene.
81. STAR WARS 5-- Luke finds his father. Not what he expected.
82. FROZEN-- 12-11-- Someone worth melting with.
83. BACK TO THE FUTURE-- 12-12-- Ol' Biff never hit him.
84. BACK TO THE FUTURE 2-- 12-13-- Its deja vu forward, back and forward.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Rocky-- Mummy-- Die-- Vacation-- Indiana-- Halloween
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
67. ROCKY IV-- Loved that James Brown "Living In America" production.
68. THE MUMMY RETURNS-- 9-8-- Battling the Scorpion King.
69. DIE HARD WITH VENGEANCE-- 9-8-- Out to give John a hard time.
70. CHRISTMAS VACATION-- 9-10-- That poor, poor cat.
71. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE-- 9-11-- Looking for the Holy Grail before the Nazis get it. Lots of looking back over shoulders.
72. HALLOWEEN-- 10-13-- Just can't keep the Boogeyman (AKA Mikie) down.
It's the Scorpion King Vs. Michael. --RoadDog
Monday, December 18, 2017
"Star Wars" Overload
I have to wonder how many companies got in line to advertise the new "Star Wars" movie. Every commercial break has at least two or more commercials tying the company into the movie. As if I didn't know about it release this past Friday (well, Thursday).
I must admit, though, that I am a big fan of the movies. Though I haven't seen it yet and don't plan to until sometime in January. I am not a big fan of crowded theaters and that is what it will be until the kids o back to school. And, I will see the new movie twice at the theater. It is just one of those movies you need to see on the really big screen and see it twice to see anything you missed the first time.
I also greatly enjoyed TNT showing the first six movies over the past weekend.
"I Have a Bad Feeling About This." --RoadDog
Past Movie Scratches: Torino-- Blazing-- Ghostbusters-- Gremlins-- Avengers-- Wonderful
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I watched on TV in 2016.
73. GRAN TORINO-- 11-9-- That great spitting contest.
74. BLAZING SADDLES-- 11-16-- That Mongo!! What a character.
75. GHOSTBUSTERS II-- 11-19-- The 5th Ghostbuster
76. GREMLINS-- 11-23-- Ol' Stripe had quite the 'tude. And conniving to boot. Still the funniest Christmas scene ever in that bar.
77. THE AVENGERS-- 11-26-- The way to really tear up a town. Loki and his mean minions.
78. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE-- 12-3-- I still can't get through that finale without tearing up. You never know the impact you have, as George learned.
ACCIDENT REPORTS: "The pedestrian had no idea which direction to go, so I ran over him."
Friday, December 15, 2017
Happy Fiftieth Anniversary Liz
No, it is not our wedding anniversary which is on August 25. This is the anniversary of our starting to go together and that was December 15, 1967.
Back then, we were both juniors at Palatine High School in Palatine, Illinois. We had not received our class rings yet (those came in May) so I gave Liz my ID bracelet. When we finally got the class rings, I was "allowed" to wear it for a day and then Liz got it. She didn't even give back my ID bracelet.
This date was also on a Friday and I was looking for a way to surprise her when she would least be expecting the bracelet. She had to go to the laundromat at Palatine Plaza on Northwest Highway (US-14) to do her family laundry. I tagged along.
Unfortunately, the laundromat is no longer there and we don't remember exactly where it was but know it was close to the Pankau drugstore. We think there is an ice cream place there now.
Giving her the bracelet there sure caught her by surprise.
Happy Anniversary, Liz. --RoadDog
high school,
id bracelets,
Palatine Illinois
WLS Top Ten for December 15, 1967: "Massachusetts"
On this date, fifty years ago, I gave Liz my id bracelet and we started going steady. Fifty years later, we are still together. "Massachusetts" was "Our Song" and on the charts at the time.
All these songs have special meaning for us.
1. HELLO GOODBYE-- Beatles
2. DAYDREAM BELIEVER-- Monkees (Liz's ringtone)
4. BEND ME, SHAPE ME-- American Breed
5. SNOOPY'S CHRISTMAS-- Royal Guardsmen
8. I SECOND THAT EMOTION-- Smokey Robinson
9. WOMAN, WOMAN-- Union Gap
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "They Brought Me Back To See My Way With You." answer below. --RoadDog
ACCIDENT REPORTS: "No one was to blame for the accident, but it never would have happened if the other driver had been alert.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
To DeKalb Last Weekend-- Part 2: A College Basketball Game
Took a ride on Lincoln Highway all the way to the east end of DeKalb, Illinois. Had the breakfast special at Sonic , mini burritos for $1.49 which was quite good.
Drove around campus and out to Greek Row and found the old Delta Sig house.
Went to the NIU-Central Connecticut basketball game which just cost $5 with seating wherever you wanted. Hard to beat that deal, but sad to see how few people were in the Convo Center, especially the lack of students. We saw a good game with Northern jumping off to a sizable lead and then having a struggle to hold on to it.
Then we drove back home and went to the Legion in Fox Lake where they were having a party for the Army-Navy game and that was sure some finish.
A Good Time. --RoadDog
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
To DeKalb Last Weekend-- Part 1: A Scholarship and Pizza
DECEMBER 8-- Friday
We drove to DeKalb, Illinois, and got a room at the Red Roof Inn and met with out university person at Fatty's and discussed what is going on on campus. We gave money for our education scholarship.
Took a ride through campus and it would appear that Lincoln Hall (where I lived freshman year at NIU) was closed. We then went to Wal-Mart and then to Lord Stanley's, the place you want to be for Blackhawks games. Lord Stanley's is named after the man who gave the Stanley Cup. Watched the first two periods there and had their great pizza/beer deal, two pitchers and a 16-inch one topping pizza for $19.
Then, we went back to the hotel and walked across the street to Pizza Pros and watched the end of the game (and the Blackhawks actually won)!! The bartender has a remarkable memory. We don't get t DeKalb often, but she remembered us.
ACCIDENT REPORTS: "I thought my window was down; but found it was up when I put my hand through it.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack "National Lampoon's Animal House"
Alright, I'll have to include this here since I was doing Stephen Furst's obit. Great music, both the originals and the new ones made for the movie. And, of course, John Belushi.
It is too bad the movie came out after I was out of school as this album definitely would have been on our party playlist. And, tose Toga Parties!! What a great idea. We, Delta Sigma Phi, played four albums, front and back, at our parties: Four Tops Greatest Hits, Temptations Greatest Hits, Sly & the Family Stone Greatest Hits and "Green River" by CCR.
Of course, this is in my Ultimate CD Jukebox.
Faber College Theme-- Elmer Bernstein
Louie, Louie-- John Belushi
Twistin' the Night Away-- Sam Cooke
Tossin' and Turnin'-- Bobby Lewis
Shama Lama Ding Dong-- Otis Day & the Knights
Hey Paula-- Paul and Paula
Animal House-- Stephen Bishop
Intro-- Stephen Bishop
Money-- John Belushi
Let's Dance-- Chris Montez
Dream Girl-- Stephen Bishop
Wonderful World-- Sam Cooke
Shout-- Otis Day & the Knights
Faber College Theme-- Elmer Bernstein
What, No "I Gave My Love a Cherry?" I'll Have Another. -- RoadDog
LAWS OF PARENTING: Backing your car out of the driveway causes your child to have to go to the bathroom.
Delta Sigma Phi,
John Belushi,
Ultimate Jukebox
Monday, December 11, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Transylvania-- Brothers-- Despicable-- Trek-- Avatar-- Pirates
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
61. HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA-- 8-15-- Cutest vampires and bats (and monsters) you ever saw.
62. STEP BROTHERS-- 8-21-- Two 40-year-old live at home sons in a blended family learn to get along.
63. DESPICABLE ME: 2-- 8-22-- Minions become real meanies and Gru gets married.
64. STAR TREK: BEYOND-- 8-27-- Venturing into Klingon space. They probably won't like it.
65. AVATAR-- 8-27-- It's the Indians battling the evil whites. Only this time in space.
66. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD-- 9-1-- Listen to Papa Keith Richards and "Hoist the Colors!!"
ACCIDENT REPORTS: Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don't have.
Friday, December 8, 2017
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 7: "Skinny Legs & All"
10. SKINNY LEGS & ALL-- Joe Tex #10
9. NEON RAINBOW-- Box Tops #24
8. JUDY IN DISGUISE-- John Fred & His Playboy Band #1
7. BEND ME, SHAPE ME-- American Breed #5
4. HELLO, GOODBYE-- Beatles #1
2. RAIN, PARK & OTHER THINGS-- Cowsills #2
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "I Know You've Deceived Me, Now Here's a Big Surprise." Answer below. --RoadDog
"I Can See for Miles"
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 6: "Boogaloo Down Broadway"
15. BOOGALOO DOWN BROADWAY-- Fantastic Johnny C #7 His biggest hit. Born in South Carolina in 1943.
14. SNOOPY'S CHRISTMAS-- Not ranked. Made some money with Snoopy and the Red Baron, though.
13. IN & OUT OF LOVE-- Diana Ross & the Supremes #9 Vocal group from Detroit.
12. I SECOND THAT EMOTION-- Smokey Robinson #4 First Top Ten with Smokey Out in front.
11. I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER-- Dionne Warwick #4 Born in East Orange, New Jersey.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "The Moment I Wake Up, Before I Put On My Makeup." --Answer below. --RoadDog
"I Say a Little Prayer"
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 5: "Woman, Woman"
20. CHAIN OF FOOLS-- Aretha Franklin #2 That's Joe South doing the guitar introduction to the song.
19. I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE-- Gladys Knight & the Pips #2 #1 R&B for six weeks. Then, Marvin got ahold of it.
18. WOMAN, WOMAN-- Union Gap #4 Later, Gary Puckett took front and center. Their first hit.
17. SHE'S MY GIRL-- Turtles #14 Formed in Los Angeles in 1961.
16. SUSAN-- Buckinghams #11 WLS backing those hometown Chicago bands again.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "For Five Long Years I Thought You Were My Man." Answer below. --RoadDog
ACCIDENT REPORTS: I had been learning to drive with power steering. I turned the wheel to what I thought was enough and found myself in a different direction going the opposite way.
