Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cruising McHenry

Earlier today, I went to McHenry, hitting the various stores looking for flowers and perennials.  I figure that now that I will be here awhile, I can go ahead and start planting.

I bought dianthus, hostas, wave petunias, caladiums, an Asiatic lily, blanket flowers, sedum and two blue flower perennials (delphinums?) I can't remember the name of right now.

***  Don't parents with kids look before crossing streets by the stores any more?  I saw two different adults walk in front of me without ever looking.  That is very trusting of them, but mighty stupid.  One was even carrying a baby.  Thank goodness I was watching out for them.

***  Wandering around Meijer's, I found cassette tapes for sale!!!  I thought they had dropped them as have most every other store except Walgreen's.  And, their five-pack bricks are just $4.67 (Walgreen's charges $7.99).  Well, I just had to buy two packs.

***  Going through the Wal-Mart $5 CD bin (that's right, I still buy CDs), I found two Doors albums: The Soft Parade and Morrison Hotel and bought them.  The Soft Parade especially reminds me of Lincoln Hall at NIU back freshman year, 1969-70.

**   I was shocked at checkout at Meijer's in the nursery section when the clerk, a guy I'd guess to be in his mid-twenties, said he was glad to see someone still buying cassette tapes and that he prefers to record on them to downloading like all the young folk do (and a lot of old folk as well).  You might say that made my day as it gets mighty lonely being the only one I know of still using cassttes.

***  While looking at some plants at Meijer's, I felt something whoosh by my head and then a plop.  I looked down at the concrete floor to see a baby bird which must have fallen out of its nest about twenty feet above me.  It was barely breathing.  I told the cassette clerk about it and by the time I got back, that little bird had righted itself and was moving around.  It had just gotten some of its feathers so its life prognosis isn't very good, but I'm pulling for it.

A Day Out Shopping.  --RoadDog

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