Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

JSIS: 30%-- 49 Cents-- Cell Phones-- No Smoking-- Chocolate

JSIS-- Just Some Interesting Stuff From the Oct. 7, 2013, Time Magazine.

1. 30%-- Calorie loss on Burger King's new fries. I'll probably blow it on their new Johnsonville brats.

2. 49 CENTS-- After 3 cent increase on stamps in January. Start stocking up on those Forever Stamps.

3. CELL PHONES-- Apple sold 9 million of their new iPhones in first three days. The iOS7 phone promised waterproofing with a special update. Some users ruined their phones.

Zero- how many of those new iPhoines I bought.

4.  NO SMOKING-- The president gave his reason for not smoking in probably six years, "I'm scared of my wife." Me too.

5.  CHOCOLATE-- Cost of a kg of chocolate (How much, in pounds or ounces, does a kilogram weigh?) up 45% since 2007, at $12.25, highest price ever.


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