"Chain of Fools"
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Illinois USS Oklahoma Pearl Harbor Victim Identified
All of my blogs today will be about Pearl harbor, this being the 76th anniversary of the attack.
From the December 7, 2016, Chicago Tribune "For Pearl Harbor Dead, A Final Rest" by Ted Gregory.
"Katherine Kany was at work last spring when she got the phone call that pulled together the loose ends of a family mystery. The remains of her uncle, a 22-year-old from Waukegan who died 75 years ago Wednesday, finally had been identified.
"The call was part of a project begun in earnest last year with the goal of identifying and returning to loved ones the remains of 388 sailors and Marines -- 18 from Illinois -- killed when Japanese fighter planes riddled the USS Oklahoma with torpedoes on December 7, 1941. At least five of the explosions struck the Oklahoma about 8 a.m., and the battleship capsized in less than 10 minutes."
"Kany, of Arlington, Va., and other relatives gathered October 25, at Arlington National Cemetery for a full military funeral for Navy Fireman 3rd Class John H. Lindsley, a man who died before Kany was born."
Identifying These Dead Is the Correct Thing to Do.
Got My Flags Up To Commemorate the 76th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Today
I just went out in the cold (and a light smattering of snow) and put up two U.S. flags to honor those who died and survived that attack on Pearl Harbor 76 years ago that plunged the country into World War II.
Pearl Harbor, along with the Alamo, Fort Fisher and the Titanic have always been the four history stories that have interested me the most.
Sadly, as far as I know, there are no ceremonies in our part of northeast Illinois that is having anything for it.
This being the very first major action of the war for the United States, these persons are among the very oldest of those remaining from World War II and because of it, they are dying off even faster than the others.
When I was growing up, it seemed that all of my parents' friends were World War II veterans and it is hard to imagine there coming a time when they won't be around anymore.
In observance, every one of my blogs today will be about Pearl Harbor.
Hope You Are Flying Your Flag Today. --
Fort Fisher,
Pearl Harbor,
U.S. Flag
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 4: "Massachusetts"
25. HONEY CHILE-- Martha & the Vandellas #11 Martha Reeves and her group.
24. BABY, YOU'VE GOT IT-- Brenton Wood #34 Born Alfred Smith in Shreveport, Louisiana. raised in California.
23. PLEASE LOVE ME FOREVER-- Bobby Vinton #6 His father was a bandleader. Toured as part of backing band for Dick Clark's "Caravan of Stars" in 1960.
22. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock #1 West Coast psychedelic band. Lead singer on this song was 16-year-old leader of another band, Greg Munford.
21. MASSACHUSETTS-- Bee Gees #11 "(The Lights Went Out In) Massachusetts." This song was Liz and my song when we first went steady back at Palatine High School in Palatine, Illinois. We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of when I gave her my ID bracelet (as a junior, we had not yet gotten our class rings) on December 15 this year.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Something's Telling Me I Must Go Home" Answer Below. --RoadDog
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 3: "To Sir With Love"
30. OTHER MAN'S GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER-- Pet Clark #31 On the radio at age 9 and had her own TV show at age 11.
29. IT'S WONDERFUL-- Young Rascals #20 Last song as the Young Rascals. Shortened to Rascals after this.
28. TO SIR WITH LOVE-- Lulu #1 Title song from movie starring Sidney Poitier.
27. SUMMER RAIN-- Johnny Rivers #14 Real name John Ramistella. Was named Johnny Rivers by DJ Alan Freed in 1958.
26. KEEP THE BALL ROLLIN'-- Jay & the Techniques (D) #14 Follow up to biggest hit "Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie" #6 earlier in 1967.
Name That Tune (from above songs): "West Wind Soft As A Sweet Dream." Answer Below. --RoadDog
"Summer Rain"
Music Deaths: Mel Tillis
Died November 19, 2017
One of my all-time favorite country singers.
Very popular in the 1970s.
SZome of his big songs:
"I Ain't Never", "Good Woman Blues", "Coca-Cola Cowboy (from movie "Every Which Way But Loose"), "Memory Maker" and "Southern Rain."
And, my personal favorite "I Got the Hoss."
A Great One.
Country Music,
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Bad-- Gladiator-- Ghostbusters-- Jaws-- Jaws II-- Ice
Past Movie Scratches. Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
55. BAD BOYS-- 6-23-- Trading places with your cop buddy.
56. GLADIATOR-- 7-5-- "Prepare to unleash hell!!" Great, great battle scene.
57. GHOSTBUSTERS-- 7-16-- "Get her!! That's your plan??""
58. JAWS-- 7-177-- "We're gonna need a bigger boat."
59. JAWS 2-- 7-19-- Humor or toy. That is the question.
60. ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT-- 7-22-- Its the end of the world as they knew it.
Not Sure About #59. --RoadDog
ACCIDENT REPORTS: "The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intention."
Movie Scratches,
Past Movie Scratches,
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Hobbitt-- Hawk-- Survivor-- Bluebird-- Blind-- Jumanji
Past Movie Scratches-- Movies I saw on TV in 2016.
49. HOBBITT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY-- Battling the White Orc on that White Whatever That Is.
50. BLACK HAWK DOWN-- 4-20-- Rotten Somalians!!
51. LONE SURVIVOR-- Take a Lickin'. Take a Beatin'. Keep on Fightin'.
52. BLUEBIRD-- 4-23-- Shirley Temple horns in on Oz.
53. THE BLIND SIDE-- 5-14-- Rescuing Michael. A real feel-good movie.
54. JUMANJI-- 6-8-- Loved that Robin Williams. Real funny guy in a very DANGEROUS game.
ACCIDENT REPORTS (From the Orange Peel). : A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.
Music Deaths: Della Reese
Died November 19, 2017.
Best remembered for "Don't You Know" (#2-1959)
Born Delloreese Patricia Early in Detroit. better known for her R&B) Had "And That reminds Me" (#12 R&B-1957.
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 2: ""Wear My Love Like Heaven"
35. BY THE TIME I GET TO PHOENIX-- Glenn Campbell #26 Born 1936 in Billstown, Arkansas
34. IF I COULD BUILD MY WORLD AROUND YOU--Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell #10 Follow up to their #5 "Your Precious Love." They had a total of 12 Top 100s together and 4 Top Tens.
33. WEAR MY LOVE LIKE HEAVEN-- Donovan #23 Born Donovan Phillip Leitch near Glasgow, Scotland. Was there a better Flower Child?
32. GREEN TAMBOURINE-- Lemon Pipers #1 Their biggest-ever hit of three top 100s. Psychedelic/bubblegum rock quintet from Oxford, Ohio.
31.. AN OPEN LETTER TO MY TEENAGE SON-- Victor Lundberg #10 Showing how split the country had become.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "She'll Find the Note I left Hanging On her Door." Answer below. --RoadDog
"By the Time I Get to Phoenix"
Monday, December 4, 2017
WLS Top 40 for December 8, 1967-- Part 1: "Tell Mama"
(D)= Debut. The number behind the performer is the highest the song got on the Billboard Top 100.
40. EXPLOSION-- Soul Survivors (D) #33 White soul band from New York City and Philadelphia (In Your Soul) (In My Soul)
39. SKIP A ROPE-- Henson Cargill (D) #25 Country singer born in Oklahoma City. His only hit.
38. LET THE HEARTACHE BEGIN-- Long John Baldry (D) #88 Influential blues rocker from England. Probably best known for his "Don't Try To Lay No Boogie-Woogie On the King of Rock and Roll" which went to #73, his highest charting song in the U.S..
37. WHO WILL ANSWER-- Ed Ames (D) #19 One of the Ames Brothers. His biggest hit was "My Cup Runneth Over" (#8-1967)
36. TELL MAMA-- Etta James (D) #23 Her biggest hit. Born Jamesetta Hawkins in 1938
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Oh Listen To the Children While They Play." Answer Below. --RoadDog
"Skip A Rope"
Better Late Than Never-- Billboard Top Ten Halloween Songs
Gary Trust, Jessica Latkem and Chris Payne track sales during the 2013 Halloween season.
10. THIS IS HALLOWEEN-- Danny Elfman
8. DON'T FEAR THE REAPER-- Blue Oyster Cult
7. CREEP-- Radiohead
6. SUPERSTITION-- Stevie Wonder
4. DEAL WITH THE DEVIL-- Pop Evil (Great video)
3. GHOSTBUSTERS-- Ray Parker Jr.
2. MONSTER MASH-- Bobby Pickett
1. THRILLER-- Michael Jackson
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "All Out Times Have Come." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Don't Fear the Reaper"
Music Deaths: Keith Wilder of Heatwave and Robert Knight "Everlasting Love"
Died October 29, 2017.
Lead singer and co-founder of Heatwave with brother Johnny.
Their hits included: "Boogie Nights" (#2-1977), "The Groove Line" (#7-1978), and the ballad "Always and Forever" (#18-1978). I sure played the lat song a lot at weddings when I deejayed.
Died November 5, 2017.
He did the original hit version of "Everlasting Love" (#13-1967).
Saturday, December 2, 2017
JSS: Football Alabama and Auburn-- 16-Team College Playoffs-- Rochester, Illinois
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
This one's about football.
1. ALABAMA AND AUBURN-- That was one great football game last Saturday when Auburn upset Alabama. I always like to see Alabama lose. But what about the teams they played the week before. The mighty 'Bama played Mercer and Auburn played the Citadel. Come ON!!! Those easy wins shouldn't count as victories.
2. 16-TEAM PLAYOFFS-- And again, I sure would like to see a 16-team playoff for the Power Five Conferences and another one for the rest of the teams. That would make some of those "toilet" bowl TV games account for something.
