Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

No More NTN at Donovan's Reef

I have to admit that we had kind of been expecting it for quite some time, but yesterday when we went to Donovan's Reef in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, we found out that the owners were going to drop NTN, National Trivia Network, also called Buzztime.

We have been playing NTN there since at  least 1994 and really putting the place on the NTN Top Twenty Board.  We've had people from all over the U.S. visit because they say they've seen us on the rankings so many times.

We generally go there once a week to play and have noticed that fewer and fewer people are playing.  Most of the regulars completely ignore the game.

With it costing $450 a month for ten boards, that is a lot of money being spent for little return, so I am not surprised.

Barb says they will keep it until some friends we met in Myrtle Beach come a visit in early August.

The last seven years or so, the people running NTN have done one thing after another to anger me and try to attract a different group of players, so I have grown disenchanted with it so this will not cause me to miss it as much.

Things Change.  --RoadDog

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