Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Every Blooming Thing: Those Great Japanese Lilac Trees

Just when you thought lilac bloom season was over, along comes the blooms of the Japanese tree lilac which goes to make the other Japanese yard import, those rotten beetles, somewhat more bearable.

Every morning these days, I get delayed for at least five minutes while I look out the bedroom window at the gorgeous specimen we have blooming that striking white. Just can't get enough of it.

The regular lilacs and Miss Kims have long since lost their blooms, but now we get one last blast. And...I have one more Japanese tree lilac out by the arboretum which is just now getting buds, so I'll have another couple of weeks of enjoyment, but now it will be from the deck.

A Welcome Addition to the Yard. --RoadDog

LIVING NEAR CHICAGO...Parking elsewhere could cost you $2500 in damages. Plus, if you don't get damage, there is always the chance of real expensive parking tickets or, even worse, towing. Those Lincoln Park Pirates are still out there, right, Steve Goodman?

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