Listen to this man. Seven years of college, you know. Trying to reason with 2020 and, now, 2022.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden is Dead!!!

Turns out, the biggest coward and best hidey-cat in history has been "hiding in plain sight" within a mile of a major military base some 90 miles from the capital in Pakistan. Yesterday, US military special ops finally brought him to justice.

Osama bin Laden was killed. Watching TV right now at 10:36 am. His body was buried at sea and DNA tests have proven that the body was of the mass murderer.

We were here in Springfield, Illinois. last night having a few brews at the Curve Inn, an old (1930s) Route 66 roadhouse we like to visit whenever in town. The music was loud, beer cold and the usual characters in house.

All TVs were on games. We were watching the Phillies-Mets game when the bartender changed it to CNN. No sound, but there was a sign that Obama was going to make an announcement from the White House. This would have to be something mighty important to be this late.

Eventually, the words that bin Laden had been killed flashed along the bottom of the screen. It took a moment to sink in. We yelled out that bin Laden was dead (as most weren't watching.) Immediately, the bar broke out in cheers and many toasts made.

The bartender turned off the jukebox, turned up the sound on the TV and everyone began watching and cheering. Smles all around.

We went back to the motel where we saw President Obama make the announcement then stayed up way too late watching breaking news. We saw the crowd grow from just a few to hundreds outside the White House.

Great News.

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