Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Sixth Year of "Re-taarrdment"

The Round Lake teachers went back to school today, officially starting my sixth year of retirement!! Hard to believe I've had five full years already. Where does the time go.

I thought the last ten years of teaching went fast, but the last five since I retired in 2006 REALLY flew by.

A newly retired Round Lake teacher has put together a little gathering of other "retarred" Round Lakers at El Puerto for noon. We'll be there. Good to see old faces.

I Highly Recommend It. --RoadDog

UNIVERSAL TRUTH: I'm always slightly terrified when I exit Word and it asks me if I want to make any changes to my ten-page research paper. What if I accidentally hit delete? (You didn't have to worry about that with a typewriter.)

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