3. ROCHESTER, ILLINOIS-- This one is for high school football. This team has dominated the Class 4A playoffs, winning seven of the last eight years. Time for them to move up to 5A.
College Football,
Just Some Stuff,
Music Deaths: Fats Domino
ANTOINE "FATS" DOMINO 89. Died October 24, 2017
R&B, rock pianist, vocalist. Played with the band The Solid Senders in the 1940s and then had quite the remarkable solo career as "The Fat Man." Met producer Dave Bartholomew who cowrote the songs in 1949.
Together, they reeled off quite the string of hits.
Blueberry Hill (#2-1957)
I'm In Love Again (#3-1956)
I'm Walkin' (#4-1957)
Blue Monday (#5-1957)
Whole Lot Of Lovin' (#6-1959)
Was on the Top Pop 100 for 66 times and has a dozen in the Top Ten. Also, a whole lot of R&B hits.
He was feared dead in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but had survived.
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. His last public appearance was ten years ago.
A Huge Talent.
Dead Page,
Fats Domino,
Music Deaths 2017,
Past Movie Scratches: Hustle-- Reddick-- Vegas-- Phillips--
43. AMERICAN HUSTLE-- 2-27-- The "Sting" goes 1970s. Worst comb-over ever.
44. REDDICK-- 3-2-- Particularly nasty snake things.
45. VEGAS VACATION-- 3-3-- Papageorgio can't lose. Papagriswald can't win.
46. CAPTAIN PHILLIPS-- 3-5-- No doubt the scrawniest, skinniest bunch of pirates ever assembled.
47. PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS-- A cyclops and titan that like to eat people.
48. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES-- 3-12-- Battling bad-ass mermaids and looking for that Fountain of Youth. Ponce de Leon was so jealous.
Friday, December 1, 2017
WLS Top Ten for December 1, 1967: "I Can See For Miles"
4. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock
9. NEON RAINBOW-- Box Tops
10. I CAN SEE FOR MILES-- Who This and "My Generation" are my two favorite Who songs.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "The City Lights, the Pretty Lights." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Neon Rainbow"
Music Deaths: George Young: Australia's Easybeats
GEORGE YOUNG, 70 Died October 22, 2017.
Guitarist with Australia's Easybeats. Cowrote their big hit "Friday On My Mind" (#16-1967). Brother of Angus and Malcolm Young of AC/DC.
He produced AC/DC's "Dirty deeds Done Dirt Cheap" album. He also cowrote the John Paul Young song "Love Is In the Air" (#7-1978)
His brother Malcolm Young died November 18, 2017.
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Iron-- Jurassic-- Thor-- Battleship-- Z-- Finding
Movies seen on TV in 2016.
37. IRON MAN 3-- 2-14-- Jeeves knows. Jeeves knows.
38. JURASSIC PARK 3-- 2-15-- Looking for Eric and finding the ultimate dino.
39. THOR: THE DARK WORLD-- 2-19-- Loki turns out to be a good guy after Asgard falls.
40. BATTLESHIP-- 2-22-- It was like Pearl Harbor for the aliens. Love those old battleships like the USS Missouri.
41. WORLD WARD Z-- 2-26-- Those Z-dudes can sure motivate.
42. FINDING PRIVATE RYAN-- 2-27-- That D-Day part and the end (in the cemetery) still get me.
THE LAST MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You think CPR stands for "Coffee Provides Resuscitation."
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Past Movie Scratches: Zoolander-- Apes-- Jurassic-- Jurassic-- Captain-- Thor
Movies seen on TV in 2016.
31. ZOOLANDER-- 2-7-- He's got the look(s).
32. PLANET OF THE APES-- 2-9-- . Hercules the chimp saves the day and the interspecies kiss.
33. JURASSIC PARK 2: THE LOST WORLD-- 2-10-- Dino roundup goes horribly wrong.
34. JURASSIC PARK-- 2-11-- Old T. Rex saves our folks. Thanks Mr. T.
35. CAPTAIN AMERICA-- 2-13-- World War II and the comics. I still like the Old Sgt. Rock and Easy Company comics.
36. THOR-- 2-14-- Have big hammer, will travel.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Music Deaths: Walter "Bunny" Sigler "Mr. Emotion"
Died October 6, 2017
Songwriter and producer known as "Mr. Emotion."
Worked with most of Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff's stable of artists including the O'Jays, Lou Rawls and Billy Paul. As a recording artist, he appeared on the pop charts six times between 1967 and 1978: "Let the Good Times Roll and Feels So Good" (#22-1967) and "Let me Party With You" (#43-1978).
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Movie Scratches: Dunkirk-- Castle-- It-- Blade
Movie Scratches-- Songs that I have seen in movie theaters this year.
45. DUNKIRK-- August 8-- Woodstock, $5-- The stoic English civilian boar captain and all those tie-in stories. It sure seemed that the British destroyers sank fast.
46. THE GLASS CASTLE-- September 5-- Fox Lake, $5-- Kids of a really truly dysfunctional family cope with their crazy parents. Woody Harrelson and the movie should get nominations for Academy Awards.
47. IT-- Sept. 26-- Fox Lake, $5-- Or, how I spent my summer vacation. "Kill my brother and I'll GET you!!" Freddie takes a vacation.
48. BLADE RUNNER:2049-- Oct. 24-- Fox Lake, $5--- Who's your daddy. Sure miserable weather in '49.
Please Don't Sit Right In Front Of Me. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your coffee mug is insured by Lloyds of London. (I, too, have my favorite mugs."
2017 Movie Scratches,
Movie Scratches,
Monday, November 27, 2017
Tom Grosvenor Marine Corps Birthday Breakfast-- Part 3: The Cake Ceremony
Continued from November 10.
The one aspect of the proceedings that I always like the most is the presentation of the birthday cake with the USMC emblem, provided every year by Lovin' Oven Cakery in Round Lake Beach, Illinois.
The oldest Marine present and the youngest are ushered to the front of the room. This year it was Bobbi Briggs, a World War II veteran of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve, who turns 94 later this month. The youngest was one of the active duty Marines who was born in 1994.
Four extremely squared away Marines in splendid dress blues escort the cake up to the front and then the Commandant of the Marine Corps Lake County Detachment 801 takes the ceremonial sword and cuts off a piece. He then gives it to the oldest Marine who takes a bite and then passes the piece to the youngest who takes a bite.
This symbolizing the passing of knowledge and tradition from one generation to another.
A Very Striking Tradition. --RoadDog
Friday, November 24, 2017
WLS Top Ten for November 24, 1967: "You Better Sit Down Kids"
3. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock
6. EVERLASTING LOVE-- Robert Knight
10. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE-- Bobby Vinton
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Your Mother is Staying But I'm Going Away." Answer Below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You don't get mad, you get steamed.
"You Better Sit Down Kids"
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Music Deaths: Jimmy Beaumont: Lead Singer of the Skyliners
JIMMY BEAUMONT, 76 Died October 7, 2017.
Lead singer with the Skyliners. Wrote "Since I Don't Have You" on his way to the recording studio. It went to #12 in 1959.
They also had "This I Swear" (#26-1959) and "Pennies From Heaven" (#24-1960).
The group broke up in 1964. He performed as a solo artist, but just had a #100 and a #123.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
My Picks for the Class of 2016 Rock Hall of Fame Inductees
All the groups listed are good, but if it were my pick for five, this is it:
Moody Blues-- Those spaced-out albums
Dire Straits-- Money for Nothing if necessary.
Zombies-- It's the Time of the Season to be inducted
J. Geils Band-- You had the R&B and then "Centerfield" era.
Cars-- With that many hit songs, how could they not be?
halls of fame,
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Monday, November 20, 2017
Nominees for 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
October 5, 2017
First-time nominees: Moody Blues, Dire Straits, Eurythmics, Judas Priest, Kate Bush, Nina Simone, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine and Sister Rosetta Tharpe.
Nominated two or more times: Zombies, Rufus (Chaka Khan), Link Wray, J. Geils Band, meters, Cars, Bon Jovi, Depeche Mode, L.L. Cool J., MC5.
My Five Picks In Next Post. --RoadDog
halls of fame,
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Friday, November 17, 2017
WLS Top Ten for November 17, 1967: "To Sir With Love"
3. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock
6. EVERLASTING LOVE-- Robert Knight Sorry to see he died Nov. 5, 2017.
8. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Og, I Could Hide 'Neath the Wings of the Bluebird As She Sings." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You don't tan, you roast.
"Daydream Believer"
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Music Deaths: Skip Haynes "Lake Shore Drive" Aliotta, Haynes & Jeremiah
SKIP HAYNES, 71. Died October 2, 2017.
Vocalist and guitarist with Chicago favorite Aliotta, Haynes & Jeremiah. Wrote their signature tune, "Lake Shore Drive" which was recently featured in the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy II."
It is said that part of his ashes were spread over the city's famed highway.
One of the greatest songs ever.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Seven Bands That Changed Rock and Roll Music Forever
From the August 21, 2017, Cheat Sheet by Jeff Rindskopf.
1. Elvis Presley
2. Beatles
3. Jimi Hendrix Experience
4. Led Zeppelin
5. Pink Floyd
6. Clash
7. Sonic Youth
He has his reasons. Check them out at his site.
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your nervous twitch registers on the Richter Scale.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Music Deaths: Michael Johnson "Bluer Than Blue"
MICHAEL JOHNSON, 72. Died July 25, 2017.
Had hits with "Bluer Than Blue" (#12-1978), "Almost Like Being In Love" (#32-1978) and "This Night Won't Last Forever" (#19-1979).
he then moved to the country charts and had hits with "Give me Wings" (#1 County-1987) and "The Moon is Still Over Her Shoulder" (#1 Country-1987).
Country Music,
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017
Music Deaths: Bobby Taylor "Does Your Mama Know About Me" and Goldy McJohn (Keyboardist for Steppenwolf)
BOBBY TAYLOR, 83 Died July 22, 2017.
