Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

10 Iconic Low Budget Horror Films-- Part 2:

5.  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre   (1974)  Made for $60,000

4.  Evil Dead   (1981)  Made for $375,000

3.  Halloween  (1978)  Made for $325,000  Madeover $70 million

2.  Paranormal Activity  (2007)   Made for $15,000   Made over $200 million

1.  The Blair Witch Project  (1999)  Made for $60,000   Made over $249 million

Don't sit next to Wendy at a horror movie, especually "Halloween."

Like, BOO!!  --CootScared

THINGS TO PONDER:  If the poison expiration date  is past, does that mean  its less or more poisonous?

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