Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall TV Shows in Trouble?

The new TV season has just been underway just a week now, and experts are saying several of the new shows are already in trouble.

I've the ones I've seen, the most surprising one on the list is CBS' "Vegas."  I saw it and liked it a lot, so hope they give it time.

Two others I would have to give a question mark, however, both on NBC "Guys With Kids" and "Animal Practice."  I like the idea for the first  one and liked the cast on the second one, other than WAY TOO MUCH MONKEY!  Hey, a little monkey goes a long way.

I didn't see "The Neighbors" on ABC, but aliens living in the suburbs could be a good concept.  What was that old SNL skit?

I turned "Partners" off part way through it.  Why do the networks think we want to see so much gay stuff?

Watching WAY TOO MUCH TV.  --RoadDog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Vegas" might go the distance. It seems like a new aged "Texas Ranger" mixed with a bit of "Boardwalk Empire". Dennis Quaid plays a really good role and a Sheriff/Rancher that’s trying to keep the people of his community safe, and maintain his way of life as a rancher. I recommended all of my TV fanatics’ the Hopper because of its Primetime Anytime feature. I work for DISH and I can tell you that the PTAT feature on the Hopper automatically records all of my prime time shows that come on CBS, NBC, FOX and ABC everyday in HD.