Leader of Bobby Taylor and the Vancouvers. The group included Tommy Chong of Cheech & Chong. They had a hit for Motown "Does Your Mama Know About Me" (#29-1969).
GOLDY McJOHN, 72 Died August 1, 2017.
Original keyboardist of Steppenwolf. Played on the group's first seven albums until 1974, including all those great singles they had.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Movie Scratches: Cars-- Pirates-- Dunkirk-- Apes
Movies I have seen at the theater this year.
41. CARS 3-- July 13-- Fox Lake, $6-- Battling the new hot-shot, faster rookies and Lightning gives his all for the Hudson.
42. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES-- July 20-- Round Lake Beach, free-- Capn' Jack gets the Pearl back, a crew and a monkey. Goodbye Barbossa.
43. DUNKIRK-- July 28-- Fox Lake, $6-- The lines, the ships and boats, the planes, the horrors. Simply surviving an ordeal. This should get an Academy award nomination for Best Picture. Definitely a movie that needs to be seen twice on the big screen.
44. WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES-- August 3-- Fox Lake, $6-- Caesar's quest to get the Colonel and save the Apes.
Expensive, Expensive Popcorn. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You don't even wait for the water to boil anymore.
2017 Movie Scratches,
Academy Awards,
Movie Scratches,
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Doing My Bit for the Veterans and Marines
What with the USMC birthday yesterday and Veterans Day today, I have been busy.
I attended the USMC birthday/Toys for Tots breakfast at the Fox Lake, Illinois, American Legion (See the Tom Grosvenor posts in this blog). Later, in the afternoon, Liz and went to the Legion to see a band.
Since this was the Marine Corps' 242nd birthday, I posted about the Marines to all seven blogs.
I went to the flag-raising for Lance Corporal Matthew S. Medlicott at Waukegan, Illinois, High School. He was killed in Iraq in 2007.
I also saw the movie "Thank You for Your Service" at Fox Lake Theater. This was a hard movie about problems soldiers faced with PTSD on their return to civilian life after posting to the Middle East. Later, we met the Usual Suspects at the Legion for the 50-59.
Since this is Veterans Day, I posted about veterans on all seven blogs. (Yesterday, I posted about the Marines on all seven blogs.
I went to the 11 a.m. ceremony at the Fox Lake train station honoring veterans, complete with speeches and a 21 gun salute. Later tonight we will go to the Legion for the Lakes Area Swing band show with all that great World War II Big Band/Swing music.
Can't Do Enough For Our Veterans. --RoadDog
Heading Out for the Veterans Day Ceremony in Fox Lake, Illinois
In just a few minutes I will be leaving for the Veterans Day ceremony at the train station in downtown Fox Lake, Illinois.
It is a cold and blustery, cloudy day to honor our veterans.
I Hope That Everyone Today Does Something to Thank Our Veterans. --RoadDog
Friday, November 10, 2017
Tom Grosvenor Marine Corps Breakfast-- Part 2 All Stood
Tables were set up for World War II veterans and we had six in attendance as well as eight for the Korean War and quite a few Vietnam veterans.
We had the presentation of colors, the U.S. and Marine Corps flags, by the Lake County Marine Corps League and then the National Anthem. Unlike so many of the NFL players, everybody stood except one man sitting at the Vietnam veterans table. But he sure had an excuse. He was in a wheelchair and missing a leg.
We then had the message of General Lejeune read and listened to the Commandant's message.
WLS Top Ten for November 10, 1967: "Incense & Peppermints"
2. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock (How's that for hippie-dippie?)
4. LET IT OUT-- Hombres
5. HUSH-- Billy Jo Royal
6. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr
7. PURPLE HAZE-- Jimi Hendrix
9. LOOK OF LOVE-- Dusty Springfield
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Lately Things Don't Seem the Same." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You have a conniption over spilled milk.
"Purple Haze"
Marine Corps Turns 242 Today!!
A big happy birthday to those men and women of the United States Marine Corps. It was on this date November 10, 1775, that the Continental Congress authorized that two battalions of Marines be raised.
Thanks Marines for all your service.
Tom Grosvenor Memorial Marine Corps Birthday Breakfast for Toys for Tots-- Part 1
This past Saturday, Nov. 4, the Fox Lake American Legion was the site of the 34th annual Tom Grosvenor Memorial Marine Corps Birthday Breakfast for Toys for Tots. The Marine Corps runs the Toys for Tots.
It cost $7 for breakfast consisting of really black and strong coffee, SOS and scrambled eggs. You either made a donation or brought along a toy.
I sat with Ben Floyd, one of the original thirteen Marines who met on Saturday, November 10, 1983 at Hoff's Kitchen in Grayslake, Illinois, as a way to get together with other Marines, talk over old times, help Toys for Tots and enjoy the camaraderie. This annual tradition continues on to today.
Seventy-five years ago, Nov. 4, Marines took the airfield on the island of Guadalcanal and though fighting would continue for another three months, this was a big turning point in the hard-fought battle.
Marine-Backer --RoadDog
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Will I Miss Tom Petty?-- Part 2: Albums and CDs
My Tom Petty albums:
Damn the Torpedoes
Hard Promises
Long After Dark
Pack Up the Plantation: Live!
Full Moon Fever
Let Me Up (I've Had Enough)
Southern Accents
My Tom Petty CDs
The Last DJ
She's the One
Into the Great Wide Open
Greatest Hits (On my Ultimate Jukebox)
Reckon He Was OK. --RoadDog
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Will I Miss Tom Petty? -- Part 1: Maybe
Caught by surprise in the midst of the horror that took place in Las Vegas, on Monday, we were at Blueberry Hill on Nippersink Lake after boating over to it and someone's "Idge" phone had word that Tom Petty had died.
I'll never forget when my friend Kip had seen him at the Super Bowl half time show and, since he is somewhat older, had never heard him before. All he could say was, "Who was that guy." To say the least, he was not impressed at all.
Let's face it, he had probably one of the worst voices ever in rock and roll, but it sounded right in his songs. But, he could sure jangle those guitars.
Refugee --RoadDog
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Music Deaths: Tom Petty
TOM PETTY, 66 Died October 2, 2017
From Gainesville, Florida. Had 23 Top 100 songs and 15 Top 40s and 3 Top Tens between 1978 and 1994. His last big hit was 1994's "Mary Jane's Last Dance," one of my all-time favorite songs.
He formed the band Epics which became Mudcrutch and three members of that group formed the core of his band, the Heartbreakers.
In 1977, he charted with "Breakdown" which went to #40.
Then came hits "Don't Do me Like That" (#10-1980, "Refugee (#15-1981), "The Waiting" (#19--1981) and then a duet with Stevie Nicks "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" (#3-1981).
Later, he was in the supergroup Traveling Wilburys with George Harrison, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan and Jeff Lynne of ELO.
A Great One.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Colder Outside, But Good Times Inside-- Two Bands, Chili Cook-off and the Marines
This was movie day. I saw "American Made" starring Tom Cruise as a man who got involved in the Central American drug, guns and Contra business back in the late 70s early 80s. I then saw "Geostorm" about our space station and satellites controlling the weather going wrong.
We went to the American Legion and met friends for the 50-50. As usual,we didn't win.
In the morning I went to the USMC 242nd birthday breakfast and Toys for Tots at the Fox Lake American Legion. Always good to get together with kindred spirits and support the Corps. Lots of "Ooh-Rahing."
In the afternoon, Liz and I met Kora and others at the Legion and enjoyed the 50s-70s music of the 3 Aces band from 3 to 6. We then went over to Sunnyside for a couple, two, three.
We went to the Squaw Bar at 3 and had a chili cookoff, listened to the Little Joe band play and enjoyed the $6 pitchers. Later went to Sunnyside again.
JSS: Our Teams Out-- A Perfect Afternoon-- NFL Saying Sorry?
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. OUR TEAMS OUT-- Saturday was not only a rainy and cool day, but a real bad one for the teams Liz and I were backing in the Illinois State High School Football Playoffs. All three of the teams we were backing: Palatine, Johnsburg and Richmond-Burton were beaten and are out of it. At least now, I don't have to think about sitting outside in miserable weather.
2. A PERFECT AFTERNOON-- Yesterday we drove over to the Squaw Bar in Ingleside, Illinois, where they were having a chili cookoff. Not only that, but they had a band playing in the afternoon, cheap beer ($6 a pitcher domestic) and the Squaw is a perfect dive bar. Those four things come together to make for a real fun afternoon.
3. NFL SAYING SORRY? With the commercials the NFL was running yesterday during the games and the coaching garb on the sidelines, I'd say the NFL was making peace with the great dishonor they did to our veterans with all that sideline kneeling during the National Anthem.
Liz and I were ready to boycott the NFL next Sunday as our little way of saying here's what we think of you. Now, we can watch the Bears-Packers game, something which we were sadly not going to watch because of all of this. Now, we'll watch some of it, but if those players kneel during the anthem before the game, the boycott is on again.
Chicago Bears,
Chili Cookoffs,
dive bars,
Green Bay Packers,
High School Football,
Just Some Stuff,
Squaw Bar,
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Who Are the Real Heroes? The NFL or Our Veterans
Today, when all those NFL players take a knee and indicate to our veterans what they think of them, let's think of the real heroes.
Yesterday I attended the 34th annual Tom Grosvenor Memorial Marine Corps Breakfast for Toys for Tots at the Fox Lake, Illinois, American Legion. This coming Friday, November 10 is the 242nd birthday of our Corps.
Everyone stood during the presentation of the colors and National Anthem except one man.
He was at the Vietnam War veterans table...and he was in a wheel chair, He was missing a leg.
Certainly a reason not to stand, but I know he would have if he could have.
Something to think about today when you see that offensive show of disrespect out on the sidelines before the game.
I wonder who paid the price so those football players could make their millions of dollars?
We Know. --RoadDog
Movie Scratches: Pirates-- Despicable-- Spiderman-- House
37. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES-- June 14-- Fox Lake, $5-- That was one really mean Spanish captain. All's well that ends well.
