Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

2024 Movie Scratches: Dune-- Lisa-- Bad-- Marley

Movies I saw at the theater.

13.  DUNE--2-12--  Fox Lake--  $5--  Very confusing sci-fi movie, but I hadn't seen this when it came out and now part 2 is coming.

14.  LISA FRANKENSTEIN--  2-20--  Fox Lake--  $5--  A love story of a different sort.  A misfit girl falls for a dead beau from the 1800s and Bobbetized a guy.

15.  LAND OF BAD--  2-20--  Fox Lake--  $5--  All the action and high yech you could ever want.  Lots of folks got killed.

16.  BOB MARLEY:  ONE LOVE--  2-27--  Woodstock--  $6--  Great story, and of course, all that great reggae music.


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