Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Crummy Day

I'm about tempted to put the boat up for the season. Absolutely crummy day today. I did manage to get the perennials I bought yesterday at Home Depot planted. The longer they're in the ground, the better chance of developing a root system so they can survive the winter.

Raining in the morning, then overcast and threatening most of the day when it was not raining.

I went to the Fox Lake Theatre and saw a hilarious movie called "Invention of Lying" about a world where everyone always tells the absolute truth all the time until one guy learns how to lie. It was a bit of a spoof on religion and one of the most refreshing comedies I've seen this year. I was actually chuckling out loud, something I don't usually do.

Then went to Donovan's in Twin Lakes and played NTN-Buzztime, We had about seven straight Top Twenties and even one #1 until they started the repeat games and we got creamed. Very hard to play those who have obviously already played the game. I wish they'd lower the players plus points on the repeat games so at least we could get something as we sure aren't going to do a Top Twenty.

The last game we played, none of us broke 6,000 and got 300 points. The lowest individual Top Twenty was 9700. Obviously, a "seen" game.

Come On NTN, Shape Up. --RoadDog

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