38. DESPICABLE ME 3-- July 10-- Fox Lake, $6-- Looking for the unicorn and fighting the 80s child star.
39. SPIDERMAN: HOMECOMING-- July 10-- Fox Lake, $6-- What was that thing Roger Dangerfield always said? Spidey just looking for a little respect.
40. THE HOUSE-- July 11-- Woodstock, Free-- Beware the "Butcher!" The house always wins.
Expensive Popcorn. --RoadDog
2017 Movie Scratches,
Movie Scratches,
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 7: "The Letter"
The Top Ten Songs this week, fifty years ago.
10. EXPRESSWAY TO YOUR HEART-- Soul Survivors #4
9. HUSH-- Billy Jo Royal #52
8. PURPLE HAZE-- Jimi Hendrix #65
7. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr #3
6. HOW CAN I BE SURE-- Young Rascals #4
5. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock ##1
4. RAIN, THE PARK & OTHER THINGS-- Cowsills #2
3. THE LETTER-- Box Tops #1
2. LET IT OUT-- Hombres #12
1. TO SIRE WITH LOVE-- Lulu #1
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "A 'Preachment, Dear Friends, You Are About To Receive On John Barleycorn, Nicotine and the Temptations of Eve." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You can outlast the Energizer bunny.
"Let It Out" ("Let It All Hang Out")
Saturday, November 4, 2017
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 6: ""Treat Her Groovy"
15. HEY BABY, THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG-- Buckinghams #12
14. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association #2 Formed in Los Angeles in 1966.
13. SOUL MAN-- Sam & Dave #2 How do you get any better Soul Music?
12. TREAT HER GROOVY-- New Colony Six Did not rank. WLS pushing local Chicago talent again.
11. LOOK OF LOVE-- Dusty Springfield #22 From the James Bond movie spoof "Casino Royale."
--Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Coming To You On a Dusty Road, Good Lovin' I Got a Truck Load." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your firsdt-aid kit contains two pints of coffee with an I-V hookup.
"Soul Man"
Friday, November 3, 2017
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 196-- Part 5: "Love Me Forever"
20. FACE THE AUTUMN-- Family No ranking. WLS backing another Chicago area band.
19. KENTUCKY WOMAN-- Neil Diamond #22 I'm a bit surprised this song didn't go higher. Born Noah Kaminsky in 1941.
18. THE LAST WALTZ-- Engelbert Humperdink #24 Born in Madras, India. His first hit was "Please Release me" in 1967.
17. CHILD OF CLAY-- Jimmy Rodgers #31
16. LOVE ME FOREVER-- Bobby Vinton #6 "Please Love me Forever" Born in Pennsylvania
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "She Shines With Her Own Kind of Light." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Kentucky Woman"
Music Deaths: Frank Slay-- Singer, Writer and Producer
FRANK SLAY, 87 Died September 30, 2017
Sang "The Flying Circle (#45-1961) Had a version of "Hava Nagila."
Cowrote "Silhouettes" which was a big hit for several artists. Also cowrote "La Dee Dah" and "Tallahassee Lassie."
Was A&R director for Swan records and produced "Incense and Peppermints." Owned Claridge Records whose biggest hit was "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You."
Music Deaths: Guy Villari, Lead Singer of Regents
GUY VILLARI, 74 Died September 22, 2017
Lead singer of the Regents "Barbara Ann" (#13-1961) and "Runaround" (#28-1961)
He got the name Regents from their recording studio and his brand of cigarettes.
He recorded "Barbara Ann" in 1958 but couldn't find a record company to release it.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 4: "Your Precious Love"
25. WATCH THE FLOWERS GROW-- Four Seasons #30 Produced by Bob Crewe.
24. EVERLASTING LOVE-- Robert Knight #13 His biggest hit. Born in Franklin, Tennessee, in 1943.
23. NATURAL WOMAN-- Aretha Franklin #8 Full title "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman." Of course, Murphy Brown's favorite song.
22. YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE-- Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell #5
21. LOVE IS STRANGE-- Peaches & Herb #13 Francine Barker and Herb Fame.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Looking Out On the Morning Rain I Used To Feel So Uninspired." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Natural Woman"
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 3: "Out of the Blue"
30. IT'S YOU THAT I NEED-- Temptations #14 Full title "(Loneliness Made Me Realize That) It's You That I Need."
29. SHE'S STILL A MYSTERY TO ME-- Lovin' Spoonful #27 Not one of their better-known songs, but a classic in my book.
28. I'M WONDERING-- Stevie Wonder #12. I didn't remember this one. Born in Saginaw, Michigan. Blind since birth.
27. STAG-O-LEE-- Wilson Pickett #22 "The Wicked Pickett." Adopted from the traditional folk song "Stack-'O-Lee."
26. OUT OF THE BLUE-- Tommy James & the Shondells #43
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "She Smiles Your Way Through a Window." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You introduce your spouse as your "Coffee Mate." --
"She's Still a Mystery"
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 2: "An Open Letter to My Teenage Son"
35. EVEN THE BAD TIMES ARE GOOD-- Tremeloes #36 British pop rock quintet, but foursome on this song. 2:31 of great pop rock.
34. PAPER CUP-- Fifth Dimension #34 L.A.-based R&B group. Not one of their better-known songs, but a great one nonetheless. They sure could sing.
33. AN OPEN LETTER TO MY TEENAGE SON-- Victor Lundberg #10 (D) Ex-dj and newsman. Spoken word with patriotic music in the background. His only Top 100. That war in Asia was tearing the country apart.
32. GLAD TO BE UNHAPPY-- Mamas and Papas #28 A really, really short one at just 1:42.
31. WILD HONEY-- Beach Boys #31 Formed in Hawthorne, California in 1961. One of their many good songs after their amazing run from 1962-1966.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Fools Rush In So here I Am." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You soak your dentures in coffee overnight.
"Glad To be Unhappy"
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Ten at Ten and the Drive's Halloween A to Z
You can tune into Chicago's WDRV, 97.1 FM or go online at www.wdrv.com to listen to their Halloween A to Z which started at noon and runs to whenever they run out of songs.
Earlier, Boo Stroud, Count Stroudenberry, had his Ten at Ten to the day.
It will repeat at 10 p.m. CSDT.
I PUT A SPELL ON YOU-- Screaming Jay Hawkins
'PSYCHO KILLER-- Talking Heads
SPOOKY-- Classics IV
MONSTER MASH-- Bobby "Boris" Pickett
DANCING WITH MR. D-- Rolling Stones
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "In the Cool of the Evening When Ev'ry Thing Is Gettin' Kind of Groovy." Answer Below. --RoadSpook
Chicago Radio,
Halloween Songs,
WLS Top 40 for November 3, 1967-- Part 1: "I Say a Little Prayer for You""
From WLS Year oldies loon site. It has the WLS Silver Dollar Surveys from 1960-1982. Some mighty good years.
Fifty Years Ago this week, you'd be listening to these songs on WLS (or WCFL) 890 AM in Chicago. Good old AM radio. The number after the artist is the top slot reached on the Billboard Top 100 Chart. That from Joel Whitburn's "Top Pop Singles 1955-1993." Information comes from his book as well as You Tube. A (D) means it is a debut this week.
40. DAYDREAM BELIEVER-- Monkees #1 (D) It was the "B" side of "Goin' Down." Sure didn't take this long to get to #1 in Chicago or across the country. Give a listen to "Goin'Down," a song I'd never heard before. A real early rap song.
39. YOU BETTER SIT DOWN KIDS-- Cher #9 (D) Produced by hubby Sonny Bono. Kind of strange that she would be singing from the husband's point of view.
38. I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER-- Dionne Warwick #4 (D) Born in 1940 in East Orange, New Jersey.
37. SKINNY LEGS AND ALL-- Joe Tex #10 Born Joseph Arrington, Jr.. One of 27 Top 100s. A completely sexist song, but funny. "My wife, I think I'll keep her."
36. BIG BOSS MAN/ YOU DON'T KNOW ME-- Elvis Presley #38 and # 44 (D) Two-sided hit by the "King of You-Know-What)> I'd put his version of "You Don't Know Me" up against "Can't Help Falling in Love" anytime.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "The Six O'Clock Alarm Would Never Ring." --Answer Below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your Thermos is on wheels.
"Daydream Believer"
Monday, October 30, 2017
Boo to You!!: Scary Music for Your H'ween-- Part 2: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
PAINT IT BLACK-- Rolling Stones
SUPERSTITION-- Stevie Wonder
TUBULAR BELLS-- Michael Oldfield
WHITE RABBIT-- Jefferson Airplane
DON'T FEAR THE REAPER-- Blue Oyster Cult
I HAD TOO MUCH TO DREAM LAST NIGHT-- Electric Prunes (I always thought they were saying they had too much to drink last night.)
MONSTER MASH-- Bobby "Boris" Pickett
SPOOKY-- Classics IV
Name That Tune (from the above): "I Was Working In the Lab Late One Night When My Eyes Beheld An Eerie Sight." Answer Below. --RoadScare
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You speak perfect Arabic without ever taking a lesson.
"Monster Mash"
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Halloween Songs,
We're Back from Our 66 on 66 Cruise-- Part 2: Old Motels
Continued from October 25.
Like I said, a major goal of the trip was to stay at older motels we'd stayed at before, but especially to stay at the newly renovated Boots Court Motel in Carthage, Missouri, and the Wagon Wheel Motel in Cuba, Missouri.
That, and to revisit old favorite stops and check out some we hadn't yet been to and some that are new to the Mother Road.
