Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bringing the Plants In: Fun With the Dragon

It just made my night yesterday, to have to move in all my over-winter plants from the front porch and back deck because of a frost advisory. I had to do this after getting back from NIU homecoming yesterday (at 9 PM, after "The Walking Dead"). I wasn't much in the mood, but knew I would have to do the move, if not last night, then sometime this week as that lousy winter is approaching.

And, I have had most of those over-winter plants a long time. We've had Dragon Plant (as we call it) at least 28 years and the hibiscus plants are 18 years old.

Moving wasn't bad except for one of the hibiscus which is in a real heavy pot and, of course, dear old Dragon Plant (so-named because its leaves are pretty sharp at the ends and, it is a really big old plant now).

One stem stands about seven feet and it is probably five feet across on one section. That kept me quite busy maneuvering it to fit it in the door. I was wearing safety glasses so didn't get poked in the eye, thankfully.

Here, Nice Dragon. Here, Nice Dragon. --RoadDog

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