Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Wedding in Savannah

AUGUST 25TH:  I had breakfast with the family, starting with Andy, Andrea and kids, then Bob, Mom,Mary and Vicki.  Hard to beat those Holiday Inn Express hot breakfasts.  It was a real family reunion and one of the rare times everyone was together during the wedding.

It started raining and raining so we were stuck in the room and started catching up with blogs and watching huge container ships go by.

Drove out to the Isle of Hope Methodist Church for the wedding, which featured a black choir which was very impressive.

Back to the hotel and then caught a private trolley to the wedding reception near the famous Pirates's House.  They had an excellent band. but it started as soon as the wedding party arrived and played throughout the whole time, making it fairly impossible to talk.   We ended up outside with Andy, Andrea  and kids and eventually Bob.

Another, much worse, thunder storm that just about blew the auxiliary tent over came through.

When the band stopped, we went back to the hotel, changed and then went to Churchill's again.


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