OCTOBER 12-- Route 66 Hotel, Springfield, Illinois
OCTOBER 13-14-- Munger-Moss Motel, Lebanon, Missouri
OCTOBER 15-- Boots Court Motel, Carthage, Missouri
OCTOBER 16-- Hampton Inn, Stroud, Oklahoma
OCTOBER 17-- Holiday Inn Express, Vinita, Oklahoma
OCTOBER 18-- Rail Haven Motel, Springfield, Missouri
OCTOBER 19-- Munger-Moss Motel, Lebanon, Missouri
OCTOBER 20-- Wagon Wheel Motel, Cuba, Missouri
OCTOBER 21-- Route 66 Hotel, Springfield, Illinois
Our favorite Route 66 states, in order: Missouri, Illinois and Oklahoma
On That Mother Road Again, Can't Wait To get back Out On That Mother Road Again-- RoadDog66
Boo To You!! Halloween Music to Scare You-- Part 1
From Boo Stroud's October 29, 2017, Rock and Roll Roots show on Chicago's WDRV, 97.1 FM, the drive.
Music to howl by:
PSYCHO KILLER-- Talking Heads
THE RAVEN-- Alan Parsons Group
FRANKENSTEIN-- Edgar Winter Group
LOVE POTION #9-- Searchers
And His Hair Was Perfect. --RoadWolf
Bob Stroud,
Chicago Radio,
Halloween Songs,
Rock and Roll Roots,
WLS Top Ten for October 27, 1967: "It Must be Him"
1. THE LETTER-- Box Tops
2. LET IT OUT-- Hombres ("Let It All Hang Out")
4. HOW CAN I BE SURE-- Young Rascals
5. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association
7. INCENSE & PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock
8. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr
10. HUSH-- Billy Joe Royal
Name That Tune (From the above songs): "The Time Has Come For Closing Books And Long Last Looks Must End." Answer Below) --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You get drunk just so you can sober up.
"To Sir With Love"
Thursday, October 26, 2017
NIU Unveils Diesel Statue
From the October 26, 2017, Raleigh (NC) News & Observer "Northern Illinois University mascot memorialized in statue" AP.
Siberian husky Diesel served as NIU's mascot Huskie from 2005-201.\3. He will be memorialized with a bronze statue which will be dedicated outside Huskie Stadium in DeKalb, Illinois, today before the NIU-Eastern Michigan football game. NIU teams are called the Huskies.
Diesel lifted his paw in 2013, seemingly to give NIU cheerleaders a high five in a game after a Huskie touchdown. This was captured on national TV and became viral. Sadly, Diesel died in 2015.
The statue is designed by Renee Bemis and NIU alumni used an online funding site to raise the $25,000 to make the sculpture.
We met Diesel on several occasions, including the Go-Daddy Bowl in Mobile, Alabama. He was one cool dog and lived in our former town of Round Lake Beach, Illinois. He had the softest fur I've ever touched.
Big Diesel Fan. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You help your dog chase its tail.
NIU Football,
Northern Illinois University,
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
JSS: No Mo Cubs-- World Series-- Greenin' Up
JSS-- Just Some Stuff
1. NO MO CUBS-- Sure glads the Cubs finally got put out of their and our agony in the playoffs, even though they did manage to pull out a gritty victory over the Washington Hairy Nationals and former Cb manager Dusty baker, who I still blame for the self-destruction back in the Bartman NLCS.
Bringing in relief pitchers was like throwing gasoline to put the fire out. And, what a bad time for most all the players to go into a batting slump. I think we only had one player at .220 and the rest were under .200. And, last year's NL MVP, Bryant was out to break all playoff records for strike outs.
Oh well, that frees up a lot of time as I will watch the World Series if I happen to be in a bar and it's on TV.
2. WORLD SERIES-- And speaking of the World Series, I don't really like either team, though the Astros being American League, my favorite, I will sort of be for them. To me, they should still be in the NL. They were the ones the Sox swept in the 2005 World Series. At least the hated Yankees did not go.
3. GREENIN' UP- The yard has sure greened up from recent rains while we were gone and Sunday and Monday. I may even have to cut it again (if it dries out). At least mow up the fallen leaves or maybe burn them some weekend between now and the end of November as we can still burn on those days.
I Really Love the Smell of Burning Leaves. --RoadBurn
Chicago Cubs,
cutting grass,
Just Some Stuff,
World Series
We're Back from Our 66 on 66 Cruise-- Part 1: To Lebanon
We left Spring Grove on Thursday, October 12 and returned, 2,005 miles later on Sunday, October 22.
Since Liz and I are both 66 this year, we decided to do like Paul, and drive on Route 66 when we're 66. Only, he, by the way, as in Beatle Paul McCartney, drove the whole way. We just drove from Joliet, Illinois, to Arcadia, Oklahoma, just outside Oklahoma City.
We had originally considered going the whole way from downtown Chicago to Santa Monica, but decided just to concentrate on our favorite four states. That, and we wanted to stay in as many old motels as possible and we accomplished that.
October 12-- Route 66 Hotel in Springfield, Illinois
Oct. 13-14-- Munger-Moss Motel in Lebanon, Missouri
On the Road Again. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You can't even remember your second cup.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
A Trip Back in Time-- Part 4: The Burn Pile and Sunnyside
After my usual Sunday morning radio shows: Rock and Roll Roots and recording Breakfast With the Beatles to hear later, I spent a lot of hours out by the very, very large burn pile. We are only allowed to burn yard waste on weekends in October and November and April and May, so had to take advantage of it. And, I sure had a huge one this year.
We went to Sunnyside and enjoyed talking with people most of the afternoon.
burn pile,
burning leaves,
Chicago Radio,
Sunnyside Tap
Monday, October 23, 2017
A Trip Back Kind of Weekend-- Part 3: Confederates in Illinois, the Ribbon Road, Oktoberfest and Fireworks
Drove to DeKalb, Illinois for the Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting and lunch at Rosita's on Lincoln Highway between our Camp Douglas Camp and the Rock Island Camp. Confederates this far north!! We also had quite a few members of the Sons of Union Veterans in attendance as well. We heard an excellent presentation on the role of religion during the Civil War.
Afterwards, I took a ride on what used to be a ribbon road in DeKalb County, now Il-23 between DeKalb and Waterman and until this summer was called the worst road in DeKalb County because they had simply paved over the old ribbon road (9 feet wide which caused a whole lot of potholes. I also drove through Elva, a town south of DeKalb that was started by barbed wire inventor Joseph Glidden and named for his daughter.
Stopped at Wal-Mart on Il-23 on the way back and loaded up on NIU stuff.
Liz and I went to McHenry for the St. Patrick's Church Oktoberfest and enjoyed brats and the bands. Then over to Sunnyside where we saw the fireworks display from the Celebration in the Park of Johnsburg. The park is right next to Sunnyside. They had a good band there as well.
A Long Day. --RoadDog
A Trip Back Kind of Weekend-- Part 2: A Trip Back to the Old Stomping Grounds in Palatine and a High School Football Game
We drove US-12, Rand Road, to Arlington Hts, Illinois, and tended to Amby and Frances' grave (Liz's parents). Put up fall flowers and a U.S. flag as he was a major in World War II. We then drove by our old houses in Palatine (where we lived while growing up) and stopped for a bite to eat at Photo's on US-14, Northwest Highway. This is the site of where I used to work at Burger King.
Later, I went to the Richmond-Burton-Harvard high school football game in Richmond. It looked like Richmond was going to blow Harvard out, but it got tied shortly into the third quarter. Then Burton scored one more time to win 21-14.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
WLS Top Ten for October 20, 1967: "Never My Love"
1. THE LETTER-- Box Tops
2. LET IT OUT-- Hombres
3. HOW CAN I BELIEVE-- Young Rascals
4. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association
6. BROWN EYED GIRL-- Van Morrison
7. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr
9. GIMME LITTLE SIGN-- Brenton Wood
10. LITTLE OLE MAN-- Bill Cosby
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Those Schoolgirl Days of Telling Tales and Biting Nails." Answer below. --RoadDog
"To Sir With Love"
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
OK, All You Cub Fans, A Lot of Folks Out Here in Western Mo. and Eastern Ok., Could Care
As sad as you might be about the Cubs in all likelihood being eliminated tonight because of that horrific lack of hitting and sorry excuse for relief pitching, despite all the money they're paying to Davis, we have discovered one big truth out here on Route 66.
As far as the Cubs are concerned, there are many, many people here in eastern Oklahoma and western Missouri, who don't give a rat about the Cubs.
So sorry you gung-ho Cubbie fans.
Some Folks Just Don't Care. --RoadDog
66 on 66,
Chicago Cubs,
Route 66
Monday, October 16, 2017
A Trip Back Kind of Weekend-- Part 1: Boating, Dog 'B Suds and Concert in the Park
Took the boat out for a slow cruise around Mineola Bay in Fox Lake, then the west shore of Fox lake,through Kamikaze Alley and along the south shore of Nippersink Lake to Beer Can Bridge and then back.
Drove over to Dog 'N Suds in Ingleside and had those great Charcoburgers (2 for $3 and washed it down with a frosted glass mug of their great root beer and bought a couple Charcoburgers home to Liz. Dog 'N Suds still has curb service, a real trip back.
We then drove into McHenry and went to the PLAV for a couple cocktails before walking over to Veterans Park to see the band Miles Over Mountains (bluegrass/folk music). A really fine band to end the Concerts in the Park summer season.
Then back to the PLAV for a drink and then over to Sunnyside Tavern in Johnsburg for the Bears-Packers party (Thursday Night Football). The place was packed and the Bears were very very sad, and completely outclassed. We came home.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 13, 1967: "Hey Baby, They're Playing Our Song"
1.. THE LETTER-- Box Tops
2. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association
3. HOW CAN BE SURE-- Young Rascals
4. BROWN EYED GIRL-- Can Morrison
6. LITTLE OLE MAN-- Bill Cosby
7. LET OT OUT-- Hombres
8. GIMME LITTLE SIGN-- Brenton Wood
9. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vicki Carr
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "No Parking By the Sewer Sign, Hot Dog My Razor's Broke." Answer Below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You have a picture of your coffee mug on your coffee mug.
