Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Ex-Beatle Still Rockin' Them, Paul McCartney-- Part 2

As I sit here listening to Paul's new song "New" being played on Chicago's WXRT at 7:59 AM. Terri Hemmert would be so proud. I've heard this song several times on her Sunday morning show Breakfast With the Beatles already. A great song.

These are songs he played this past summer in Milwaukee.

#7. MY VALENTINE-- Old-fashioned pop standard dedicated to new wife, Nancy Shevell, who was in the audience. It is the set's newest song by 30 years.
#8. NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE (One of my favorite, underrated Paul songs. And, when it came out, 1985 seemed such a long-long way away.)

#9. THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD-- (This and "Let It Be" are my two Paul-gag songs.)
#10. MAYBE I'M AMAZED-- I think I've figured out part of why McCartney's voice sounds so much better here than in recent TV appearances: On TV his voice is mixed way up, and you hear every crack and strain. Here he's belting over loud background vocals so you feel the passion without scrutinizing every vocal detail. (I had definitely noticed how "bad" the voice sounded on TV.)


#13. ANOTHER DAY-- McCartney said this 1971 song was making its live debut, but he had sung it several times in 1993. It is one of his early songs derided by Lennon as lightweight (in his "How Do You Sleep") But, it holds up. (And, is one of my favorites by him.)

It's Just Another Day, Chi-Chi-Chi Chi. --RoadDog

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