Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Out From the Blown Call Monday Night: Walker Reverses Himself

Well, everywhere we go, that horrible call to end the Seahawk-Packer game is a topic of conversation.  I ran into no one who thought it was a correct one and all calls for the return of the regular NFL refs.  Also a big topic on the sports shows.

Then, the NFL upheld the call.  Of course, what could they do?  They were the ones locking the regular refs out and had hired the scabs, er, replacements.

In what had to be the strangest turn of events, Wisconsin governor (Green Bay is in Wisconsin) Scott Walker called for the end of the strike and bringing back the "UNIONIZED" NFL referees.  Now, that is a huge turn-around.  Scott, the Only Good Union Person is One Not getting Paid a Decent Wage, Walker is well-known for his Union bashing and hatred.  But yet, there he was calling for the return of Unionized people.  Guess he is more of a Packer fan than Union-hater.

And, then, yesterday, we got the news that the NFL referees will be back.  I wonder why?  What could have happened to change the NFL's mind?

Well, at least one good thing came from all that mess Monday night.

Welcome Back.  --RoadDog

WHICH CAME FIRST  Put them in order:

Carcker Jacks, Graham Crackers, Pretzels, Potato Chips.

Answer tomorrow.

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