"Let It All Hang Out"
Thursday, October 12, 2017
JSIS: College Football-- That Pesky Soda Tax-- Fall Color
JSIS-- Just Some Interesting Stuff
1. COLLEGE FOOTBALL-- This was a shocker when Oregon State football coach Gary Anderson left the school by mutual agreement after a 1-5 start and 4-17 overall record AND he gave up the $12 million he had coming to him. That is refreshing when a college football coach (most of whom are really OVERPAID) leaves money on the table. I didn't think that was possible.
2. THAT PESKY SODA TAX-- Cook County, Illinois, (which includes Chicago) has dropped it one cent an ounce tax on all drinks that are sweetened (even diet drinks) which was put in to make children healthier. We all knew the REAL reason was to make money for the county. Good Riddance. Now, let's work on those safety Photo Enforced stoplights which really scare me.
3. FALL COLOR-- A few trees around here in northeast Illinois are starting to change, but most have not. Looking forward to that color.
Color me Fall. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You think being called a "drip" is a compliment.
Music Deaths: Ammon Tharp Beach Music
AMMON THARP Died September 22, 2017.
He was the original drummer with Bill Deal & the Rhondells, a great Beach Music band. Two of their songs hit the pop charts: "May I" (#39-1969), "I've Been Hurt" (#35-1969) and "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am" (#23-1969)
And I Really Love Beach Music.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Music Deaths: Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry and Rick Stevens
TROY GENTRY, 50 Died September 8, 2017
Killed in a helicopter crash. Was half of the country duo Montgomery Gentry who released six albums with more than twenty charted singles and ten Top Tens.
RICK STEVENS, 77 Died September 5, 2017.
Lead singer of Tower of Power. Sang lead for the group on "You're Still a Young Man."
Country Music,
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Music Deaths: Don Williams
DON WILLIAMS, 78 Died September 8, 2017
Country singer who crossed over to pop music. His "I Believe In You" went to #24 in 1980.
He had 17 #1 country hits and was a member of the Pozo-Seco Singers who had six songs go to the Top 100 in pop, including "I Can make It With You" (#32-1966) and "Look What You've Done" (#32 in 1967).
I have been listening to his Anthology CD and it is loaded with great country songs.
Country Music,
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017
Monday, October 9, 2017
Music Deaths: Walter Becker of Steely Dan
WALTER BECKER, 67. Died September 3, 2017
Guitarist ans bassist and co-founder of Steely Dan with Donald Fagan in 1972. One of my favorite groups and a whole lot of great albums, especially the songs that didn't make the charts.
Some of their big hits:
Do It Again (#6-1972)
Reeling In the Years (#11-1973) This song always reminds my of driving to and from student teaching at Maine West High School in Des Plaines, Illinois.
Rikki Don't Lose That Number (#4-1974)
"Peg" (#11-1978)
Hey Nineteen (#10-1981)
Music Deaths: Jerry Lewis
JERRY LEWIS , 91 Died August 20, 2017
Worked in Vaudeville, movies and stage (much of it with partner Dean martin) Had a Top ten hit with "Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With a Dixie Melody (#10-1956). Father of singer Gary Lewis of Gary Lewis & the Playboys.
Born Joseph Levitch in 1925.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 7: "Come Back When You Grow Up"
10. LET IT OUT-- Hombres #12 Their only hit for the Memphis foursome. The whole title "Let It Out (Let It All hang Out)" Gettin' down 'n dirty in '67.
9. APPLES, PEACHES & PUMPKIN PIE-- Jay & the Techniques #6
8. ODE TO BILLIE JOE-- Bobby Gentry #1
6. HEY BABY, THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG-- Buckinghams #12 WLS backing the local boys.
5. HOW CAN I BE SURE-- Young Rascals #4
4. BROWN EYED GIRL-- Van Morrison #10
3. LITTLE OLE MAN-- Bill Cosby #4
2. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association #2
1. THE LETTER-- Box Tops #1
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "The One We Used To Hear When We used To get Along." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Hey baby, They're Playing Our Song"
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 6: "Gimme Little Sign"
15. I MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF-- Frankie Valli #18. His follow up to #2 "Can't Take My Eyes Off You."
14. REFLECTIONS-- Diana Ross & the Supremes #2 They formed as the Primettes in 1959. This was their first song with Diana Ross out in front.
13. IT MUST BE HIM-- Vickie Carr #3 Biggest hit for Florencia Martinez Cardona.
12. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-- Turtles #12 Follow up to #3 "She'd Rather be With Me."
11. GIMME LITTLE SIGN-- Brenton Wood #9
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Some Girls Love To Run Around, Love To handle Everything They See." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your lips are permanentlt stuck in the sipping position.
"She'd Rather be With Me"
Friday, October 6, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 5: "People Are Strange"
20. PEOPLE ARE STRANGE-- Doors #12 Follow up to their #1 "People Are Strange."
19. ANYTHING GOES-- Harper's Bizarre #43 When "A glimpse of stocking was something shocking.".. Some real old-timey music.
18. WE LOVE YOU / DANDELION-- #50, #14 Follow up to #1 Ruby Tuesday / #55 "Let's Spend the Night Together."
17. TO SIR WITH LOVE-- Lulu #1 Her biggest hit. Born Marie Lawrie in Glasgow, Scotland. Maarried to Maurice Gibb (Bee Gees) from 1969-1973).
16. FUNKY BROADWAY-- Wilson Pickett #* The Pride and Joy of Prattville, Alabama. Got his start in Gospel Music.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Those Schoolgirl Days Of Telling Tales And Biting Nails Are Gone." Answer Below.
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You named your cats "Cream" and "Sugar."
"To Sir With Love"
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Music Deaths: Gary DeCarlo of Steam "Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye"
GARY DeCARLO, 75 Died June 28, 2017
Lead singer with Steam and co-wrote their huge hit "Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye)" (#1-1969) It was initially the "B" side of the record Gary, Paul Leka and Dale Frasheur were to release under the name Garret Scott on Mercury Records.
The record was released under the name Steam and when it got popular, a bogus group was sent out to support it on tour. The song sold 6 1/2-8 million copies and became a sports anthem, thanks to organist Nancy Faust of the Chicago White Sox.
"Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Goodbye," Said the Sox Fan. --RoadDog
Dead Page,
Music Deaths 2017,
Nancy Faust,
White Sox
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 4: "Purple Haze"
25. CHILD OF CLAY-- Jimmie Rodgers #31 All about that lousy parenting we had. His last Top 100. Had 25 Top 100s and in 1957-1958 had five Top Tens. His biggest hit was #1 "Honeycomb" in 1957.
24. HUSH-- Billy Joe Royal #52 From Georgia. The song was a #4 hit for Deep Purple in 1968, played quite a bit differently.
23. PURPLE HAZE-- Jimi Hendrix #65 His first hit of just seven Top 100s. His only Top 40 was "All Along the Watchtower" which went to #20 in 1968.
22. HIGHER AND HIGHER-- Jackie Wilson #6 "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher." His last Top Ten. Had 54 Top 100s from 1957 to 1972.
21. EXPRESSWAY TO YOUR HEART-- Soul Survivors #4 Their biggest hit. White soul band from New York City.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "So Keep It Up, Quench My Desire, And I'll Be At Your Side For Evermore." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You're offended when people use the term "brew" to mean beer.
"Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher"
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 3: "Your Precious Love"
30. THE RAIN, PARK & OTHER THINGS-- Cowsills #2 Their first hit. They also had a #2 in 1969 with "Hair."
29. SOUL MAN-- Sam and Dave #2 Their biggest hit. Sam Moore and David Prater.
28. YOUNGER GENERATION-- Janis Ian No rank.From the same album as "Society's Child." Born Janis Eddy Fink.
27. YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE-- Marvin Gaye and Mary Terrell (D) #5 One of four top tens for the duet. As fine a slow song as it gets.
26. GET ON UP-- Esquires #11 Their biggest hit of 3 Top 100s. From Milwaukee.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Comin' To Ya On a Dusty Road." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You go to sleep just so you can wake up and smell the coffee.
"Soul Man"
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 2: "You Keep Running Away"
35. ODE TO BILLY JOE-- Kingpins #28 Instrumental by King Curtis. He was born Curtis Ousley in Ft. Worth, Texas and did session work for a whole lot of folks on famous records.
34. TREAT HER GROOVY-- New Colony Six Not ranked. Soft rock Chicago group. That's WLS backing the local boys as usual.
33. NATURAL WOMAN-- Aretha Franklin #8 Actual title ("You make Me Feel Like") A She had 7 songs chart in 1967, including a #9, #1, #4, #8 and #2. Not bad, huh? Of course, I always remember the Murphy Brown" TV show with this one.
32. YOU'VE GOT TO PAY THE PRICE-- Al Kent #49 Born Al Hamilton in Detroit in 1937. This song is played a lot on 'Fessa John Hook's Beach Music shows.
31. YOU KEEP RUNNING AWAY-- Four Tops #19 Detroit R&B group, but you knew that. Not one of their better-known songs, but a classic, of course.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): " Looking Out In the Morning Rain, I Used To Feel So Uninspired." Answer below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You'd be willing to spend time in a Turkish prison for some.
"Natural Woman"
Monday, October 2, 2017
WLS Top 40 for October 6, 1967-- Part 1: "Next Plane to London"
Just 50 little old years ago. (D) Debut. The number after the performer is how high the song got on Billboard's Hot 100.
40. IT'S YOU THAT I NEED-- Temptations #14 Full title (Loneliness Made Me Realize) From the album "With a Lot of Soul." No kidding.
39. NEXT PLANE O LONDON-- Rose Garden (D) #17 The only hit by the West Virginia quintet, but a good one.
38. I CAN'T HAPPEN WITHOUT YOU-- Power Plant (D) Did not rank on Billboard, but good song. Lead singer was Freddy May who then went on to record a solo song for RCA Victory before becoming and executive with the company. Lots of horns in the song.
