Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gas Protest Gets Indiana Man Arrested

I'm sure we'll be hearing these stories a lot in the coming weeks as Big Oil continues its inexorible march to hat $4 a gallon price.

Jay Weinberg performed his song "Price Gouge'n" on the roof of an Indiana service station and got arrested for his efforts. He did this May 5th with Obama and Clinton campaigning nearby. His song can be downloaded for 39 cents and it has been picked up by several Chicagoland radio stations.

Good song and you can see on You Tube.

The refrains goes "Price gouging so ? who's jacking up the cost of fuel. I can't afford it, I'm banging on my dashboard, I can't believe they thik I'm a fool."

I listened to it several times, but can't figure out that one bit around where the question mark is.

This Guy Really Impressed the Angry Horny Toad. --RoadDog

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