Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NTN/Buzztime First Quarter Statement

As a person who spends WAY TOO MUCH TIME playing NTN/Buzztime, I am interested in how the home office is doing.

They released their first quarter statement a short time ago.

Of interest to me, the net site count grew by eighteen and they reduced payroll by $700,000 while revenues declined almost a million, $986,000, 14% to $6.2 million.

They say they're aggressively moving into high traffic locations in the top 30 designated market areas. Whatever that means?

There were 3,777 sites on March 31st, the end of first quarter, as opposed to 3,746 December 31, 2008. That's 31 additional sites, not 18.

All in all, not very good, but at least there are more sites. However, I have noticed that the number of players during the afternoon is down, normally around 3,000 to 4,000. Perhaps return all Countdowns and even the old Wipe Out during that time would help.

It's the Economy As Well, You Know. --RoadDog

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