37. THE LAST WALTZ-- Engelbert Humperdink #25 A great slow-dancing song. And, you could even waltz to it.
36. INCENSE AND PEPPERMINTS-- Strawberry Alarm Clock #1 West Coast psychedelic sextet. Definitely psychedelic.
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "Good Sense, Innocence, Cripplin' Mankind." Answer Below. --RoadDog
"Incense and Peppermints"
A Football Kind of Weekend-- Part 4: Hurricanes, Sorry Bears and Bars
Rock and Roll Roots was "Trying to Reason With Hurricane Season" today because of Harvey and Irma. Of course, there was the Jimmy Buffett song of the same name as well as "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan and "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix. There were a total of 17 songs.
Got out FP and OD.
Drove over to Squaw Bar to meet the Usual Suspects for the Bears game, but the Bears were so vad, we left in the third quarter. We went to Sunnyside to see the end of it, but they were so crowded we went to Sticky's and were able to sit at the bar and talk about how bad Da Bears are with some informed folks.
After the game, we went back to Sunnyside
Came home for some me FP (Front Porch) and watched the excellent first part of Ken Burns'"The Vietnam War." That war certainly had an impact on me.
Rock and Roll Roots was "Trying to Reason With Hurricane Season" today because of Harvey and Irma. Of course, there was the Jimmy Buffett song of the same name as well as "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan and "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix. There were a total of 17 songs.
Got out FP and OD.
Drove over to Squaw Bar to meet the Usual Suspects for the Bears game, but the Bears were so vad, we left in the third quarter. We went to Sunnyside to see the end of it, but they were so crowded we went to Sticky's and were able to sit at the bar and talk about how bad Da Bears are with some informed folks.
After the game, we went back to Sunnyside
Came home for some me FP (Front Porch) and watched the excellent first part of Ken Burns'"The Vietnam War." That war certainly had an impact on me.
Chicago Bears,
Good Times in the Area,
Usual Suspects
A Football Kind of Weekend-- Part 3: NIU Beats Nebraska!!! Two Bands, Three Bars
I came home to find Liz watching TV and quite anxious as our school, Northern Illinois had actually given Nebraska a good football game and had been up 14 to 0 thanks to two interceptions run back for TDs, but Nebraska had stormed back to a 17-14 lead. There was still time to go in the game so I watched it. And Northern scored another touchdown and held on to win 21-17. That is a huge game for us. We've only played Nebraska two other times and were blown out.
Huskie Fever!!! Put our Huskie gear on and the NIU banners up outside the house.
We then went to Thirsty Turtle in Antioch on Channel Lake and sat out on the deck and enjoyed the band for a set and then we went over to Chopper's on the same lake and sat out on the deck and enjoyed the solo performer there as well.
Nothing like sitting outside on a deck on a perfect summer-type day and seeing bands on the Chain. Like I said, why go anywhere else.
Last stop was at Sunnyside for a night cap.
This was one really busy day for me.
Like I Said, Good Times Around Here. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: Your birthday is a national holiday.. IN BRAZIL!!
Chain of Lakes,
Channel Lake,
Good Times in the Area,
NIU Football
Sunday, October 1, 2017
A Football Kind of Weekend-- Part 2: A Homecoming Parade, Historical Society Meeting and Civil War Re-Enactment
I drove over to the Grant High School (Fox Lake) homecoming parade. I love a parade, and this one had two marching bands and a Class of 1967 float, just two years ahead of me.
Then I went to the Fox Lake/Grant Township Area Historical Society meeting at the Grant Hall Museum in Ingleside where we learned about the huge commercial fishing operations for carp that took place at one time in the Chain of Lakes.
Next stop was in Hainesville where they were having their Second Annual Civil War Re=Enactment. I got to talk with our Sons of Confederates affiliates in a Tennessee group, my old friend Bob Dawson who was portraying Elijah Haines, who is the founder of Hainesville as well as interesting talks by U.S. Grant and Jefferson Davis.
Stopped at Taco Bell in Fox Lake on the way home for their excellent Baja fish taco (99 cents) and spicy tostada ($1) and free senior drink. A real hard deal to beat.
Parades, History, Civil War. I Can Live With That. --RoadDog
A Football Kind of Weekend-- Part 1: A Statue, a Boat and a High School Football Game
The usual internet blog posting and FP, Flats and OD (my outside areas).
I drove over McHenry, Illinois, to Meijer and found that they still had cassette tapes so bought a couple 5-pack bricks ($5.49) I still record on them as it is my preferred way to record. I then went to the Big R store where I had seen a really neat statue of an American soldier kneeling by a cross with his head down yesterday, but they didn't yet have a price on it and couldn't find the cost.
It was $42 and I bought it. Not sure where I am going to put it right now, but I do know I will put a small American flag by it. My way of saying thanks to all service members who put their lives on the line so we can live as we do.
I went boating and then to the Richmond-Burlington Central football game. Where else you want to be on a warm Friday night (though I still wish high school games were played on Saturday afternoons as they were when I was back in school).
A much better game than the one last week at Johnsburg which we lost. I pull for Johnsburg unless they play Richmond-Burton where I send a real lot of money for property taxes. Some confusion as they were also called the Rockets. We won 38-10.
Friday, September 29, 2017
WLS Top Ten for September 29, 1967: ""Brown Eyed Girl"
1. THE LETTER-- Box Tops
2. NEVER MY LOVE-- Association
3. LITTLE OLD MAN-- Bill Cosby
4. REFLECTIONS-- Diana Ross & the Supremes
5. BROWN EYED GIRL-- Van Morrison
7. ODE TO BILLY JOE-- Bobbie Gentry
8. APPLES, PEACHES & PUMPKIN PIE-- Jay & the Techniques
10. I MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF-- Frankie Valli
Name That tune (from above songs): "Ready or Not, here I Come, Gee That used To be So Much Fun." Answer Below. --RoadDog
MORE COFFEE SIGNS: You want to be cremated so you can spend eternity in a coffee can.
"Apples, Peaches & Pumpkin Pie"
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Going Back to Summer 1977-- Part 12: "Closer to the Heart"
Closing out one really fine summer. Thanks Uncle Bob doe another trip down memory lane.
BARRACUDA-- Heart I have to wonder how many greatest hits compilations they have. Sure is a lot.
GRAND ILLUSION-- Styx Was there better Stadium Rock?
DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT-- Thin Lizzy It's a wonder they didn't have more hits.
HANDY MAN-- James Taylor Doing an old Jimmy Jones classic. A real new groove to it.
TUESDAY AFTERNOON-- Moody Blues A live album cut of an older song.
YOU AND ME-- Alice Cooper Who says the Alice can't be sweet?
RIDIN' THE STORM OUT-- REO Speedwagon Bar none, that sound at the beginning of this song is one of the best rock has ever had.
I'M IN YOU-- Peter Frampton Proving that he can do more than just "LIVE."
SHE DID IT-- Eric Carmen To be raspberry or not. That is the question.
DREAMS-- Fleetwood Mac
Name That Tune (from the above songs): "And I'm Not Missin' a Thing Watchin' the Full Moon Crossin' the Range." Answer below. --RoadDog
"Ridin' the Storm Out"
Chicago Radio,
Rock and Roll Roots,
Summer 1977,
Summer Songs,
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
JSS: Hot, Then More Hot-- No Rain-- CBS New Shows-- Vietnam War
JSS-- Just Some Stuff.
1. HOT, THEN MORE HOT-- All last week and so far this week, it has been mighty hot around here, breaking the 90 degree level, not the heat index anyway. So hot, I haven't been out on the boat since Wednesday. Supposed to cool down, though, starting tomorrow.
And, when I get out-hotted, you know it is really hot. Gives new meaning to the old song "Hot, Hot, Hot" And that Third World Song "Ninety-six degrees in the shade, real hot in the shade."
2. NO RAIN-- In addition to the the extreme hot, we haven't had any rain for quite a few weeks. I have not cut the grass in three weeks now and still don't need to do so. I am quite tired of watering the flowers every day. And, I have a lot of flowers. I am keeping the grass over the septic fields watered as when that dies, it is REALLY hard to get it back. I'm guessing those two hurricanes kind of sucked all the precipitation out of the atmosphere.
3. CBS NEW SHOWS-- Monday night I watched the first two hours of the new CBS season. The four comedies, including the two new ones were great: Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Kevin Can Wait and Me, Myself & I. bringing back Kevin James' wife from "King of Queens" was a good move. And the two new comedies show a weal lot of promise.
4. VIETNAM WAR-- Still enjoying the Vietnam War series on PBS. Another job well-done. I especially like it because it gives the other side's story as well.
Just Some Stuff. --RoadDog
Just Some Stuff,
The Yard,
Vietnam War,
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Shouldn't Have Gone to That Car Show: A '67 Firebird for Sale!!
Yesterday, Monday, September 25, I went over to the final Green Street Car Show in downtown McHenry, Illinois, as the featured cars were Pontiacs, which remains my all-time favorite vehicle. I have had a '67 Tempest, '67 Firebird convertible, '85 Firebird and two Grand Ams.
My all-time favorite car remains the Firebird, but since Firebirds were phased out and later the whole Pontiac line, I was thinking of getting a Corvette for my next middle (older) age crisis car, until they came out with the new Camaros. Everyone called the 1967 Firebird a middle age crisis car back in 1987 when I bought it.
But, yesterday, I came across a '67 Firebird that was for sale. It is not in perfect shape, but definitely good enough for me and a whole lot better shape than the '85 Firebird which we (well, I) still have. It has a 400 engine and the price is right at $10,000. Though, it had an 8-track player and I would have to do something to get a cassette/CD player and FM radio.
We have four vehicles right now: '85 Firebird, 2003 Malibu, 2005 Dodge Dakota and 2011 Malibu. I don't need another vehicle so would have to sell one, maybe two. All of these we've had since brand new. We paid cash for all of them as well.
But, I am seriously considering it, but trying to come up with reasons not to buy it.
Somebody Help Me. --RoadDog
'67 Firebird,
car shows,
Grand Ams,
My '85 Firebird,
Pontiac Cars
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